
1 - Old Statue In The Moldy Biology Lab


An immature sneeze echoed about the dark hallways. The immaculate light of a full moon revealed the silhouette of a young man, which is me. The willful breeze kept passing through my body, taking away the little heat that was left. It was night, of course it'd be this cold, so normally I would be wearing thick clothing such as my school's uniform.

'But no– that vixen Melia'

The image of a cute girl that could smile even after stabbing a dagger into your heart, that was Melia. Such a psychopath, I wouldn't have associated with her if she weren't friends with Julia.

But no, she's actually an old friend of mine, someone that I've shared snot and snacks with. However, back then, she was a reserved, angelic and graceful little girl. The old Melia would never put a friend in an obviously dangerous situation that involves wearing pajamas and trespassing into the old physics lab at night.

'She's now a demon.'

Remembering how she twisted my words to her advantage and used the one girl I love to trap me, I could only sigh.

'...Let's just accept my fate.'

The old physics lab hasn't been used for a long time. Evidence of this fact is that the doorknob and the joints of the door had a smudge of rust.

I carefully opened the door, and every bit of movement threatened the door to give in. Once the opening was big enough, I still kept my hold on the door as I made it inside. Just as slowly and surely as before, I closed the door.

I gave myself a long, satisfying breath of relief. I flipped my flashlight on and the moldy interior of the room was revealed.

'Hmm. So this is the old biology lab.'

Time showed no mercy leaving marks on the cabinets and walls. The tiles on the floor are cracked. The windows are boarded and the light switches won't work.

Still, even if I wasn't a horror aficionado, I know that the only scary element here is the oozing fear from the darkness that veils beneath unspeakable creatures. But even that is combated by my trusty flashlight. There wasn't even a life-sized human anatomy model, no strange dissected animal organs stored in weirdly shaped containers. None, nothing at all.

'So, why?'

If Melia wanted to scare me to death, there were a lot of places in Aucopper that are more horrifying than this. Besides, those places are complete with an equally beguiling back story whereas the only news I heard about the old biology lab was how a frog leaped into the chest of the teacher. That teacher was a man though.

I completely forgot to mention this but Melia also asked me to bring a bunch of junk food, carbonated drinks, candy, crayons and a blank A4 paper. She was strangely specific and stressed that I must bring them with me.

I still feel the shivers when she casted that foxy smile at me.

'But what did she say again, something about I'll know.'

I scratched my head in frustration. Why did she have to be so cryptic about it.


I jumped in fright and made haste to hide behind anything that could hide me. I had no time to process what was the source and cause of that sound. All I know was, that I COULD POSSIBLY DIE.

I held my bated breaths, and hoped that whatever it is, it can't hear the rapid beating inside my chest neither smell the flood of sweat drenching my back. A few seconds felt like a grueling hour at Aunt Ann's, and the darkness provide no comfort whatsoever.

I waited and waited.

'... Nothing's happening. I'm alive.'

But fear still gripped my nerves, I couldn't lose focus even if I wanted to.

'Melia, did you know this would happen?'

If all she wanted was to scare me, she should be proud and loud. However, I still had a tiny bit of pride left in me, the undying will of being a Willow cycles throughout my veins.

'I won't let you have a complete victory!"

I chugged my fear like bear and gathered every bit of strength left. I didn't want to waste anymore time, so I thrust myself into the open, ready to embrace the menace that will rip me into sheds.

'At least I know why I died– what?'

The door was lying on the floor and atop of it was a small shadow of a child. Before fear could creep in again, an immaculate light revealed a wooden statue covered in cobwebs and dust. But plastered on its face was a crafty smile that somehow reminded me of Melia.

Another chap. Hope you'll enjoy. Again, no edit.

MJWDcreators' thoughts