
Bitujiri High Episode 1

1. In the village of Chimera there lived a farmer and his wife who were poor. The wife, Missouri Carlton worked as a maid at morning and as a waitress at night at the Monroe Cafe. One day , Missouri gave birth to two beautiful daughters called Kimche Yuuki and Kyouko Yuuki

2. The couple were very poor so they could hardly afford anything , so at the age of 11 Kimche and Kyouko made a small stand where they would sell stuff from the farms and sweets from the Monroe Cafe that the mom gets for free. They would earn about 14 Mislours each day.

3. Haruhi Yuuki , the father, would always put their daughters first and try to buy what they requested .One day, Haruhi realized that the soil was getting a bit dry, and no plants have grown in the past 2 months. So Mizzou, their bigger sister at the age of 17 decided to move out with the girls. The parents were super worried that something would go wrong so they decided to come along

4. They train ride was 5 Mislours for age 1-10 , 7 Mislours for age 11-20 and 10 Mislours for age 21-29. In all they payed about 50 Mislours. After the ride, they arrived at Bitujiri City. Kyouko was super excited but Kimche felt super uncomfortable in the city

5. Haruhi said to them "Girls, your mom and I will have to find new jobs since we moved." Mizzou wanted to help so she decided to work as a street performer

6. ..... Kimche and Kyouko got into school . They were super excited but they made the biggest mistake yet.....

7. "WATCH WHERE YOU ARE GOING!!!!!" shouted Misaki Taiga , the most popular girl in school. Poor Kyouko, she felt super embarrased but as usual, Kimche didnt care. "Im so sorry" said Kyouko. Misaki just walked off leaving her in embarrassment .*BELL RINGS*. "I'll go to class now" said Kimche. Kimche went into her class, meanwhile her dear sister was struggling to find her classes.

8. Finally , after 2 minutes she found her class. She ran down the hallways to get to her class. She bursted into the class , lucky for her the lesson was just starting. "Ah, so your here, I would like you guys to stand and introduce yourselves to your new classmate." Said the teacher.

9. "Hi I'm Mizuno Skipper and I love to draw." ....."Hi I'm Vinyl Dorset and I like to read :3."..."Hi I'm Starry Foster and I like to dance."...ETC

10. Once everyone introduced themselves, Kyouko introduced herself too and took a seat. She sat beside Haruki Tesaro, the bad boy in school. During the maths section, Haruki fell asleep. "Hey, wake up. " whispered Kyouko. Haruki woke up and gave her a death glare. *BELL RINGS*.

11. In recess, Kyouki and Kimche met up and Kimche introduced her sister to Kuronuma, her new friend. "Hi there I'm Kuronuma" she said. "Hi I'm Kyouko." Kyouki replied. *BOOM* The girls rushed to the place of the noice. Haruki and Tsonga were fighting. Kosik broke them up but Tsonga was badly injured.

12. Kyouki rushed to Haruki trying to help him, but he denied her help. Kyouki didnt want to take the no so she helped him to the nurse anyways. After the treatment Haruki was back on his feet. "...th-a-anks I guess...." mumbled Haku. Kyouki giggled and blushed at the same time. "No problem!" Kyouki replied

13. Misaki and her friends overheard the conversation. "OMG! He never says thank you" said Kojima. "UGH!" shouted Misaki. The girls felt awfully jealous and decided to get revenge. Misaki made out the plan and they all agreed .

14. When school was over Kyouki was at the gate waiting for her dad to come pick her up. Then suddenly something hit her in the back of her head. Kyouki fell unconscious. When she woke up she was in some sort of basement."WHERE AM I!" shouted Kyouki. Suddenly she heard footsteps coming from a small door about 2 meters in front of her. She heard a boys voice "Well well well look what the cat dragged in"....The person came closer to her...IT WAS

15. Tomi,her ex.Thanks for bringing her here Misaki. "Np boo" said Misaki. "So I see you moved on and im happy for you so can you please let me go" said Kyouki. "Oh not so fast dear" said Tomi touching her face gently. "Your not going anywhere" Tomi said.

16. It has been 1 week since Kyouki went missing and her parents were getting worried. Meanwhile Kyouki was getting abused by her dad.

17. T.B.C.