
'E: Doubt 3'

After saying that, she smiled again.



After the short smile, Reign formed a frown expression on her face. "He was running at that time then, he bumped with me. I don't remember what exactly he said but, his bright smile and warm touch when he helped was still so vivid."

Amber's brows furrowed while waiting for Harry. He just called her out of nowhere without telling her the reason. Now, she was just sitting on an elegant chair while sipping her juice.

She was waiting for almost an hour in a not so crowded restaurant. They agreed to eat lunch together but, it was almost past 12, Harry hadn't arrived yet.

Amber was about to message him but, she stopped when he heard his gasping— she looked in his direction.

"I'm sorry, I'm late. I was caught in a traffic jam," Harry said when he sat across from her.

"It's okay," Amber responded and handed him a tissue. "You're sweaty. Did you run?"