
Bitter Unforgiving Pain

That's the thing about books. They let you travel without moving your feet. - Jhumpa Lahiri This is the unique story of Billie Bleeker A tale of courage, friendship, what family really means and a lot more This book will make you want to keep on reading and reading and wanting more and more This is Bitter Unforgiving Pain and Billie herself is telling her story .......................................................................... My mother was on the floor lying as still as a stick. I quickly rushed towards her. There was a gash in the middle of her forehead where blood was gushing out like water gushing from a waterfall. At that moment my mind went blank. I didn't know what to do. So I sat down on the floor beside my mother. I put her head in my lap and started running my hands through her hair. Her dark hair so similar to mines felt like silk as I was running my hand through it. I held my hand to the gash, but no matter the pressure I applied the blood still gushed between my fingers and oozed under my hands. Excited to read yet?? If you are jump in and join Billie on her adventure

EZENWA23 · Teen
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12 Chs

Chapter Ten: "We're almost here"

" How much longer?"

No response

" Tamika how much longer?"

No response

Is she ignoring me on purpose?

We had left Rosie's house at around 9 am. But woke up at 4 pm to begin to pack our supplies. By 6 am the autumn sun rose in a hurry as if trying to make up for setting too early the evening before by 4 pm, blooming into the pale sky with a warm glow, sending what was left of the moon packing until its next shift guarding the night.

By mid-morning the sky was a brilliant baby blue. As the morning developed the sound of young birds filled the air: chirping, tweeting and warbling incessantly.

I watched longingly as Rosie reluctantly hugged Tamika goodbye

I guess she was still mad

I wonder what Tamika said to convince Rosie to let her come with me

As I turned around and bent down to pick up my knapsack on the ground I suddenly was engulfed in the arms of someone. I turned around to see Rosie looking at me with a kind smile on her face and in the corner of my eyes, I saw Tamika going inside the house.

" I loved having you here"

" Thank you for having me here even though it was unplanned"

" It was no problem at all, but If you want to repay me I have one request"

My heart pounded and my face filled with dread

I didn't have money to pay her

It was like Rosie could read my mind or most likely she saw the dread-filled expression on my face

" No No dear I don't mean money"

" I knew that"

" Sure you did "

"Anyway I want you to pay me by promising to come back to visit one day... make it very soon, I'm not getting younger you know"

" I promise"

At that moment Tamika walked out of the house

" Its time to go, the earlier we start the faster we get to Cannington"

And off we went

It was an early autumn morning and a frosty chill hung in the air. The sweet surrendering scent of the morning dew filled the forest with a scent that did not belong on earth.

Autumn leaves from the tall trees lay scattered on the forest floor; each of them turning caramel brown; there was a sound like dried cereal being crunched underfoot, pushing their papery remains deep into the soft soil.

The dark shadows of the giant trees and the surrounding bushes had become the backbone of the forest, standing as passive protectors of a peaceful place.

We had been already been walking for about two hours?

I guess I might have lost track of time

The wildlife was bold yet cautious of figuring out their new visitor, daring to get closer to have a look at the foreign creatures disturbing their peace.

As the day went on the forest came to life.

The trees dance in the wind, the sound of running water in the stream had the same hypnotic quality as music luring animals in to have a drink, to taste the warm sweet sensation of freshwater.

The drone of insects humming and buzzing filled the air, little frogs croaked while searching for food hoping to catch an easy snack.

After many more hours of walking without talking, Tamika finally looked back at me with a knowing smile on her face and said, " We're almost there"