
bitten wolf.

What happens when in order to impress his father so much he goes to the same college and follow in his older brothers foot steps. only to uncover multiple secrets , about his family and friends. not only that but the world come to an horrible end, left with a group stiles is considering his chances in a mate.

wildwolfgirl78 · Fantasy
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15 Chs


Shane and T-Dog hop out of their cars and begin to methodically take down the Walkers, using their guns and knives. Daryl watches them with a mix of respect and resentment. He knows they're good at what they do, but he can't help but feel that there's something missing from their approach. There's no finesse, no understanding of the Walkers as individuals. It's just kill or be killed. Stiles sat on the top of the RV keeping awatch in all directions for any zombies he watch Daryl walk around the cars, when shane move up he told stiles to leave and he would keep watch, so he did.stiles made his way over to carol and told her he will be in the woods searching to anything they could eat or water.Shane and T-Dog continue their work, as stiles past them,stiles shifts to his wolf form and runs through the woods, a noise catches his ears and made his way, four wolves stood near a tree a male had been caught in a trap.stiles goes to the male and tries to help him, "hey buddy you ok?" he asks, the other wolves start to growl at him but don't attack, the male wolf whimpers in pain and shake his head, " my name is stiles, and im a omega." if you want to your small pack can come with me i can take care of you and your cubs, i have a group but they are cool and you could even hunt when we set up camp?"the Male who was the alpha shakes his head up and down and stiles free him from the trap, the male looks at stiles in the eyes and nods, " thank you, my name is malachi and this is my pack, my mate is here, and we are going to join you, " he says, the other wolves start to whine in agreement, malachi then looks at stiles and says, "you are welcome to join us, we will help you and your group any way we can, we will be loyal to you, and we will protect you."stiles smile and said, "thank you, malachi, i accept your offer, and we will be friends, but we need to get you and your family back to our group, they will need to see that you are alright and that you are joining us." stiles said as he start to lead them back to the group he found out he could speak to wolves and dogs when he was little, when he reach the road rick and daryl came over" these are my new pets, they agree to help us hunt and no one is to hurt them"stiles said as he introduces the wolves to the group, they all looked at the wolves with a mix of curiosity and caution, but daryl was the first to step forward and shake malachi's paw, "hey, man, welcome to the family, we'll do what we can to help you get settled in." he said, glancing over at shane and t-dog. "and if you need any advice on living with humans, just ask."malachi nodded and bark at daryl with the cubs played with the kids and stiles bandage malachi's paw, the rest of the group started to talk about what they need to do next and where they should go, while the wolves and stiles hunt for food, it was later when they hit the road, the wolves rode in the back seat with stiles and daryl, the next couple of days it was just the group stopping to get gas from cars and then driving.on the eight day of this the group had stop because of the Rv and rick and the group search cars until a zombie herd came threw and with that sophia a young human girl ran off leaving rick, daryl, and shane to try and find her, as they look for her the group start to panic and wonder what they should do, stiles and malachi try to calm them down as they search for sophia, they split up and look for her, stiles and malachi search for her in the forest, stiles track her and malachi sniffs the air, but once the reach a river her scent could no longer be found so stiles and the wolf march back to camp to find rick, shane and carl and Daryl about to head out again, so stiles decides to come along with the wolf following him silently.they stop when they hear a noise and stiles shifts to his wolf form and they march on, it was a clearing the group came upon and a deer standing in the middle, they thought nothing of it and watch as Carl move to it, it was not scared of him and watch him as carl reach his hand out to touch the deer but a long boom rang throughout the air, and the deer and carl falls to the ground , blood staining the groundWhen Carl goes down Rick screams and falls to his knees, putting pressure on the wound. stiles shift and goes into protection mode, standing over them, shane has his gun drawn, waiting for the son of a bitch to show himself. An older, heavyset male Beta comes out of the woods, panting, a rifle in hand. He freezes when he sees the two Alphas with a downed pup and puts two and two together when he sees the deer in between them."Oh God, did I kill him? I'm so sorry I-""How many? How many of you are there?!""Just me, it's just me." Rick growls loudly at the two; at the man for shooting his pup and at Shane for almost killing the man who might be able to help. "I know someone who can help! My Alpha, he has a degree in-""Take us there NOW!""What's your name?!" Rick's eyes were almost black with rage, the only thing keeping him from going into Rut was the bleeding boy in his arms.Shane places himself between the two, knowing that if it came to it, he would have to take Carl to get help while Rick murdered the man in cold blood. "Tell 'em yer name." stiles and Malichi Growles their warning"Otis.""You better pry he makes it, because I won't be able to defend you from my Alpha if something happens to him." They run. They sprint through the woods and open fields, Rick carrying Carl and checking his breathing every step. When Otis starts slowing down, Shane attacks him, "HEY keep moving shit head! Come on! You move!""How far?! HOW FAR?!" Rick roars."Another half mile, that way. HERSHEL! Ask for Hershel!" Rick and stiles takes off, leaving Shane to deal with the Beta. He panics, readjusting his grip, feeling his son's blood soak into his clothes. He hears someone call for their dad. Carl? No, still unconscious. A woman. Rick rumbles softly as a Pack comes out of the house, the Alpha was an older man like Dale, but not the Elder."Was he bit?" The man calls out. Rick runs to the porch steps."Shot. By yer man Otis-""Otis?!""-please help him. Help my pup please!""Bring him in, I need my full kit!" The group goes into a flurry of movement, but Rick doesn't notice anything, continuing to plead for help. He lays Carl on the bed when told and asks if he's alive. Hershel's response was asking for a pillowcase. Rick gets pushed to the side, waiting as they set up an IV. When the older Alpha asks for his name, he stutters, "R-r-rick-Rick. I'm Rick.""Rick we are going to do everything we can, but you need to give us some room. Now." Rick walks out of the room and steps out onto the porch just as Shane and Otis reach it. Rick starts sobbing and whining loudly, needing his brother to comfort him."He alive? He still alive?" Otis pants. Rick wipes the sweat his forehead, and it gets worse, wetter. Carl's blood.Shane pulls Rick into his Scent glands, and the man breaks down. Shane wipes the blood from his face and hands him the bandana to wipe away the blood. They follow Rick back inside and into the room Carl was in."Ya know his blood type?""A-Positive. Same as mine.""I'm going to need you then." Hershel turns to Otis. "What happened?"While Otis explains, Rick turns to Shane. "The others don't know. Lori-hismother doesn't know.If was a few hours later, while Shane and Rick were talking that Carl wakes up needing blood. The oldest daughter, an Alpha named Maggie, sends them back in. Carl was screaming and crying while Hershel tries to get the bullet fragments out of his wound. Rick's eyes never leave the boy as he sits down and gets ready to give blood. Hershel has Shane hold the pup down as he calls for his father. The longer it goes on the more agitated Rick gets, until he snaps, growling loudly at the threat to his pup, eyes black."Rick! If I stop, he dies! Do you want him to live?!" Hershel snarls. Rick lets Patricia, Otis's Beta wife, hook him up to an IV. When Carl stops crying, Hershel calms both Alphas by saying that the pup had just passed out from pain but would be fine. They patch him up after the first piece is dug out, and then send Shane and Otis to the high school that a FEMA camp was set up at. Maggie goes to get Lori and the othersstiles was pacing the ground outside to on edge to shift back he, he wanted to rip into something, Liam and Peter had left the pack and group Liam said he had to do something and peter didn't want anything to do with him he sat down on his hunches when the door open again.......Daryl was leading the group back to the highway, everyone was on edge after the gunshot they heard. Andrea had wondered a little way away from the others when she was attacked by a Walker. The others rush to her, but Maggie was faster.She hits the Walker with a bat and sends it flying. She turns around and addresses the woman on the ground. "Lori Grimes?""What the hell?" Daryl stops next to the woman on the horse. Lori answers her."Rick sent me, you've got to come with me. Now. Carl was shot, but he's still alive. You need to come now, I will explain on the way." Lori shoves the backpack off and gets on the horse. Daryl grabs the hat off Glenn's head and the rag out of his pocket, he hands it to the woman."If Carl's been shot then Rick's going to need these. The smell of his Pack will keep him calm enough to deal with once the shock wears off. Glenn's hat, T - Dog's do rag." The Alpha, because she was definitely an Alpha, smiles and thanks Daryl before turning to Glenn and giving him instructions on how to get to the farm, before taking off. Daryl shoots the Walker and the group moves on.They meet back up with Dale and T - Dog and told them about the run in with the Alpha on a horse and Carl being shot. They decide to leave to go to the farm and leave some supplies incase Sophia returns. Daryl decides to stay the night on the road, give Sophia a chance to show."Glenn you have to go, reconnect with our people." Dale waves away any complaints from the Alpha, "We need to get T - Dog there. The cut is getting worse, he has a serious blood infection and if we don't get him help, he will die.""Why'd ya'll not say anything." Daryl huffs, throwing a rag at Dale, "Keep your oily rags off my brother's bike. Besides I got Merle's stash."He puts a bag of pills on the truck hood and starts digging around. Shane's Pack gathers in amazement and disbelief. Why would Daryl keep this medicine a secret? Then he starts naming stuff off, "Crystal, X. Don't need that."Drugs, it was drugs. Andrea huffs, of course Daryl had his brother's drugs. The alpha tosses a bottle to Glenn. "Got some kickass painkillers."He pulls out another bottle and hands it to Dale. "Oxycline. That first class, not that generic shit. Merle got the clap on occasion." Daryl shrugs and takes the bag back to the bike."What so you're just going to hide your drugs to get high later unless we have another emergency?" Andrea growls at the Beta, "Why was it that none of us knew about any of this, huh?"The Beta woman tries to grab the bag from Daryl's hand, but he snarls thrusting the bag behind him. Glenn takes it from him and backs away, towards the bike. When Andrea tries to follow, the Alpha cuts her off, teeth bared."What is your problem?!""The people whose two scene I give a shit about knew; Rick's Pack and Merle. The rest of you can't be trusted, but T - Dog needs them and you were just in the right place at the right time. Fuck you, blondie." Daryl growls."Daryl, why can't we be trusted?" Carol asks."Cause he's-""Shane." Daryl speaks over the Beta woman, "You're part on Shane's Pack, and he's a Traditional Alpha." Daryl walks to Glenn and locks the pills in the seat of the motorcycle."I catch anyone but Glenn and T - Dog in here and there will be hell to pay.".....stiles told shane he was going back to the highway. the wolf follwed him, stiles just wanted to see his mate daryl again. as they were walking shane asked him what was the matter with him, why did he have to go back. stiles sighed "i just... i miss him. i want to see him again." shane nodded and put a hand on stiles's shoulder. "i understand." they continued to walk until they found the highway. the sun was setting, casting a warm orange and pink glow on the horizon.stiles looked around, searching for any signs of daryl. he knew his mate was strong, but he was worried. the walkers were getting worse. he spotted a figure in the distance, walking towards them. as the figure got closer, stiles realized it was daryl. relief washed over him and he ran to his mate, throwing his arms around him. daryl smiled, wrapping his arms around stiles and pulling him close."i was worried about you," stiles confessed, his voice muffled by daryl's shirt. daryl chuckled and kissed the top of stiles's head. "i'm fine, love. i was just taking a break from the group for a while. needed some time to think." he pulled back and looked into stiles's eyes. "how's everyone else?" stiles nodded, his expression serious. "shane's still acting weird and carl has been shot and i came to bring the group to the farm but it's not going well." daryl frowned, his eyes narrowing. "what do you mean it's not going well?"stiles sighed, explaining about the group's fight with andrea and shane's pack. daryl listened carefully, his expression growing more and more concerned. when stiles finished, he took a deep breath and said, "i don't know what to do, stiles. the group is so divided right now. i just want everyone to be safe." stiles looked up at his mate, searching for some sort of reassurance. "we'll figure it out, but right now the farm is safer then sitting on the road in the open."with that stiles and daryl walk to the group the wolves ran to him when they saw him and he pet their heads before speaking to the group. hereshle green had invited us to stay with them until carl is head up, so we will go there now""i'm not sure that's the best idea," shane spoke up, taking a step forward. "i think we should stay out here, make sure everyone knows about this place." daryl looked at shane, his expression tightening."shane, we've been through this. the farm is safe. if we stay here, we're sitting ducks. we need to go someplace where we can regroup and figure out what to do." daryl's voice was firm, but not unkind. he didn't want to force shane to agree, but the group to understand the importance of safety right now.shane glared at daryl for a moment before turning away, his jaw clenching tightly. "fine," he grunted. "but we're keeping an eye on things."the group began to move toward the highway, heading toward the farm. stiles walked beside daryl, their bodies occasionally brushing against each other in the dark. he could feel the tension radiating off of his mate, but he also felt a sense of determination and resolve. daryl was trying to keep everyone safe, even if it meant making some tough decisions.as they walked, stiles glanced over his shoulder every so often, making sure the walkers were still behind them. he could feel the weight of his backpack, heavy with supplies, pulling at his shoulders. but it was nothing compared to the weight he felt in his heart whenever he thought about carl and his injuries. he wondered how carl was doing, and if he was in pain.up ahead, daryl was walking with glenn and t-dog, deep in conversation. glenn seemed to be nodding along, while t-dog's expression was more skeptical. stiles couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as he watched them. he wished he could talk to daryl like that, share his thoughts and feelings without worrying about starting a fight.suddenly, a figure darted out from behind a car, moving quickly toward the group. stiles's heart leapt into his throat as he realized it was a walker. he watched in horror as the figure lunged at daryl, its rotting hands outstretched. before stiles could even react, daryl had spun around, his fist connecting with the walker's face in a sickening crunch. the walker stumbled backward, dazed, before collapsing to the ground with a thud.daryl turned to stiles, his face pale and sweaty from the exertion. "are you okay?" he asked, his voice shaky. stiles nodded, his heart still racing. "yeah, i'm fine." he swallowed hard, his eyes fixed on the fallen walker. "just...just stay careful, okay?" daryl nodded, his expression serious. "i will," he promised.once the reach the farm Daryl and stiles walk over to rick who is cover in blood, with shane no where to be seen, rick had filled them in and told them that shane and otis had went to find thing the old man could use on the pup that need surgery.