
bitten wolf.

What happens when in order to impress his father so much he goes to the same college and follow in his older brothers foot steps. only to uncover multiple secrets , about his family and friends. not only that but the world come to an horrible end, left with a group stiles is considering his chances in a mate.

wildwolfgirl78 · Fantasy
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15 Chs


The twins' father had been searching the campsite for something, and Daryl did not appreciate the odor emanating from the man. The old man's face brightened when he spotted something beneath the RV. He began moving towards the RV when Fallon attempted to stop him, but to no avail. The man had spotted the small omega under the RV. Fallon try to steer their father way but he seem hell bent on tormenting stiles . The father grabbed the tiny male roughly by the scruff of his neck, lifting him into the air with a cruel smile.

"I'm gonna teach you a lesson, you little shit!" he growled, his breath foul from years of neglecting his dental hygiene. "You shouldn't have been born, huh?"

He slammed the tiny omega against the RV, the impact echoing through the silence of the camp. Fallon winced, feeling a pang of guilt and fear for their brother. But he couldn't let him see it. he had to be strong for both of them.

" i cant help it, it is your fault for knocking up my mother!" stiles growl his wolf snapping his teeth at the male. " you knott head alpha"

The father's face darkened even further, his grip on Stiles tightening. "Shut your mouth, you worthless piece of trash!" he spat, his voice vibrating with anger. "You're just like your mother, always causing trouble." He slammed Stiles against the RV again, the impact sending a wave of pain through the smaller male's body.

" Oh yeah but your the one who married her! " stiles growls through the pain " i disown you as a father!"

The father's face twisted into an ugly sneer, his grip on Stiles tightening even further. "Oh, you little brat," he hissed, spittle flying from his lips as he spoke. "

" yes" stiles answer him before trying to escape the man he use to call father "you are the one who married her and now you want to kill your own son for it?" he spits out, struggling against the tight grip on him "you are pathetic and a coward" he whispers, tears filling his eyes, the pain radiating from his body. The father's face turned an even deeper shade of red, his grip tightening even further. "I should have killed your worthless mother when I had the chance," he growled, slamming Stiles against the RV one last time. "You're nothing but a mistake, a mistake that I should have fixed by putting a bullet in your head."

" WHY DIDNT YOU!" stiles yelled 

other started to hear the yelling and came to see what was happening. They saw the father choking the life out of Stiles and the look of fear in Fallon's eyes. One of the other betas stepped forward, his wolf bristling as he growled at the father. "What's going on here?" he demanded, his voice low and threatening.

" none of your business" john spat  at him " go way" 

" dad let him go please" Fallon but in his voice shaking. " Daryl is his mate, he will kill you"

" butt out Fallon" stiles growls" this is between me and father, oh wait you are no longer my father anymore" that had john mad again but he was not letting go of stiles "YOU WILL RESPECT YOUR FATHER" he yelled at Stiles before he threw him to the ground and kicked him hard in his side. The pain made Stiles yelp and curl up. Daryl had been watching this whole thing, his eyes narrowed and his jaw tight. He was ready to step in, but he didn't want to risk losing control and hurting anyone else. but stiles hand flew to his stomach and Daryls wolf took control, his mate was with cub and the need to protect them took over. He lunged forward, his claws extended as he growled at John.

"You will stop this now!" he snarled, his voice raw with anger and protectiveness. "You will not hurt him again!" John sneered at Daryl, his eyes flicking to the other betas who were watching the confrontation. "He's mine," he spat, taking a step toward Stiles. "He always has been and he always will be." Daryl's nostrils flared as he took another step closer, his muscles tense and ready for a fight. "He is not yours," Daryl snarled, "and you will not touch him again. If you do, I swear I will kill you where you stand."

rick came running  up to the group " john stop it what's going on?" he demanded, he could smell the fear of his own son and the other pups around the camp.

"It's nothing, Rick," John said, his voice still cold. "Stiles here was just being a little brat, like he always does."

"Oh really?" Daryl growled, taking another step closer to John. "Then perhaps you should explain why you're trying to choke him to death."

Rick looked from Daryl to John, his expression growing more and more concerned. "John, I don't know what's going on here, but you need to calm down. We can talk about this like adults."

Daryl's eyes never left John as he took a step back, his muscles still tense and ready for a fight. "Rick," he said, his voice low and serious. "Your adopted son is my mate. I will protect him with my life, and I will not stand by and let anyone hurt him."


john seem to become more enrage when daryl refered to stiles as someone else son, 

" bullshite that trash is my son" john snarl out

" No i am no longer your son" stiles growls and stand his wolf incontrol of his human body. " I am Daryl's mate and no one will ever change that" he yells at his ex-father. Daryl look at him with awe and lust and love. His hand sneak to his side where he know a knife is there and pull it out. His wolf growl at john. " you will never touch me again, i will kill you"

Rick was shocked at the situation. "John, please calm down. We can talk about this like adults. We all know what Stiles is and what that means for him."

Daryl's gaze flicked between Rick and John, his expression grim. "You know what he is, Rick. You know what he means to me. You know I won't let anyone hurt him."

Stiles looked from Daryl to John, his own expression hardening. "I am Daryl's mate, and I always will be. You can't change that, no matter how much you might want to." He took a step closer to John, his fists clenched at his sides. "And if you ever try to hurt him again, I swear I'll make you pay."

Rick's eyes flicked between the three of them, his expression growing more and more tense. "Alright, that's enough," he said, his voice firm. "We're all going to calm down and talk about this like adults. John, you need to understand that Stiles isn't yours anymore. He belongs to Daryl now, and you need to respect that."

Daryl's wolf seemed to nod in agreement, but he didn't take his eyes off of John. His muscles were still taut, ready for a fight if it came to that. Stiles stepped closer to Daryl, taking comfort in the other's presence. "I am yours, Daryl," he whispered, reaching out to touch his mate's arm. "And I always will be."

Rick looked at each of them, trying to assess the situation. He knew that things were tense, but he also knew that this was a part of their lives. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Alright, let's all just calm down. We're all here together, and we need to work together. There's no reason for any of this."

Stiles nodded, taking a step back from the confrontation. He wiped at his tears, trying to compose himself. "I'm sorry, Daryl. I didn't mean to cause any trouble."

Daryl's eyes softened as he looked at Stiles. "It's okay, Stiles. You didn't do anything wrong. I'm just...protective of you." He reached out and gently brushed a stray hair from Stiles' forehead. "We'll get through this together, okay?"

with one last snarl john stomp off to god know where, leaving the rest of them in silence. Daryl put his knife away and turn to Stiles, cupping his face in his hands and kiss him softly. "I love you, Stiles. I always have. And I will always protect you, no matter what."

Stiles wrapped his arms around Daryl's neck, returning the kiss just as fiercely. "I love you too, Daryl. And I know I can trust you to always keep me safe." He pulled back, looking up into his mate's eyes. "Thank you for standing up for me."

" Rick you are know my father, if you will have me as a son" stiles said to the older prime alpha

"Of course, Stiles. You're more than welcome here," Rick replied, putting a hand on the young omega's shoulder. "We're all a family here, and we'll do whatever we can to help each other through this." He glanced at Daryl, giving him a reassuring smile.

Daryl nodded in agreement, grateful for the support. He looked down at Stiles, his expression softening. "Are you ready to go" he ask his mate, daryl want to take his mate to his tent and make love to him, to show him how much he love him and how he belong only to him now.

Stiles smiled up at him. "Yes, I am. I want you to take me to your tent and make love to me, Daryl. I want you to show me how much I mean to you." His heart beat faster at the thought of being so close to his mate, of feeling his touch again.

Daryl nodded, his eyes never leaving Stiles' face. He gently led his mate through the camp, their steps in perfect sync. They reached his tent and Daryl ducked inside, pulling the flap closed behind them. The dim light from the fire outside cast flickering shadows across the interior of the tent, making the space feel intimate and warm. He turned to face Stiles, his gaze traveling up and down his mate's body before meeting his eyes once more.

Stiles felt his heart race as he looked into Daryl's intense, loving gaze. He wanted this man, wanted him to touch him, to make love to him. He reached up and wrapped his arms around Daryl's neck, pulling him closer. Their lips met in a hungry, passionate kiss that seemed to consume them both. Daryl's hands roamed over Stiles' body, cupping his ass, squeezing it gently, pulling him even closer.

Stiles moaned into the kiss, arching his back as Daryl's hands slid up under his shirt, tracing patterns on his bare skin. He felt the rough fabric of his pants against his cock, aching for release. Daryl broke the kiss for a moment, breathing heavily into his ear as he unbuttoned Stiles' pants and lowered the zipper. He reached inside, palming Stiles' hard length through his boxers, making him gasp.

Daryl guided Stiles backward until he felt the soft furs beneath him, then kneeled between his legs. He tugged Stiles' pants and boxers down, freeing his cock completely. The head was already wet with pre-cum, glistening in the firelight. Stiles watched as Daryl licked his fingers clean, then leaned forward, taking the tip of Stiles' cock into his mouth. He sucked gently, moaning around him as he began to bob his head up and down.

Stiles cried out, his hips bucking wildly as Daryl's expert mouth drove him closer and closer to the edge. He tangled his fingers in Daryl's hair, holding him close as he felt the familiar tightness building deep in his gut. He could feel his orgasm rushing up on him, building with each stroke of Daryl's tongue.

Finally, he could hold back no longer. With a hoarse cry, he came, pulsing hotly into Daryl's mouth. The older alpha swallowed every drop, making soft, pleased noises as he continued to suck and lick until Stiles' cock was soft and spent. He lifted his head, looking up at Stiles with a satisfied smile. "Are you ready for more?" he asked, his voice husky. the omega driping wet for his alpha.

Stiles nodded, his chest heaving as he caught his breath. "More," he managed to croak, reaching down to guide Daryl's face back to his cock. Daryl chuckled, feeling possessive and protective as he resumed his ministrations. His tongue flicked out, tracing circles around the head of Stiles' cock, teasing him back to arousal.

Meanwhile, Stiles reached up and undid the buttons of Daryl's shirt, pulling it open to reveal the strong, muscled chest beneath. He ran his hands over the smooth, tan skin, marveling at the feel of it. Daryl arched his back, exposing his nipples to Stiles' touch. The omega circled one with his thumb and forefinger, rolling it between them, causing Daryl to moan.

As Stiles continued to tease his alpha, Daryl shifted, lifting Stiles' hips up so he could remove his pants and boxers entirely. He tossed them aside and leaned forward, kissing Stiles' stomach, trailing his tongue lower. His lips found Stiles' entrance, parting the folds of skin to reveal the puckered hole beneath. He licked, tasting the sweetness of his mate, and then pushed forward, feeling Stiles' body relax and welcome him inside.

The two men moved together in perfect rhythm, their bodies slick with sweat. Daryl's thrusts grew deeper, harder, as he lost himself in the feel of his mate beneath him. Stiles cried out, arching his back, meeting each stroke with a grind of his hips. Their breaths came in ragged gasps as they neared their climaxes once more.

With one final, powerful thrust, Daryl came, his body tensing as he spilled his seed deep inside Stiles. Stiles felt the warmth spread through him, intensifying the connection they shared. His own orgasm followed moments later, his body convulsing as he cried out Daryl's name.

They lay together for a long moment, panting and sweaty, their hearts racing. Daryl rolled to his side, cradling Stiles in his arms. "I love you, Stiles," he murmured, kissing the top of his head. "I always will." Stiles smiled up at him, feeling more content and loved than he ever had before. "I love you too, Daryl. Thank you for tonight. It was perfect."

As they lay together, their bodies slowly cooled, Daryl couldn't help but notice the way Stiles' eyes were shining in the firelight. It was a look of pure adoration and trust, and it made Daryl feel protective and possessive in a way he'd never experienced before. He pressed a gentle kiss to Stiles' lips, promising to always take care of him.

The fire crackled softly, casting flickering shadows across the cave walls. Outside, the wind howled, and the sound of the waterfall echoed through the trees. Despite the wildness of their surroundings, Daryl felt a sense of peace and safety here, with Stiles by his side. He wrapped his arms around his mate, holding him close, relishing the feel of his warm, bare skin against his own.

As they drifted off to sleep, Daryl was aware of the weight of Stiles' head on his chest, the soft rustle of his breath against his skin. He felt as if he were floating on a cloud, carried away by the sweet, intoxicating scent of his mate. He knew that this was where he was meant to be, and that he would never let go of the love they shared.

Throughout the long night, Daryl awoke occasionally, startled by a strange sound or a distant howl. Each time, he found Stiles' body pressed tightly against his, their limbs tangled together, as if they were afraid of losing the other in the darkness. And every time, he would gently soothe him, whispering reassurances into his ear until he calmed down again.

It was in these quiet moments that Daryl realized just how much he cherished his mate. He felt a fierce possessiveness and protectiveness that he'd never did for anyone, with his mate a sleep daryl dress and left the tent he walk over to the group who was trying to find their next camp area when right said they should go to the cdc in the citiy that was overfilled with zombies and the cure is right there and then brian said no way they would go there it was to dangerous but daryl interrupted them and said that they could go there if they just went during the day when most of the zombies were sleeping so they agreed and went to the cdc and  if they could the cure and saved the world. daryl left that to them and when back to his tent.

He marveled at the way Stiles' features softened in sleep, how even his slightest movement sent ripples of contentment through Daryl's body. He traced gentle fingers down Stiles' cheek, feeling the warmth of his skin against his fingertips. The fire crackled and popped, casting dancing shadows across the cave walls, making the entire space feel intimate and safe.

Morning eventually came, and with it the return of the world outside. Birds sang, the sun casting shadows on the tent, and the sounds of the forest filled the air once more. Daryl reluctantly stirred from his slumber, aware that they needed to a begin their journey to the CDC

"Good morning,"

he whispered, nuzzling Stiles' neck. Stiles groaned softly, burrowing deeper into Daryl's embrace before finally opening his eyes. He stretched languorously, yawning widely before glancing up at Daryl with a sleepy smile.

"Morning," he murmured, nestling closer. "Did you sleep okay?"

Daryl smiled down at him, running a finger along Stiles' jaw. "Like a baby. You're so warm and snuggly."

Stiles smiled back, his gaze drifting lazily over Daryl's features. "Well, I'm glad I could keep you comfortable." He stretched again, the fabric of Daryl's shirt riding up his back, revealing smooth, bare skin. Daryl's eyes tracked the movement, his heart skipping a beat at the sight of Stiles' perfect body.

They lay there for a moment longer, simply enjoying the closeness they shared, before the reality of their situation began to creep in when a zombie stumble into the camp and a pup scream, and foot step rush around them as the others try to keep them safe. Daryl quickly rolled out of the tent and drew his sword, helping to fight off the undead threat while Stiles gathered their things. As they prepared to leave, Daryl couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at the thought of leaving behind the peace and solitude of the camp, but it was no longer safe for the pack.

The journey to the CDC was long and arduous, with the group constantly on edge, scanning the horizon for any sign of danger. Despite the difficulties they faced, Daryl found solace in the knowledge that he had Stiles by his side. They would face whatever challenges lay ahead together, and he took comfort in the strength and resilience he saw in his mate.

One day, as they were making their way through a particularly dense stretch of forest, they stumbled upon a clearing filled with hundreds of walkers. The others in the group looked panicked, unsure of how to proceed. But Daryl and Stiles exchanged a glance, knowing that they could handle this together. They led the group through the sea of undead, using their combined strength and cunning to navigate the treacherous terrain.

As they emerged on the other side,