
Bitten by the Zombie

I was bitten by a zombie, which doesn't seem to be a bad thing. After being bitten, I not only didn't turn into a zombie, but also, zombies no longer attack me. While people struggle for survival under the pursuit of zombies, I move freely among them. When people fight each other over a piece of bread, I have alreadycollected a large amount of supplies and casually raised an army. While people barely establish camps under the siege of zombies, I have already become a ruler of a territory!

vladimi · Sci-fi
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96 Chs

Chapter 60: A Grand Win in Three Years!

What kind of feeling is it to gamble on stones?

Zhang Cheng had never done it, but he had read urban novels before.

When the protagonist cuts open the raw stone, everyone is expecting what kind of jadeite it will reveal.

At this moment, Zhang Cheng uses olive oil and a soaked towel to cleanse the girl's face of the engine oil.

The girl's body has already determined to be that of a petite child!

Although her hands and feet are a bit rough, her body is incredibly supple!

Supple enough to compensate the prior three years.

If her face is also beautiful, then it's indeed a stroke of luck!

Regardless of whether she is pretty or not.

At the tender age of under fourteen, with a frail body, even a principal would lose control.

Zhang Cheng did not skimp on the olive oil.

Then, with another towel, he helped the girl wash her cheeks with soap and clean water.

He was very gentle and meticulous.

As if he was wiping a piece of craftwork.

The girl's cheeks began to lighten gradually,

like egg white revealing when the yellow eggshell was peeled.

The girl looked at Zhang Cheng.

His expression was quite odd.

Just like the look of someone hitting a few thousand in a lottery shop.

The girl had never gone to school and has been with her father ever since.

All the words she knew were taught by her father.

Her father had never taught her about gender differences.

Also, her father had a terrible temper that got even worse when he drank.

Thus, their neighbors dared not interact with them.

Zhang Cheng managed to wash the girl's face completely.

He couldn't believe that he had actually won the SSR.

A truly rare specimen!

All those months saving up crystals for gaming, only to end up with a secondary prize.


The fact was before him.

A great leap from low-tier to high-tier!

The girl was genuinely very pretty.

A pair of deep, clear black eyes, a cute, petite and exquisite nose, a beautiful and pure face.

Even though she was still in her early days, her hands and feet seemed a bit rough due to years of hard labor.

However, once she matures, she's sure to become quite an elegant beauty.

While washing her hands, Zhang Cheng asked, "What's your name?"

The girl answered, "Yang Xiaohong."

Such a common name!

Such a rare beauty, yet her name is so common!

But names are given by parents, after all.

Then Zhang Cheng asked, "How old are you?"

Yang Xiaohong replied, "I will turn 13 next month."

A genuine young girl!

He remembered Wang Lele wearing a black and white striped thigh-high socks, paired with a sports outfit and sneakers.

She must have looked adorable!

After thinking about it in his mind, Zhang Cheng asked again, "Have you had your menstruation yet?"

If Tang Ying were here, her impression of Zhang Cheng would plummet.

This guy was just too beastly!

Yang Xiaohong said, "I don't know if I have my period or not. My dad doesn't let me ask about my mom's things."

"..." Zhang Cheng was silent for a moment.

He knew he had struck gold.

A pretty, fair-skinned, innocent, and yet completely ignorant petite girl.

How should he tutor her!

Zhang Cheng then said, "Xiaohong, remember one thing, from today on, I am your husband, and you are my wife. I will take care of you. Whatever you want to eat, whatever clothes you want to wear, whatever you want, anything, I will fulfill your wishes."

More and more strange.

Yang Xiaohong frowned, not understanding why Zhang Cheng was being so nice to her, didn't he just say he would limit her food?

But she still cautiously asked, "Then, then do I have to have a baby with you?"

Yang Xiaohong's neighbors were a young couple who usually called each other husband and wife.

They had a boy just a few months before the biochemical crisis broke out.