
Bitten by the Zombie

I was bitten by a zombie, which doesn't seem to be a bad thing. After being bitten, I not only didn't turn into a zombie, but also, zombies no longer attack me. While people struggle for survival under the pursuit of zombies, I move freely among them. When people fight each other over a piece of bread, I have alreadycollected a large amount of supplies and casually raised an army. While people barely establish camps under the siege of zombies, I have already become a ruler of a territory!

vladimi · Sci-fi
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96 Chs

Chapter 39: The Downtown That Has Become a Hellhole

Even though there was a doctor across the river,

Zhang Cheng did not want to go that far.

If Wang Qiang outrightly rejected him, he would just treat it as if nothing had occurred.

Doctors were indeed necessary, but there was no urgency at the moment.

So Zhang Cheng decided to leave the station, riding his bike to find Tang Ying.

Tang Ying, such an obedient and well-behaved woman.

Her long legs, her perfume scent...

He had not been with her for several days.

As expected, the walkie-talkie fell silent.

Zhang Cheng switched off the walkie-talkie right away.

Then he started moving items, securing them to the motorcycle.

As Zhang Cheng revved up his motorcycle, the surrounding zombies all turned towards him.

Wang Qiang, holding the walkie-talkie, fell into silence.

Since primary school, boys had used mischief to attract her attention.

In middle school, she started receiving love letters from classmates.

During her high school, university, even grad school years, even during hospital practice...

She had rejected countless suitors every week.

But now, it was the end times.

Each night, the zombies' cries and growls in the city made her unable to sleep.

In her entranceway, she had seen how her neighbor's husband devoured his wife.

Following this were scenes from her nightmares.

Despite being exposed to countless zombie movies and novels about apocalypse,

she found herself witnessing far scarier real-times scenes.

The city seemed to have completely fallen.

There were zombies everywhere.

Just yesterday, a huge swarm of zombies swept past Binhai road.

There must have been hundreds of thousands of them, possibly more.

The sight of zombies as far as the eye could see was even more horrid

than the Olympic torch relay she witnessed as a child.

It seemed like the zombies were attracted somewhere by a helicopter.

But where did the helicopter land eventually?

Wang Qiang did not know.

She had tried to call for help, but the helicopter ignored her,

even though she repeated that she was a doctor.

She made up her mind as she eyed her half-bucket of water and two packs of soda crackers.

"I agree, I'll be your woman!" she pressed down on the talk button.

She did not want to die. If she were willing to, she would have jumped off the building a long time ago.

Just like the man living across her apartment.

After seeing his wife and son being bitten to death by zombies, he jumped off the building himself.

But the walkie-talkie remained silent.

Did that man change his mind?

"Hey, brother, are you there?"

"Brother, I mean it!"

No matter how much Wang Qiang called out,

Zhang Cheng could not hear her.

He had dismounted from his bike and, with his stuff, walked upstairs.

Living on an upper floor without an elevator was indeed tiring,

but it was good exercise in times of apocalypse.

A dozen zombies were banging on the door when Zhang Cheng reached Tang Ying's apartment.

Tang Ying's security door was very sturdy.

Without hesitation, Zhang Cheng drew his dagger and pierced the zombies' heads one by one.

The dagger felt handy and effortless, unlike the baseball bat.

In no time, he had cleared all the zombies outside the door.

Zhang Cheng unlocked the door with his keys.

Hearing the door open, Tang Ying, who was in her bedroom, dashed out.

She had been waiting for Zhang Cheng to come back for days.

Just as Zhang Cheng was about to close the door, Tang Ying, who had run out of her bedroom, froze.

She had initially meant to give him a hug.

But seeing Zhang Cheng in full gear made him seem like a totally different person.