
Take this pill will stop the internal infection, in case it is dengue ...

"Sure, young man, this happened to you because you are allergic to the bite of certain insects." —Said the waiter.

"But: Where was he all night?" We believed that he was having the most intense pleasure.

-Shut up! You too, or I don't answer ... (inside he said to himself, if I had had my gun here I would have shot those guys ...)

-In agreement. Allow me to bring you some ice packs, for the swelling and I recommend that you go to post the most urgent.

After a while the waiter came ...

—Take this pill will stop the internal infection, in case it is dengue ...

-Dengue? What is that?

"Let's go to the post!" To the night and early morning care staff ... surely they will know what to do in these cases? Said another waiter.

-Let's see! To the patient, said the Doctor on duty at the post, after 15 minutes of paperwork; All legal commitments must be released before attending to the patient, especially if he is a tourist; Well, nobody knows that they are taken or put into the body.

"What did he eat?" The Doctor asked again: "Did you drink liquor?" Smoke! He has a white powder on his nose: Ah, I understand it is PBC, common among tourists ...

The whole group was there listening ... and the girls became alert, because of what they saw done and their gestures and insinuations and because of what the doctor finished when diagnosing him.

"So Doctor?" He will give me some pills or creams and this will pass soon ...

—And my hands and my face and all my skin: Will it return to normal ...?

"Don't stimulate your ego, young man: Isn't it? Said the Doctor.

—We will first take a urine sample, to know the degree of intoxication of him and wait for the detoxification of him in a few long hours.

—I will apply an anti-inflammatory and an antiallergic serum; will take these pills. He will sleep a bit in the meantime ...

—Tomorrow, first thing in the morning we will perform a gastric lavage to avoid contraindications for the treatment of Dengue; if it is the case with him. Or if it is Chikungunya, Sika, or another derivative of the bite of mosquitoes.

"Like Doctor, what are those names?" I ask, Xuli, surprised by the Doctor's descriptions.

—Nothing abnormal around here, you bring your things and here nature returns the favor ...

"Explain yourself Doctor ... about what I have, and he has no right to question my freedom to decide how to have fun ..."

"Good," said the Doctor. The procedure in cases like yours is to recommend rest from all activity with alcohol, sex or drugs. Well, they would accelerate the disease process, in case you have contracted it by contagion from the bite of mosquitoes that carry these subtropical viruses.

—On the other hand, I will sue your travel agency, as I see that it did not give, or supervise, the application of anti-mosquito bite creams and from what I see, it remains to ask, although it is not the case: 'know the reasons for which he exposed his life to these mosquitoes'

"Did you sleep on the beach without proper protection against mosquito bites?"

(Keep going...)

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