
Miss: Nalexa, she yelled: Guy, please come up.

So —Nalexa— began to get uncomfortable, she was curious about that person, who was still, now: calling her and inviting her to come up. But she, she knew that she could not go up, because she stole her wallet and the VIP Cruise permit, she did not have it. It was obvious that the person calling her didn't know either.

—Miss: Nalexa, she yelled: Guy, please come up.

Her heart, she began to beat very hard, since she heard her name pronounced. Over and over again: Nalexa, Suba: Nalexa ...

She had to respond to the greeting and the request to go up, and with signs she indicated that she had lost the pass and ordered the individual to choose to go down as soon as possible. She didn't know how to express relief or despair! Well, she knew that she did not know such a guy, and her parents told her many times that in the ports she should not talk to anyone, unless they tell her to.

The guy, she noticed the limitation, extreme, because she noticed that the officers prevented Nalexa from passing; She realized that they had been changed on purpose and he had to descend and there were scarcely 30 minutes to leave and it was forbidden to go down, given the second alert.

He had to return to the dressing rooms to bring the disembarkation documentation, the process of which would take at least 10 to 15 minutes, several stamps were needed, and other extra minutes to present the documentation at the various controls, ditto for the implemented bio security protocols as a result of the pandemic produced by the Covid virus.

Nalexa, began to tremble with despair as the guy made a waiting gesture, but 10 minutes have passed and there are 20 minutes for the second embarkation or disembarkation alert and people began to crowd, as usual, they waited for the last hour or so. minutes to go up or down.

Suddenly, he appeared and saw him go through the controls one by one, the guy was indicating his discouragement at the delay and more because after arriving at her they would have a few minutes to talk and expose everything that was indicated in the notary to say to Nalexa. Also, the lawyer: Fredy Latro, had waited to attend to his unknown client, because he was given an envelope with the same instructions as Nalexa. That's why he recognized her immediately. But the meeting was a few days before, but Nalexa's father was disembarked without him knowing. To which the lawyer for the family of Bierny's mother, prevented going outside the cruise, and inquire about the young woman whose acquaintance inherited a small, but significant fortune, whose funds were already in Peru, except for the foreign property, which given its location and value, he, that is: Bierny himself would have to arrange what to do. This included having to travel to Eastern Europe. Yes. To that place where Bierny's mother traveled with hers, two of his younger brothers.

At last they could see each other and given that there were only five minutes left to cross the yellow fence again, giving him the option to embark, otherwise he would have to miss the return trip ... this cruise would return to Chimbote after another two years approximately, and to the lawyer Fredy Latro It took him two and a half months to make the journey from Eastern Europe to South America.

(Keep going...)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

3/9 Chapter

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