
Bite Back: The Bloody Wolf Bandits

"Come brothers! Tonight we feast in Jubiden!" Barker roared. After years of the relentless slaughter of their kin, Barker gets the approval he has sought! "Finally!" he shouted, "FINALLY!" He praised, He would devour every human he encountered, he would toy, hunt and deliver 300 years of retribution upon them. Finally it's time to Bite back! "Wahahaha!" he laughed, the exultation of the hunt nearly overwhelmed. He lead his band of brothers out to the first victims, the town of Bluehaven.

Cybermage_9009 · Horror
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39 Chs

And the winner is....

Maxie howled in pain, clutching his broken leg, he had reverted back to his human form, his leg was bent in an unnatural angle, his bones poked out, his flesh tore and his blood spilled. He cried and cursed and screamed, I've seen him with worse injuries.... but it seems this one hurt beyond physical pain.... he wanted to win this race, he had stakes here and now they were dashed.

In contrast to Maxie, Albert laughed and laughed, his beard shook, his belly jiggled and snot flew from his nose. He slapped his thigh and whistled, speaking an avalanche of words in his foreign tongue, all the While laughing, he was enjoying this too much for my liking.

"Disgusting! What's so funny, you miserable little shit!?" I yelled.

"Why not funny? Maxie in pain! Good for me!"

"You insolent litt-"

"Barker! Calm yourself.... Maxie will be fine, the doctors or healers will fix his leg.... for now let's continue with the games..." Amari said.

"But wha-"

"Just happened is unfortunate, however do you want to stop the games? is that What Maxie would want?"


"I'm sorry but you know I'm right.... at the very least, I'll disqualify Gail,"

"What!? But it was an accident!"

"I am aware.... I saw it too.... however, I fear the others may have similar 'Accidents' too, especially Clint and the Twins.... they aren't well liked among the other Competitors,"


"I am sorry.... Maxie will have to settle for next time," With that she stood and addressed the Crowd, Maxie and Gail were escorted off the road.

The race continued.... though the Contestants were and Crowd were a bit gloomy, Maxie was well liked among the pack, seeing him be knocked out in such a manner stroke a blow to the overall Morale, Damn it! I know he'll beat himself over it later...

"Clint is doing well...." Peters muttered.

"....we can see that," I sneered.

"A-ah, no its just.... isn't he doing 'too' well?"

"..... what are you saying?"

"Clint couldn't outrun Flin a few days ago.... yet he's running head to head with Dancer? Isn't that suspicious?"

"You suspect foul play?"

"Yes! Though..... I don't know for certain how..."

".....Elder Michala?" Amari asked.

"...I'll have to get a whiff of his breath when the race is over!"

Dancer and Clint had touched the North gate! And the Crowd was..... Silent!

"Perfect, Morale has died!" I cursed, The Insolent Sheep, Albert snickered ..... I had the urge to give him a bloody red smile..... but Amari held my hand tight, she was pissed too but.... she was never the violent sort.... I'll need to work on my temper if I want to stand with Amari.... Though I'll work The Bloody Sheep down to the bone later.... so I'll let him enjoy his fun.... for now.

It seems Flin had gotten a good leg up! He was now Neck in neck with Booker, they wrestled each other for position, the twins meanwhile were.... wrestling with Miller? That was odd to say the least.... they.... at least one of them ought to have reached Booker by now! Peters was right, there's foul play here.... and it's not just Clint!

"I'll need to question the twins later...." I said

"Discipline you mean?" Amari replied

".....Don't punish them too much!" Elder Michala added.

Dancer, Iva and Clint had touched the East gate! There were some reactions from the crowd.... mixed really.... but at least its something! Amari and Elder Michala smiled at this, Peters sighed and Albert hissed.... good reactions all round.... except Albert but he can get bent for all I care!

It seems Flin had left Booker behind, He's nearly reached the big three.... their final destination this Castle! Right at the centre of the city!

It was a tough battle, Iva and Dancer clawed at each while Clint tried fending off Flin who finally caught up... they were 20m away!

Flin was in the lead!

15m away!

Clint overtook him!

10m away!

Iva was ahead now!

5m away! The crowd was losing it! They found their lost Excitement back.

2m away! Dancer was ahead!

And the winner was.... Clint followed by Flin, Iva and Dancer tied neck and neck.

We made our way to the gate to congratulate them and present the prize to the winner.... Their very own hunting section In the most Bountiful part of the forest, as well as A blade made of the forever ice, a rare ice that can never melt even in hot sunlight and finally a years worth of Mead!

Elder Michala walked up to congratulate Clint, his face paled and he frowned at this.

"Just as I suspected.... Fox breath! You're disqualified!" Elder Michala cried.

Fox Breath was a performance enhancement that our warriors often took during confrontation with Superior humans during a battle.... it's boosted their physical attributes and cleared one's mind.... for Clint to take it during a friendlish race like this.....

"You're a disgrace!" Amari said.

It's a good thing we suggested Elder Michala check him.... Even with a strong sense of smell, detecting Fox breath is quite difficult, Elder Michala's Nose is top tier in that Regard!

We rewarded the runner up Flin instead

Yep double today! hope you enjoy!

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