
Bit by bit Manual for Learning the Specialty of Tantric Sex!

Sex is a fundamental piece of life, and a movement should be performed by grown-ups for their actual prosperity, however for their psychological prosperity as well. In this day and age, where we have all become used to our unquestionably rushed ways of life, even 24 hours don't appear to be adequate. Attempting to shuffle between their work and public activity, as a general rule, individuals will quite often abandon their sex lives. Sexless relationships have been developing at a disturbing rate in the new past, where the couple takes part in nearly nothing or even no sex. Sex is fundamental for having a mentally and truly sustaining relationship.

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Activities to Add to Your Tantric Sex

The main goal of Tantra is to help you have brilliant orgasms that you can't have with your normal sexual practices. Tantra, on the other hand, should not be dismissed lightly because of this. Consider Tantra to be a workout in sensuality. Tantric sex is viewed as more pleasant than spending

hours together at the exercise center, yet how much actual effort that your body

encounters can measure up to that you could insight while playing out any

weighty activities.

Additionally, there are various levels of Tantric sex. Your sex life may improve if you just start practicing Tantra without any prior experience, but it will be so much better if you do some kind of pre-sex warm up exercise that helps set the mood and build some anticipation for what's to come. You can warm up in a number of different ways, but giving your partner a massage and having your partner give you one is probably the best way to do it. Your muscles will become more relaxed as a result, which is crucial because tight muscles can prevent you from having an all-out orgasm.

In order to get your partner ready for tantric sex, you are giving them a massage that is accompanied by a technique that is meant to increase sexual sensitivity and make the body more open to more sexual stimulation. Additionally, this massage can be used in conjunction with a method that can induce an orgasm in a woman. This will greatly improve the quality of tantric sex because having one orgasm makes you patient for the next one and gives you the chance to tease your partner and get the sex out of it. The Use of Oil Before you can give your lover a pre-sex massage, oil is the first thing you need. If you want your massage to be more effective, oil is a great tool to use. It provides lubrication for your hands and helps to loosen the skin. It will also help make the massage more sensual and help lead up to the actual sex if your hands can slide and glide more smoothly across your lover's body.

Grape seed oil is the most effective oil for a pre-sex massage. This is due to the fact that grape seed oil can be beneficial for your skin and has the lowest number of people who are allergic to it. As a result, if you give your partner a massage using grape seed oil, you will also help them get softer skin. Isn't that a great bonus? You can constantly add a couple of drops of your number one

scented or medicinal balm to make the experience far and away superior. Depending on the purpose for which it is being used, different essential oils can be used. Lavender, for instance, can be used to calm and relax muscles; Rose can be used to give the massage a more sensual feel.

In the event that grape seed oil isn't accessible, go for whatever other oil that has been fabricated

with the end goal of back rubs. The Method The first thing you'll need to do is start applying the oil to your partner's body. Make sure the oil is evenly distributed throughout the body, and keep in mind that too little oil won't provide enough lubrication and will cause chaffing. However, using too much would just result in chaos, which can be annoying. Try to strike a balance! You will notice that the skin quickly absorbs the oil as you spread it across your partner's body. Therefore, if the lubrication ceases to be sufficient, you will need to frequently apply additional oil to his or her body.

The massage can begin properly once the oil is all over your partner's body. Beginning with simple compressions of all major muscles would be a good idea. The thigh muscles should be targeted for wide and nonspecific compression because this region typically experiences the most strain throughout the day.

You will be able to move your partner's back, which is the second-most tense part of the average body, once the muscles in their legs have relaxed. Simply apply pressure with your palm that has been flattened, and remember to discuss what feels good and what hurts as much as you can with your partner.

To increase blood flow to areas that you feel are already loose, try lightly slapping them. Keep in mind that you should not slap so hard that it hurts unless, of course, your partner wants you to!

It is time to begin focused compression with the tips of your fingers and your fists after you have finished this massage and relaxed the major muscle groups. During focused compression, you should focus on a few specific areas, which are described in the following section. Targeted Breast Areas: One particular part of the human body that usually gets a lot of attention is the breasts, which also happen to be a great place for many people to get sexually stimulated. Additionally, they have a tendency to have very concentrated areas of tension that, when released, result in a person feeling extremely peaceful and relaxed.

As a result, one of the most important parts of your body that you should work on is your breasts. The lower half of the breasts are likely to be the areas of tension here. It is essential to feel around, looking for the place where tension is present.

Your partner might probably scream when you hit this particular spot, which is right below the nipple and contains this little ball of tension. However, don't stop the massage because of this pain. Many people liken this pain to the sensation one gets from scratching an itch. It's very enjoyable.

When performing this kind of massage, it's important to pay attention to where these little balls of tension come from. They are more than just muscle tension. The nature of their origin is more metaphysical than physical.

The various chakras in the body are already familiar to you. However, you probably aren't aware that these chakras are the major stops in a vast network of energy that flows through your body. These chakras are like vortices through which energy flows constantly. However, there are some circumstances in which the energy flow may be disrupted.

This typically occurs as a result of a poor diet or an injury sustained in a previous life that may still be affecting your body in this life. Consequently, when you apply deep pressure to these points, energy begins to flow out, removing the obstruction that had previously impeded your body's energy flow.

The flow of energy gives you vitality and makes your body more sensitive to sexual stimuli, so while it is painful to let go of energy, it can also be very enjoyable.

As a result, as the blockage is removed from the body's energy pathways, your partner will experience intense itching that will eventually turn into a tickling sensation when you massage these points.

Using the tips of your fingers to apply pressure to this particular point is the most effective method. Start by moving your hands in a circular motion and applying pressure. The energy blockage will be released in a very gentle and effective manner by this. After the stuck energy is released by the circular motion, your hand can move to a different part of the blockage, allowing the released energy to flow into the energy pathway without being impeded by your fingers' compression.

Up to this point, you can also apply a lot of pressure. This is very helpful because it will forcefully release the blockage's energy, allowing your partner to experience intense sexual stimulation.

Butt: Another part of the body that most people are very interested in is this one. It turns out that the buttocks are just as susceptible to energy blockages as the breasts are. This is probably because the people to whom they are attached spend the majority of their time in an office puts a lot of stress on them. It is not surprising that the energy pathways in our derrieres become blocked due to the amount of sitting we do.

The most important thing to do here is to get a feel for the area. Because there are many different places in the butt where a blockage can occur, you will need to poke around a bit to pinpoint the exact location. The fact that the energy blockage is likely to occur in the same spot on both cheeks is an odd little coincidence; therefore, if you find the spot on one cheek, simply begin pressing that spot on the other cheek as well.

Using the tips of your fingers, perform the same circular motion as you did on your partner's breast. However, if your partner is unable to feel anything while you are massaging him or her, try using your thumb instead. These energy blockages may necessitate additional pressure.

If your partner has a curvy backside, it might be difficult for you to locate the pressure point in this area. This is because there is a lot of flesh beneath the energy pathways. Even if the breasts in question are quite large, they rarely cause such a problem. This is due to the fact that the pressure points on the backside are deeper than those on the breasts. Therefore, if you find it difficult to locate your partner's pressure point, use your thumb to find it. Try applying pressure with something rigid like a pen if your thumb is still insufficient; just make sure to use the back end of the pen, not the pointy end!

By utilizing such a tool, you will be able to exert extremely concentrated pressure on the energy blockage, allowing for a very rapid loss of energy and probably angering your partner significantly.

The inner thighs It's possible that locating the energy blockage in this region of your body will be significantly more challenging than locating it in other areas of your body. Because of this, you should give your thighs a light massage before looking for pressure points.

The muscle massage is beneficial because it will remove a lot of the general area's distractions. When you look for a pressure point and think you've found one quickly, you often find that it's just muscle pain rather than the pain caused by a blocked energy pathway.

However, the process ought to be much simpler if you have relaxed your partner's thighs' muscles. Look for the pressure point in your upper inner thigh, which is the part of your thigh that is directly below your partner's crotch. This is a good advice to follow.

Try to squeeze this area all the way to the general location of the pressure point, then use the tips of your fingers to narrow it down. At the point when you see as the

pressure point, begin applying the very roundabout tension that you used to both the

past body parts.

When applying pressure to the inner thighs, exercise caution. Compared to pressure points in the buttocks or even the breasts, this one is significantly more delicate.

Applying excessive pressure will only result in unnecessary pain that will likely force your partner out of the mood, whereas applying gentle pressure will accomplish the desired result. If your partner finds the circular motion technique to be too intense, try moving your fingers forward while gently massaging the point instead. This will help because it uses much less force than the circular motion does, and the fact that it is much more sensual also helps!

Back area: The lower back is unique because it does not have a single point of energy blockage that you will need to focus on. Because this area of the body is very different from the three areas that were discussed earlier, it will be treated in a way that is completely different from how the previous body parts were treated. Instead, you and your partner will face one of two potential energy blockage scenarios, each with its own unique strategy for overcoming it.

The first scenario would involve a number of dozen distinct points of energy blockage scattered throughout your entire lower back. These points are concentrated in the region of your lower back that is directly in front of your buttock and the region of your lower back that is directly parallel to your spine.

The second scenario would involve the energy blockage being dispersed throughout the entirety of your lower back, with the energy nexuses interconnecting to form a network of blockages that is comparable to the actual energy pathway network your body has.

The second scenario most frequently affects people who work a lot and have large breasts. This is due to the fact that these people often put a lot of stress on their lower backs, which causes energy pathways to become blocked because these strenuous activities stop their blood from flowing.

If your partner doesn't get massages on a regular basis, the lower back will always be a very serious place where energy is blocked. The good news is that even a small massage in this area will greatly stimulate your partner and almost immediately arouse them if done correctly.

You will need to investigate a lot to determine which of the two energy blockage situations your partner is experiencing. Use your fingers to locate the energy obstructions. If there are gaps between the points where your partner experiences pain, this indicates that their energy blockages are distinct from one another.

However, if your partner's back hurts everywhere when you massage it in that particular itchy, tickly way, then the situation is one of the second types of energy blockage.

The first scenario is significantly more challenging to deal with than the second. You will need to address each energy blockage separately rather than all at once because they are not connected. This is due to the fact that attempting to massage multiple points simultaneously could cause your partner discomfort.

However, once you get the hang of it, resolving this energy blockage issue won't be too difficult. Simply move your hands in a circular motion, as you are already accustomed to doing, and press each pressure point to release the obstruction.

You will soon realize that once one blockage is resolved, the ones surrounding it will automatically weaken.

This indicates that concentrating on a few crucial locations will enable you to quickly remove the energy blocks and restore free flow to the energy pathways.

However, the second circumstance calls for a completely different strategy. The fact that this strategy doesn't hide anything is the first thing you need to know. The energy blockage is severe and will prevent your partner from having an orgasm. Because the blockage is widespread and interconnected, the best thing you can do is try to get rid of most of it simultaneously.

Use your thumbs to warm up your partner's lower back and force the energy blocks to weaken a little. You should begin to use your fists after a few minutes have passed. Knead the lower back of your partner as if it were dough. This may come off as funny, but if you knead your partner's lower back in the same way you would knead dough, moving quickly and not staying in one place for too long, they will soon feel like they are floating away.

Despite being technically more severe, the second situation is much simpler to overcome than the first. Simply ensure that you don't wind up hurtingyour accomplice by applying a lot of tension. Keep in mind that if you want the massage to be as enjoyable as possible, communication is essential.

The lower back, while being massaged, will provide you with the most sexual stimulation of any area. This is because they become significantly more receptive to sexual stimuli as a result of the energy that is being released. After you've massaged her back as much as you can, it will be much easier for you to give your partner an all-over orgasm.

Hands and feet: The parts of the body that have been talked about in this section are all important. A vital part of preparing your body for the intensity of tantric sex is massaging these body parts. However, despite the fact that the lower back contains the most severe energy blockage in your body, your hands and feet are the most important parts of your body to massage.

Because so much energy is lost and gained through your limbs, your hands and feet contain important energy pathways. Additionally, because you use your hands and feet so frequently, many of these energy pathways become blocked.

This is especially important to keep in mind because your feet and hands are where almost every organ pathway is. This indicates that clearing the energy pathways in your hands and feet of obstructions will help your body become more receptive to stimuli, intensifying the climax of your lovemaking.

You do not need to concentrate on each point individually because the pathways in your partner's hand are so diverse and close to one another. Instead, you can give your hands a general massage as long as you make sure to massage every part of your hand.

However, a general massage is not sufficient for your partner's feet. A general massage might help you loosen the muscles of your foot up, but it probably won't do much to free the energy blockages because the foot has separated clusters of energy pathway nexuses instead of the pointillist spread of nexuses that your hand has. As a result, you'll need to use your thumb to exert significant pressure on your feet. The upper center of your foot should be your first target because this is typically where you'll find a cluster of energy blocks because you put so much stress on it every day.

You can begin looking for additional blocks after applying pressure and releasing this energy blockage. The big toe and heel are also common locations, and the little toes also have nexuses for minor energy pathways.

This method can also be applied to your partner's hands. There are obstructions in your hand that prevent nexuses from reaching certain body parts. Since your partner's vagina is the part of their body you're most interested in right now, you'll naturally want to massage a part of their hand to get rid of energy blocks that lead to this very important part of their anatomy.

The fleshy part of your partner's hand underneath her thumb is the part of your hand that connects to her vagina via energy pathways. Your partner will feel the itchy pain that comes from pressing on pressure points if you press down here, but that's not all it does.

Your inability to induce orgasm with your partner is significantly exacerbated by blocked energy pathways. No matter how many fancy tricks you try, your partner will not have an orgasm if no energy reaches the area that so desperately needs energy to climax.

As a result, removing the blockage of energy from your partner's hand will make her vagina much more sensitive. The crucial aspect is that it will remain sensitive throughout, making her g spot, that rarely discovered reservoir of infinite ecstasy for women, much easier to locate.

In the following section of the chapter, a novel method that will enable you to provide your partner with mind-blowing orgasms that could last for hours will be discussed, and this simple discovery of your partner's g spot will prove to be extremely beneficial!