

My name is Oliver Wright. I know what you’re thinking, I’m the main character of this story. So, I must have been blessed with extraordinary powers, right? I must’ve woke up one day and gained incredible strength. If so, your wrong… My story is different than the well-known cliché. The society I live in is corrupt. The people here are born with extraordinary abilities. Something we’ve taken to call Birthrights. Heroes are nothing more than fairy tales in this world. This is my story. I will seek vengeance against the corrupt Hero Society. No matter the cost.

Gavin8r · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Headmaster

I made my way to the academy. I figured it'd be best if I got that situated sooner rather than later.

After leaving the shoddy apartment, I ventured on in pursuit of my potential school. I checked my phone for directions before making my way through the crowd.

I've heard that this academy is prestigious even among its competitors. Getting this scholarship really is a silver lining in my slowly eroding life.

I shuffled past the people yelling at each other, and the homeless people round the corners pleading for help. Steeling my resolve once again, I entered the public train.


The steel doors shut themselves tight as the room in the car suddenly condensed. I turned to my left as I overheard two men with glasses.

"This is the new Rapid Transit right?" One guy with shaggy hair and oversized-glasses asked.

"Yes it is. I heard that the hero Rapid got paid a lot of money to let the company use his brand." The other intellectual answered.

Ugh. Hero advertising. Everytime you look out the window in the city, there are billboards showcasing products sponsored by Heroes. As far as the eye can see, everywhere there is trash. Heroes, flaunting their superiority whilst making profit out of it.


People boarded while others left in a hurry. Uncaring for the people who are in their way.

I left the transit while heading in the direction pinpointed on the phone's map. I passed Moonlit Avenue and moved through the street. Making my way past the flea markets, I came across Vigorhood Platform.

Amongst all the trash in the Hero Society, there was one glimmering hero that stood above the rest. One with true heroic virtues. Putting others before himself. Using his Birthright to save others.

His name is Vigorhood. With his unrelenting stamina and unstoppable strength, he stops villains in their tracks. Never showing fear on his face. An unstoppable force they call him. Although he is well past his prime, he never stops fighting for the people who can't.

That's why they dedicated this platform to him. He was once the number one hero in his golden years. He held the title for 20 years.

I recognized him as a hero not because of his achievements, but because of what he believes in.

I stepped onto the platform as it rose. As the platform started climbing, I could see the city below me. Anxious to see what was behind the wall, I clenched my fist. I will not forget it to this day.

A mansion, no, a castle was before me. Fortified by impenetrable walls made of stone, banners with snake-like beings that stared you in the eye, and a arsenal of gargoyle-like statues that breathed actual fire. With a broad field surrounding it, a giant drawbridge stopped me from seeing inside.

After leaving my trance, I could make out many people around my age mingling with one another. Some, were even dueling each other on elevated platforms. Arenas I could only guess.


Dueling? Isn't this a educational-based academy? Not one of the powerhouse Hero academies?

That's why I was picked wasn't it? I must go over this with with administration.

Ignoring the curious students and the few glares thrown in my direction, I found my way to the administrator's office. Once there, I saw a lady with green hair, her eyes' color mirroring them. She sat behind a desk, typing away.

I spoke up.

"Excuse me, miss?"

"He's waiting for you in his office."

She responded immediately. Her tone flat.

"Ah yes, thanks."

"Don't be so polite like that when you talk to the Headmaster. He hates it when people do that." She warned me, her tone remaining indifferent. Her eyes never leaving her screen, she shooed me away with her hand.

I kept walking down the corridor until I ran into the, -door? What stood before me should not of been a door. But somehow, I knew it was. A giant metal wall loomed over me. With menacing spikes alongside it. Only the handle was safe from it's sharp edges.

After mustering up my courage I grabbed onto the handle, wincing from the awaiting pain. However, no pain attacked me. The problem was, the door didn't budge.

That's to be expected I thought. Maybe there is another way in. After inspecting my surroundings, I found a bell with a rope attached to it. Seeing no other way in, I rang it.


The door snapped out of position as it got closer to me. Hesitatingly, I looked back to the lady at the desk. She was nowhere in sight. Panicked, I ran back from where I came. Trying to avoid the iron wall about to impale me.


A thunderous laughter echoed throughout the hall. Getting up from my position, I straightened myself out and looked forward.

The giant iron wall had been opened. Revealing a chestnut colored room. Books along the wall spiraling around the desk. A huge fireplace in the back of the room. The fire, as if it was alive, swarmed around the huge figure in the middle.


The thunder revealed itself to be a big man with brown hair covering his red face. Flared up as if he was just electrocuted, his hair's tips charred and his silver glasses sparkling like suddenly struck flint.

"Are y-you the Headmaster?"

Cursing at myself for stuttering at my first meeting with him, I could not look him in the eye.

He stood up revealing his brawny build. Just like a regular public school teacher, he wore a red dress shirt under a sleek black vest.

"Yes, I am indeed the Headmaster here. My name is Alexander Drake. I presume you are Mr. Wright?"

His lips curled into a smile as he spoke. Slowly walking forward with heavy steps.

I nodded.

"Well then."

He paused. His arms spread out revealing a hearty smile.

"Welcome, to WYVERN ACADEMY!"

Sorry for the later release, I had vacation with the family. To make up, I will send a double release this week. Please support this author and look forward to Oliver's adventure.

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