
Birth Tyshāwn

Birth Tyshāwn a true story.

DaoistL1SSUy · Realistic
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13 Chs

wolf girl vs Phoenex

wolf girl say are you ready Phoenex. Tyshāwn say yes Tyshāwn body over heating up. then shogi pieces just standing an watching closely. 3 2 1 beep. wolf girl charge at Phoenex an throw those punches Tyshāwn took those blows. wolf girl smiled saying this im half breed omega wolf from the pack. she transformed into a wolf with out looking at full moon. Phoenex was happy what he seen her hit did hit me an I can feel it a little.Tyshāwn close his eyes an open his 2nd wing they look like ice but its not cold. Tyshāwn still getting pound on by wolf girl open up the space wings wolf girl. wolf girl transformed once more into a beautiful wolf beast. Tyshāwn open his eyes he lost a lot of blood but healing quickly no matter. the wolf girl with one claw try to grab Phoenex heart. Tyshāwn let her grab his heart wolf girl say this is the end. Tyshāwn laughed out loud this is the end of you. she burst his heart he not dead what is this bloodlust I am feeling in the air I most go all out on my next transformed then wolf girl try to transformed but Tyshāwn quickly slide grab her legs an slam her saying you try to destroy me in front of my shogi pieces an I most show no mercy. assault bloodsweez laughed out saying cut the puppy legs of my love its will make me happy. Johnny Fox say skin her a life an make you some socks. the Blood demon say what just happened i though he will just die from taking so many deadly blow from the king. loki say that is the Phoenex fighting style he get stronger with each hit an just grow stronger with each attack im surprised he did not use the fire wings i heard about from my father. blood demon I must fight him getting so excited for battle. Tyshāwn brings out the god killing ax an chopped of her head she catches it in her mouth say it's not going to be that easy doing a spin kick. Tyshāwn is full heal an heart full heal. the ice wing show him her next 30 attacks an power an ability. wolf girl shooting ice an wind at me all different types I broke the ice wall headbutt the wind arrow. she made a blizzard an hide in it trying to heal. wolf girl say why can't I heal. then Tyshāwn say find you dropping his God killing Ax to chopped of her tail she scream out an bit his face open up his space wings an slap her face with it she let go an Tyshāwn use her wind arrow against her bang she stop it with her eyes. she scream out my beautiful tail missing a peace with lost attention to killed she land 52 deadly hits with her ice claws frozen Phoenex still for a second but the god killing ax show her self to Tyshāwn in his mind to use full power of the god killing ax then the Phoenex say god killing ax show me up stage 1. wolf girl was confused what is going on with the ground the ax quickly attack from under battle Arena wolf girl show her fangs its look like a type of rock so bright see fire swords came out her teeth. an try to rush an in it with a slash attack. Phoenex say im done playing these games with you bring out one of his orbs an hit her 1,025 time with it she throws the fire swords faster then purple thunder.she knocked out from to many powerful hit an burning energy. this fight did last 12 hours. Tyshāwn pick up wolf girl an heal her for a little she open her eyes an say you won how did you beat me so easy an I have a feeling you did not go all out. wolf girl say I thought I killed you over 20 billion times with my deadly blows. Tyshāwn say I'm not human I'm a Phoenex. loki say can I have my king back. Tyshāwn gave loki the king back to him an the battle Arena fix itself like nothing did not happen. Johnny Fox say that was a good fight. assault bloodsweez say love are you okay an can I fight next my love. Tyshāwn say no an bite assault bloodsweez an moaning out loud. assault bloodsweez say you are making me so wet im losing my mind with sex attention going through her head. the wolf girl wake up an walk to Tyshāwn an say Phoenex that was a good fight im so surprised you can man handle me with ease then lick his face an say that was the second time I lost a fight. assault bloodsweez slap wolf girl say puppy move away from my love. wolf girl show her teeth an walk back an say assault bloodsweez we will fight one of these days but not now. Samael say I was quickly surprised about everything putting her demon hands on his chest an looking in Tyshāwn eyes. you make me won't to have your baby so manly and nice my lust king.an putting her demon lips on Tyshāwn an asked why did you not reflect those attacks.Tyshāwn answer because I wont to see what my other wings does. Samael say will convince your wings into one when you unlock all 20 of them you no angel or demon my soon to be husband but you can take over both Thrones demon an angel with that red voltaxic wings an fire wings. assault bloodsweez say im going to be his wife. blood demon did not like what he seen losing his mind she was here the hold time. blood demon say who am I fighting then Johnny Fox say me. blood demon say my name is Xuè yāo but you can call me blood demon. Johnny Fox say im am a half breed 9 tail Fox an honey badger with 10% human DNA. blood demon say i am going to win this. blood demon say then Phoenex we most fight later on I will end this battle with ease i much stronger then or king laughed out loud so my king. blood demon asked wolf girl can I go all out wolf girl say no you can't use that weapon until you fight Phoenex in the school arena on progress day. then the blood demon stand in the battle Arena say come at me Johnny Fox with all you got. Johnny Fox don't cry when you die. then a door just shows up from the its Satan an Krampus. saying class is about to start in few get to class all Krampus say. this is or second new student. Morpheus fly slow up there took one second. Morpheus say hello Krampus. oh high there Morpheus this is my little Satan he is new. Morpheus say this is Phoenex he just won his first fight in your school. Krampus who did he beat. Morpheus say wolf girl. Krampus can't believe it let see the fight reward time an watching it then back to were he is at. wow so strong this Phoenex is. Tyshāwn laughed out loud. Morpheus let's them get done with shogi match. Krampus say let's watch it together then Morpheus an catch up. Satan glare at Tyshāwn say hello prince Phoenex. Tyshāwn say hello Satan i can't wait to fight you in the battle an tame you. Satan laughed out let's me guess you won with your fire wings. Tyshāwn say no. but we can talk an watch the fight together. Krampus made chairs for everyone an say finish the shogi match. Johnny Fox say here i go demon blood. then wolf girl wave to Satan then Satan Say you still did not transformed back she say no its going to take 2 weeks an 5 hour an 1 second. 3 2 1 beep.