
Birth of the Primordial Wrath Lord

Hell is a world that has seen the rise of many great beings. It has seen the rise of monsters the likes of which were equalled. On a day like any other, one such being was born from the innards of a statue. As this child who knew nothing but violence grew, an opportunity to explore Hell with a human nearly as young as he was, appeared. So Asura, demon of a new kind and his unlucky companion are unleashed into the wider Universe, and nothing will ever be the same.

Schrolla · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Meet the Shin

Asura was not used to expressing what he felt. To begin with, he felt less than others and had no one to talk to, not that he would see this as a problem. And so he had said nothing about the fatigue he had accumulated during the quick journey towards Dramora. He appeared tireless, but he really wasn't. He was not infallible, not yet.

So it did not surprise him when he woke up in a bed he had never seen, inside a room he had never entered. He must have fallen asleep right before entering the city. At least, he told himself before remembering something: a punch. It appeared in his face far too swiftly, his mind had registered the attack, but his body had not reacted in time.

He regarded his hands as they trembled under his cold fury. Perhaps he had been a tad bit too excited about the incoming battles. He had a long way to go.

"Please tell me you're not angry about what happened with the commander. I feel like those trembling hands announce nothing good for the future. Do not challenge him to a duel or something like that." A voice called out to his left. There sat Pietro, the human that accompanied him on this journey. He held a book, though Asura could not read its title. How odd, he was certain that all of his fellow demons spoke the same language.

Bah, it did not matter! Violence was a universal language, that much he was certain of.

"I will...Just not for now." Asura said as he caressed his cheek. It was quite swollen, and it felt wet. Had something been rubbed on it? Asura looked beside Pietro and saw a bowl filled with a translucent liquid. That answered the question, even if he did not know what the liquid was. It did not burn, so it was inconsequential.

"Oh pinch me, I'm dreaming. You don't want to immediately run away, while still injured and get another beating from Mister Bernos?" Pietro mocked him. It appeared that he had grown far more courageous due to their journey. He was less scared of him now. Then again it was bound to happen since he had given the human no reasons to fear him, for now. Asura did not know how to feel when it came to Pietro's current attitude.

"Bernos...Commander. Good, knowing who he is will give me a better chance of finding him in the future." Asura whispered but was still quite loud enough for Pietro to hear him.

"Asura, I honestly can longer tell if you are really stupid, or if you were just acting like a savage back in the temple," Pietro said while glancing at him before putting his eyes back on his book.

" I do not need intelligence, so why should I show it, use it?" Asura questioned Pietro, though he already knew what the human would say in response. Just as he appeared easy to read in his companion's eyes, Pietro was as predictable to him.

Pietro sighed and put his book down on the small nightstand near the bed, right beside the bowl.

" I won't even argue with you at this point. Anyway, I talked with Mister Bernos, he asked me some questions and then pointed me towards this..." Pietro looked around the room before scrunching up his face," Tavern? Inn? Hotel....I don't really know. They serve alcohol and they have a lot of rooms for people to spend the night over. Apparently, the admissions for the school should start at dawn, which I would say is soon to come." He said as he pointed towards the sole window in the room.

Asura glanced at it, saw the large city beyond the glass and ignored it. The city was inconsequential too. The school, however, was important. He would surely make great rivals there. Or simply beat all the other students into submission. Either way, he would greatly appreciate his time there.

"So we should be on our way then, right?" Asura said whilst getting out of bed. He noticed a pair of odd shoes at the foot of the bed. They were...Fluffy, and oddly shaped. Pietro saw his look of pure confusion and helped him. Asura felt that this was going to become a habit.

"Those are slippers. The monks usually walked barefooted, but people are supposed to wear those comfortable shoes when they are in their homes. I guess this place offers those to make the guests feel at home. My Papa used to do things like that when he still had an inn." Pietro looked oddly content as he said this. Asura could not quite comprehend it.

"Papa? What is that?" Asura asked while slipping his feet inside the slippers. Oh, perhaps they were called slippers because of how one would wear them. The young demon felt happy at the discovery.

"Uh...Well, it is another word for father. Maybe they don't use it in Hell, I do not know." Pietro shrugged and abandoned his chair as he took out some sort of small medallion from his pocket.

He motioned for Asura to follow after him while twirling the medallion between his fingers.

"Before you ask, this is something Commander Bernos gave me. It's supposed to signify that we are new in town. That way people will immediately understand that we are not used to how things work here and will help us. Can't say I expected this from demons."

Asura wanted to say that he had not meant to ask what the medallion was for, but it would only get him some form of insult upon his intelligence from Pietro. It was strange to be uncaring in the face of insults, but Pietro did not register in his mind as someone he could fight over such matters. If he did, Pietro would surely pass away from a single slap.

In a corner of his mind, Asura wondered what this commander Bernos had asked Pietro, but perhaps it wasn't that important anyway.

And so, they were on their way towards the school. It was not exactly hard to locate it, as the name of the academy was written in large golden letters on a bridge that linked the two towers that oversaw the whole academy.

Pietro idly wondered what purpose those towers even served, as they were truly massive, but he would simply put this question at the bottom of a long queue.

They soon reached the main building of the academy. It was composed of said building, one that was nothing short of an absurdly vast castle, the two towers that could be seen from any area of the city, and multiple smaller buildings of purposes unknown. Pietro could also see a circular edifice behind the main building, for its height, was even greater than that of the castle. It looked to be made entirely out of metal, and Pietro could not recognize what it was. It somewhat resembled the 'stadiums' he had once seen in his life.

What stood out to Pietro, more than the buildings themselves, however, for they were quite honestly just big and not that impressive, was the lack of students. He saw no one. The suns had just appeared, so perhaps they were too early, but this still striked him as a bizarre situation.

That was when he and Asura walked towards the castle and through something, something that felt oddly wet. Like a gentle waterfall, but one that left no traces on their attires. And then, it was pure chaos.

In every direction, demons of every kind. They mostly looked young, though some were noticeably older than Asura and him. None of them wore a uniform of any kind, and that could not just be because none of them were students yet. Pietro had not been informed of any specific uniform to be worn by the students, so perhaps there were none. To be honest, he would've liked it otherwise, for he had no money to buy clothes and going to school in a monk's clothing did not entice him.

But Pietro only focused on this for a second, and on the next, he was marvelling at the sights. He saw demons with their wings out, which was a first for him. The monks and Asura had no wings, and demons apparently did not like to let them out for no reason. They either flew or kept them hidden. And those wings, oh dear...They were gigantic. They were not proportionate to the bodies of the demons they were attached to. Pietro could somehow understand why they disliked unfurling them for no reason then.

That was not all, the students seemed to have no qualms about using their powers, he saw some of them play around by throwing fireballs at each other, and he even saw some older demons play-fighting, and it appeared that demons were used to destroying everything around them when they were only fighting for fun. There was such a mixed bag of individuals, Pietro felt like he was only now experiencing the vastness of the universe as a whole and he hadn't even seen much yet!

In a sense, it was amazing, in another, it was depressing. How was it...How was it that they looked so much happier than his own kind?

Before he could dwell on such thoughts, he saw Asura literally salivate as he took in the sights too. And he obviously focused a lot on the students who were fighting, for, of course, he would. The demon made not more than one step before his clothes were grabbed.

And right as Pietro was about to experience immense pain in the form of a broken wrist, a voice called out to him.

"Well, it looks like you made it right on time, and your friend is here too, how delightful."

It was a familiar voice, he had heard it the day before after all. He searched where the woman was, and found her, as well as the myriad of other students that accompanied her. Pietro froze as he found himself in the middle of the attention. The professor smiled at him, though with her scar he couldn't say the smile wasn't at least somewhat scary.

" Welcome to the Forneus Military and Public School for all, little human. I trust that you have-"

She had been speaking, one second she had been speaking and then the next, her head snapped to the right. Why had it been the case?

Well because her face had just met a shin, one belonging to the fiend who knew not how to handle himself.

Unsurprisingly, Asura had just kicked the professor in the face as hard as he could.

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