
Birth of the Mind Wraith: Danmachi

Birth of the Mind Wraith. Leo was a normal collage drop-out working at a local mechanic shop to get by, a slight otaku in his personal life Leo was confused when one day on his way home from an exhausting day at work he found himself elsewhere, and in a younger body no less soon he discovered his location when his saw the dungeon tower looming in the distance. In that moment Leo decided then and there that he would live this new life of his to the fullest and enjoy all the heroines of this world. Cover image not mine, if you are the owner and would like it removed simply tell me. Recent chapters have better spacing than the first 3 Bad grammar is expected. Danmachi is not owned by me this is simply a fan piece written for pleasure.

Distant_Tree · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

I'm the first?

While walking the empty streets I came across a small square of sorts the bright star and moonlight illuminating it in the dark, it was then that I saw it, a small, huddled figure sitting curled up on the squares side. The small figure was draped in a dirty and ripped cloak the hood pulled up to cover their face as they sat there shaking, slowly I cautiously made my way over, normally I would have just moved on not wanting to get involved in another's problems but for some reason I was drawn to this small, huddled figure.


My slow approach went unnoticed and as I drew near, I heard a soft sobbing coming from the figure the sound was pure sadness given a voice, loneliness the like, I could scarcely imagine. In that moment my heart broke for this pore thing, sad and alone crying in an empty street, I made myself known with a louder than normal step hearing me the figures head shot up their hood falling from there head revealing their tear-streaked face. I was stunned, locked in place only a few feet away from them, their skin was a porcelain white that seemed to glow in the night's rays their eyes a deep ocean blue filled with emotion, a face framed by their smooth black hair, she was beautiful.


It was Hestia, goddess of hearth and home, she was sitting curled up and crying in the street and that cracked my already broken heart even more. I kneeled in front of her my hand reaching out to brush away a still falling tear as I cupped her cheek and gazed deeply into her mesmerizing eyes and spoke. "Goddess why are you here? Why do you cry?" Chessy? yes, even I thought so in the moment, but I was still caught in her eyes, and they weren't letting go. Her tears which had stopped falling when I had grasped her cheek, began to flow anew as she tightly grasped my outstretched arm with both hands and began sobbing blubbering out barely coherent words.


"I-I-no one w-wants to join m-my Familia a-and a-and" at this point she stopped being understandable and broke down even more. I took the balling goddess into my embrace wrapping her small frame in my arms as my hand came up to brush her hair, I began whispering to her comforting her and after a while she began to calm down, her sobs growing ever more inconsistent until finally they stopped. She pulled back from me leaning back so she was able to see my face, her puffy red eyes flicking over me before she finally spoke up her words hesitant but hopeful. "W-will you join m-my Familia? p-please?" her puffy eyed gaze dug into me demanding, no yearning for the only answer I could give.


"Yes, goddess I will happily join your Familia, if you will let me" my words visibly shook the small goddess, as her hands which were clutching at her chest moved forward and tightly grabbed the front of my shirt, her little fists balling themselves in the fabric as she spoke. "T-thank you, t-thank you!!" her words echoed around the empty square as she burred herself into my chest, I felt her fresh tears soak the front of my shirt as I gathered her into my arms comforting her once more. She calmed down quicker this time seeming content just to stay with my arms wrapped around her, softly though, I wisped. "We shouldn't stay here goddess; do you know a place where we can go?" slowly I felt her nod her head before she lifted it, resting her chin agents my chest as she gazed up at me, before turning in my grasp and pointing down the street with one glove covered hand.


Nodding at the simple directions I stood picking the goddess up in my arms as I did in a bridal carry, as I walked down the street, I felt her arms snake around my neck as she rested her head agents my chest a smile playing at her lips. We walked the city roads in a comfortable silence, as the star and moonlight shown down on us, me fallowing her occasional gestured directions as we moved, soon enough I came to a stop in front of a familiar run-down church. Hestia, at this point motioned for me to set her down and I did, she stood beside me tightly clutching my hand as she did, as if afraid of me running away. In an attempt to comfort her I said "I'm not going any ware goddess, not without you" my words seemed to have the desired effect as her grip loosened slightly before she began to lead me through the church's doors and through the worship hall.


She stopped before a wooden door set in the back wall before opening it revealing a stairway leading downwards, she then guided me down the stairs as I closed the door behind us, soon we entered a lit room containing an old and worn bed and couch which looked to be in even worse condition then the bed. I looked around the small lit room as Hestia dragged me towards the bed, she pulled back the covers sitting on the edge to kick off her sandles before crawling into the bed. Once she was settled, she turned and motioned for me to join her, sighing lightly I too sat on the beds edge to kick off my boots before laying down and getting comfortable, Hestia wiggled over to my side curling up agents me before she wrapped her fists in my shirt holding me tightly. The lights began to dim along with my consciousness but before I fell completely into slumbers grasp, I said my final words of the night "Good night, my goddess" and before I could hear any response my world darkened, and I slept for the first time in my new world.


I was awakened the next morning by Hestia's movement, my eyes slid open at glacial speed as I took in my situation and surrounding, I was in an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room I was about to sit up when I remembered, and a smile stretched across my face. Looking down I saw Hestia sprawled on top of me pushing herself into me as she slept, when she did, I felt her soft mounds press agents me too and couldn't help but smile at the nice feeling. Soon though I knew it was time to talk about the future, so I started to wake her, I took her shoulders into my hands and shook her gently for a bit before waking her as she sat up and looked around groggily before focusing in on me. Hestia squealed before she lunged at me wrapping her arms around my neck and squeezing tightly as she buried her face in my chest squeals and happy sounds comeing from her as she kicked her feet up and down in excitement.


A little overwhelmed by her morning greeting I was still for a moment before my arms too wrapped around her and I leaned down whispering into her hair "Good morning, Goddess" a shiver passed through Hestia as I did, and she popped her head up looking at me with stars in her eyes. Suddenly though the stars dimmed, and I was confused as to why when she spoke timidly "Ehh w-what's your name?" I nearly face palmed at the question but managed to control the impulse before smiling at the fidgeting goddess.


"I'm Leo goddess, Leo Greyrock it's nice to officially meet you" she puffed her cheeks out at my words a slight blush coloring them as she did "You keep calling me goddess, j-just call me Hestia p-please?" she finished with a shy tilt to her head twirling one of her bangs with a finger. I smiled at how cute she was "Of cource Hestia" when I finished, she smiled at me brightly as she again launched herself at me wrapping herself around me and attempting to squeeze the life out of me. After a moment of her squeezing and me patting her back I voiced a question, "Hestia you don't by chance have any food here, do you?" Hestia after hearing my question sat herself up and straddled me thinking for a moment before jumping off me and running into one of the connecting rooms.


I sat up as she did swinging my feet out of the bed and shoving my boots back on before I stood up, right as I did Hestia came running back into the room carrying a few fruits. Coming to a stop in front of me, she offered them to me with a massive grin and I happily took one that looked like an apple before biting into it filling my mouth with its crisp flesh and sweet juices. I finished the apple like fruit quickly but refrained from taking another, instead I walked over and sat on the couch Hestia taking a seat beside me munching on her own fruit as she did.