
Birth Of The Heavenly Star

A mysterious teenager who lost his memories came to Tian Chen Continent, he was mistaken as the son of the Ye family from Tian Long country. So he took and use of this identity to look on world changes coldly and tried to get back his memories, but to only find a helpless destiny. Therefore, he laughed with a sneer, and started to show his talent in making the world under his control just like casting a net to shroud the whole world. Since then, all were under his control as if wind and cloud, even thunderstorm were subject to his palms! He, as the fairytale’s main character, has created many fairy tales on Tian Chen Continent one after onother with his supreme intelligence, but his power is unknown to us. ( 1 chapter every Sat/ Mon/ Wed/ ) . https://patreon.com/Dao_Translation

Dao_Translation · Eastern
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45 Chs

Night Visit

At the dining table, Ye Wuchen roughly explained everything that had happened. After dinner, Wang Wenshu pulled him over and asked him about this and that, especially about the incident where he almost lost his life half a month ago. Ye Wuchen easily dealt with all of them without any flaws. When he returned to his courtyard, the new moon was already high in the sky and the night sky was filled with stars.

Xiao Lu, who had been anxiously waiting for his return, finally let out a small sigh of relief. With a red face, she said, "Young Master, the bathwater is ready. Let me first serve Young Master in his bath."

At this time, Xiao Lu's hands were tightly gripping the corners of her clothes, unconsciously twisting them. Her head was lowered, not daring to look directly into his eyes. It was clear that this was the first time she was serving a male master in his bath, so she was nervous and uneasy. Ye Wuchen shook his head, "No need, I'll do it myself."

Xiao Lu let out a heavy sigh of relief, but an indescribable sense of loss suddenly appeared in her heart. "Miss Ningxue's bath is also ready. It's in my room. Then, I'll first serve Miss Ningxue in her bath … is that alright?"

"It's fine, I'll wash it for Snow. Xiao Lu, you don't need to take care of things here. Wash up and go to bed early. "Ye Wuchen led Ningxue into the bedroom, then closed the door and locked it.

Xiao Lu's eyes widened and her small mouth opened exaggeratedly. Her heart was beating rapidly … could it be that Young Master actually liked such a small child …

"Is the water hot?"

"It's a little hot."

"Alright, watch Big Brother." Ye Wuchen placed his hand into the water. A faint blue light flashed on his palm and the temperature of the water began to slowly drop.

"Is this okay?"

"Wu, it's just right, hee hee!"

That pure white dress made of an unknown material lay quietly on the bed. Ningxue stood in the bathtub that was too "big" for her petite body. Only her small head that was covered in water droplets and her snow-white shoulders were exposed. She closed her eyes and enjoyed Ye Wuchen's hands moving around her body.

"You must tell me when you feel cold."

Ye Wuchen's hands slid across every inch of her skin, and it felt incredibly smooth to the touch. This was not the first time he had bathed Ningxue, but every time he did it, he found that her body was always so spotless, as if it was carved out of soft, warm jade. Perhaps bathing was actually unnecessary for her.

Although it was already night, the room was still as bright as day. The two huge white pearls hanging on the ceiling were releasing a bright but not glaring white light. The Tianchen Continent naturally didn't have electric lights, and these two glowing pearls couldn't possibly be the legendary Luminous Pearls of Heaven and Earth, but a top-level magic lamp. Among the rare Magicians, there was an even rarer type of Light Magician. Their magic didn't have any offensive abilities, but they had simple healing abilities. In the Tianchen Continent, most of the knowledge about light magicians was focused on magic lamps. They could compress and inject light elements into specific carriers during the day, allowing them to release light for a longer period of time. And these carriers could become all kinds of strange magic lamps.

The more powerful the Light Magician was, the more they could make magic lamps that could release light for a longer period of time. Of course, ordinary people couldn't afford to use these kinds of things, like the one in Ye Wuchen's room that could continuously release light for a month, only a very small number of people could afford to use it.

Ning Xue was like a little demon that had been cursed. She had a cursed face, but she had the perfect body of a demon. Her skin was snow-white, her waist and buttocks were like willows, and her body was extremely petite. Her breasts were slightly raised, and her mouth was white and tender like freshly peeled bamboo shoots. At the top of her slightly raised breasts, there were drops of water that could fall at any time. The two pink spots on her breasts were like two light pink gems, and they were even more crystal clear than the water drops.

In Ye Wuchen's eyes, there was only love and appreciation, and there was no trace of obscenity. He and Ningxue both enjoyed this feeling of closeness. In just a short month of being together, the two of them, who had no past, snuggled up to each other, and even experienced a separation of life and death. Now they were already inseparable.

"Brother, you always give me a bath, why don't you let me give you a bath?" Ningxue looked up and asked.

"Because I don't need a bath." Wuchen gently played with her petite and soft buttocks, and answered with a smile.

"You don't need a bath? Why not? " Ningxue's face was full of curiosity, and at the same time, she lightly swung her long white hair, sprinkling a small piece of gorgeous white shadow.

"Because brother's body automatically repels all kinds of dirt, and it won't get dirty, even your clothes won't get dirty." As Ye Wuchen spoke, his right hand left Ningxue's body, and stuck to the water surface. His palm flashed with a red light, releasing a scorching heat, and warming up the somewhat cold water.

Ten minutes later, Ye Wuchen carried the naked Ningxue out of the water, and carefully wiped her body dry. Then, he put her on the bed, and covered her with a thin blanket.

"Brother, sleep …" Ningxue opened her flawless arms, indicating for Wuchen to carry her. Falling asleep in his arms had unknowingly become a habit of hers, and it was a habit that was very difficult to break.

Wuchen put her arms back under the blanket, and then touched her little face, and said, "Cher, be good and wait for brother for a while. I have something to do, and I will be back soon. "

"En, brother must come back soon." Ningxue nodded obediently, and lightly blinked her big eyes, but she tried hard not to show reluctance on her face.

It was not late at night, and there should not be many people in the Ye Mansion who had already fallen asleep. Most of the rooms were still lit with bright or dim magic lamps, and with the crescent moon hanging in the sky, the Yeh family under the night sky was covered with a layer of white, and it was not to the point where it was impossible to see.

Ye Wuchen quietly walked out of his room. The small courtyard was very quiet, and there was only the sound of water coming from the room next door. It should be Little Green taking a bath. He tapped his feet, and his whole body flashed with a green light for a moment. His body had already quietly jumped onto the roof, and he was as light as a falling leaf. As soon as he landed, he ran along the roof like a white lightning towards his target.

There was a kind of clothing specially made for night walkers like "thieves" called Night Walker Clothes. Not only was it tight for movement, but it was also as black as ink. After wearing it, people could blend into the night, and it was difficult to be discovered in the dark. As for the night walkers wearing eye-catching white clothes — — either they had a problem with their brain, or they were extremely confident and arrogant.

At this moment, Ye Wuchen, who was dressed in snow white clothes, was obviously not the former.

In this world, he displayed an astonishing speed for the first time. As he ran, an indistinct voice faintly echoed in the depths of his consciousness … …

"… Our power will bestow upon us a strong body and countless miraculous abilities, but the first thing it bestows upon us is an extremely high speed. Do not underestimate speed. Among all the martial arts in the world, only speed is unbeatable. Back then, although I only had the first level of power, I relied on the speed it bestowed upon me to render the strongest martial artist in Huaxia, who was far more powerful than me, helpless. So, when your power is not strong enough, you must make good use of your speed. Because not only can it help you complete surprise attacks and storm-like attacks, it can also help you escape perfectly when facing an undefeatable enemy … … Although as our power increases, our speed will not increase significantly, but when our power reaches the peak, we will be able to manipulate space at will. At that time, we will no longer need speed … … "

What is this power that I named "Wuchen Art"?