
Birth of The Dread Dominion

You would think everyone that is born into life leads a happy life and a fruitful one. It takes the exceptional ones to rise above there own standing given to them by life.. Kendrick grew up slowly seeing the world change and people he knew change with it. Never feeling that him himself changed with the times. Not much has change since he graduated from college, he goes to a dead end job and goes home sleep and repeat. But by luck or Human error something unexpected arrived at his door.. Given a chance to change in a game where your actions can only be your own watch as he climbs his way to the top of Reverence... Author: If your looking for a novel blessed by stats and they make all types of sense to you then this story ain’t for you I’m writing to tell a dope story not to play mathematics in a book..

Navie · Games
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15 Chs

V-Finding a Way

Kendrick stood up after his deep dive into the information of the world Reverence and clenched his fist. A new a different path has been laid before him and he is intended on making it something he is proud to call his own...

I need to head back in he said to himself looking over to his room and walking to it, he sat check the time and it was 12 on the dot and the sun loomed high. He knew that game time and IRL time where different every 1 hour that passes in IRL 3 hours passes in game, which where one of the dramatic selling point for the game.

Kendrick placed the helmet on and pressed the button on the back but this time the sting didn't come and before he knew it the voice came back..

[..Connecting player]

[...Welcome To the World of Reverence]

[....Player Arsenal]

Kendrick arrived back in crossroads and it was deathly as every, the monstrous roar or the shuffling tree's where no more, all that was present was the wind. He turned and saw a gate like structure with a faint blue hue glow and so he headed for it.

He reached it and placed his hand on it and a notification sounded off..

[Gate Key accepted]

[Gate Code:63636]

(Crossroads has been added to you Map Log)

[You can now travel back to this destination with a scroll or Inputting the gate code into another teleportation gate]

Kendrick was take a back for a minute he wasn't expecting that at all.but now that confirmed what he was dreading before he came back in, he needed to have a key to another teleport gate or the code to the gate to leave or he would now have to traverse the forest in hopes of not dying to make it to somewhere safe..

He turned and began walking to what looked like the exit of town then it dawned on him "I don't have a weapon how am i going to survive out there" he kept on walking regardless there was a new drive within him to live a different way than he has in the past so he approach the entrance and veered out. Nothing but silence and a cause for worry gripped him but his face was un changed and he began his stride, darting threw the woods and jumping over the roots of the tree's and ducking under the branches. A variety of sounds came roaring at him and he made no notion for of looking behind him..

"Hut tum"

"Hut tum"

"Hut tum"

A racing steal hooves monster chasing him relentlessly and showed no sign of letting up and kendrick was in a "Hell nahh" situation as heard the crunching and crashing of every thing behind..

The intensity picked up and in this moment kendrick felt like this was a real life or death situation where making a error or mistake will cost him dearly.. He seen on the Official site of Reverence that when a player die's there body stays in place until they soul walk back and pick it up, a 2% constant depletion in exp the longer the body is left unclaimed until a level is lost leaving the players body to being looted by anything or anyone and is automatically teleported to save point of base..

So looking back to figure out what was chasing after him was not an option.He kept on running and the more he ran the deeper the darkness seem to grow."Whack" a low hanging branch made contact with his side and tipped him over landing face first into the mudied grown.

"Hut tum"

"Hut tum"

The sound of the four legged creature coming at full speed got louder and echoed out and a unconventional idea rose tot he surface of Kendrick's mind.He looked up hearing the rampage of the creature which he was fairly certain was coming for him.

"I need to buy time and a lot of it"He pushed himself to his feet and gripped him self to the close tree to stabilize his footing and in that moment a whisper of two words where uttered and a shadow darted left from a tree and before the creature could register it a Dark and purple hue made contact with the tree the shadow darted from and a loud..

"BOOM" rolled out and brought everything to a stop, the frighten monster ducked for a moment thinking what ever that happen was going to affect it.The shadow darting away from the scene began shouting louder and louder and after each shout the same "BOOM" happened and a violent roar of light red and tinge of purple flames jumped from one tree to the next..

Kendrick payed no attention to the roll of notification coming into his vision he just swiped them away,It seems he was dealing damage to something behind him as he was running but he did not care as long as whatever he was killing back there stay back there he had no interests in finding out what it was..

Kendrick has been in the forest for at lease 1 hour and half and there seem to not be end in sight so he was contemplating on logging out but before he did a one momentary notification came into view..

[You have Slain a Forest Horse Minion]

[Nocturnal Horse]-Level 20

〚Leveled Up〛

〚Leveled Up〛

"Ohhh shit that skill is so broken,Hellfire Doom was a complete chance but for it to work like this damn"He exhaled and spoke with disbelief. He kept up his pace not giving no space for another creature to give chase and as luck have it a the sun came peeking through and could see what looked like the signs of a town or civilization came into view.

His strides got there second wind in seeing the edged out town and he dashed out into the sun and as luck would have it it was on his side..

[Blood summoning Initiated]

[Name:Lessor Demon Arsenal]

The Dominion has summon you to Plinoxis..

Do you accept the call of your Superiors?


Kendrick froze looking at the words in front of him unclear what was happening and the sight of the town looming ahead and the noise of the city reaching his ears his mind became blank on what to do..

"System"He called and it seemed the word grayed out and a pause button was hit.And a devilish voice arose and the seductiveness came rolling off he speech "Yes player" the system answered and kendrick swear he felt a shiver down his spin..

"Could you explain whats happening with this notification"Kendrick jumping straight to his point."One moment" she replied and in no time she came back

"It seems an Order of Conquest has been issued by your race and as you being of the Demon race you are being call back to there home to prepare for war I believe"..

Kendrick grew quiet at her words and his eye's stopped darting from side to as a sign of his deep thinking and concentration on a matter..

"This must have something to so with Tabbris" he finally spoke out

"Thank you system" kendrick said and the system relied with a "Your very welcome happy to be of service, will that be all player" Kendrick shook his head for a no and the world seemed to up paused it self."I need to revive the king soon, but for that to happen i need power and lost of it I can't do nothing as a demon in the human world so the my only choice is Demons huh"Kendrick sighed and the notification popped up again..

[Blood summoning Initiated]

[Name:Lessor Demon Arsenal]

The Dominion has summon you to Plinoxis..

Do you accept the call of your Superiors?

