

Back at the hospital I heard a loud sound that felt like the sound of a ship about to reach the port as the port was situated few kilometers from the hospital*so this is the last sound I will hear I taught looking at the ceiling fan before my consciousness slipped my vision blurry then I felt totally empty before going into total darkness


Back at the port Mr karman was having a hard time getting the item out of the ship as he was being attacked by a group of men that were cooprately dressed in red suits holding their energy looking weapons screams we're heard from every side of the port Mr karman was obviously in serious discomfort and stress when he looked forward to see a tall man wearing a red suit with a visible smirk on his face walking slowly towards him Mr Samuel karman it's nice meeting you again the man said looking at him with piercing eyes Mr karman on the other hand didn't even move a muscle with no atom of fear in his eyes he said I have been waiting a long time to kick your sorry ass again "nuel" he said with a deadly killer instinct that made the smirk on nuel's face turn to an angry expression as he ran towards Mr karman with his katana shinning brighter than ever Mr karman just reluctantly shift his body avoiding the attack before punching nuel at his side making him loose balance before reganing balance before he got the floor

standing up dusting his suit then dashing forward with a different approach he spun in circles making clones of his self distracting Mr karman while the real nuel entered the ship to take the item

********************************************************************************** nuel entered the ship to see what his eye have never seen before a blue crystal containing a high amount of angel blood and power it had an inscription that looked like the heavenly tattoo of angel remael the once angel that fought side by side with Lucifer in the great rebellion against God legend has it that he is the strongest angel that ever lived well angel remael got killed in the rebellion by angel azriel the angel of death legends say his soul died but his powers were locked away in a strong crystal ball which was never found

So this is the holy crystal ball said nuel looking at the crystal which was emitting a high radiation of blue aura, he colleted the crystal and dashed with his super human speed

********************* Mr karman was still fighting the clones trying hard to find the real nuel when he got angry and generating a grim riper like staff stashing all clones at once making them all turn to dust shit I have been tricked he said running towards the ship not finding the crystal he focused his energy to his eye to see nuel running off with the crystal he then ran after him with immense speed of light reaching nuel in a short period of time near the hospital

bang and clashes were heard as their was distress in the hospital making every patient panic nuel still trying to get away from Mr karman dropped the crystal on a near by dead body the crystal ball emitted a bright blue light turning to an aura and entering the dead body making it glow and regain its life

nooooooooooo screamed Mr karman before being knocked out by a powerful punch from nuel shit I used all my energy in that one punch said nuel trying to comprehend what just happened.