
Birth Of Fate Path

The Gu world was used to receiving otherworldly demons, what happens when one of them has read reverend insanity? Knowing the heights one can achieve in this world, will he become dog shit to avoid being stepped on or will he soar so high no one can ever hope to restrain him?

Rule_Refiner · Book&Literature
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5 Chs

Wisdom path Inheritance

It had been three hours of non-stop trudging in the night but Yu Liang had finally arrived at the inheritance ground Dong Fang Chang Fan had set up for him. Unbeknownst to him, someone had followed him. This fellow liked to call himself "Heaven's son", but was actually called Feng Hao. His title, while arrogant, was not contested easily as he was one of the most talented sons of Dong Fang tribe, achieving 98% maximum primeval essence, short 2% of having one of the famed ten extreme physiques and short 1% of the maximum an A grade talent could have. On paper, Yu Liang was less impressive with his 94% maximum primeval essence, but Feng Hao had been eclipsed in the last few months by Yu Liang's comprehensive talent. Feng Hao might have a good aptitude, but his mind was not his greatest weapon, as such he could not comprehend as fast as Yu Liang, and could not understand the risk he was taking by potentially antagonizing a future star of Dong Fang tribe such as Yu Liang.

When Yu Liang entered the inheritance ground, the first thing he saw was a big door and a table.

On the table rested an information path mortal gu as well as grade one and two mortal materials.

The information path gu contained the recipe to a wisdom path rank 2 gu worm, Dissert Gu, which produced Argument thoughts in the mind of the user, helping him find the best comebacks and arguments in an debate as well as making poor arguments seem convincing. At this point, Yu Liang was quite lost, the door didn't look like it had any kind of door knob and the only thing here was a gu that was, to be quite honest, not very useful in this context.

While Yu Liang was exploring the room, Feng Hao finally arrived, hidden by a rank one stealth gu his father had gifted to him after his awakening. When he crossed the room's threshold, a will suddenly attacked his mind, breaking his concentration and exposing him.

Yu Liang turned around immediately and saw Feng Hao on the ground clutching his head.

What both of the boys did not know was that this was the arrangement of Dong Fang Chang Fan. He had woken up Feng Hao and gave him the urge to lurk outside, making him find the wandering Yu Liang, and finally he had disrupted Feng Hao's stealth gu so that there might be an altercation between the two.

"Feng Hao, what are you doing here?" Yu Liang was very anxious now, he wasn't prepared for anyone to interrupt him, his already usually uneasy face was turning even more unsightly. To this Feng Hao snorted. "What is a coward like you going to do even if I tell you? Cry to the elders? You're nothing but a boot-licker stealing my cultivation resources!" The situation was evolving as Dong Fang tribe's Supreme Elder wanted it to. Conflict would harden Yu Liang and would make him wiser and more decisive in the future. If a fight erupted and Yu Liang killed feng Hao here, he would gain life experience and would have to work hard to hide it, forcing him to mature and develop a scheming mind. If a fight erupted and no one was killed or if there was no fight alone, just Feng Hao's comment alone as well as his sight on what Yu Liang perceived as his rightful inheritance would push both of them on the path of rivalry, creating two strong gu masters for the tribe. Of course, Chang Fan would favour his descendant and would always make sure that nothing unsightly would happen to him, but Feng Hao could also become an important chess piece for Chang Fan and later for Yu Liang, when the latter would mature from a pawn to a player.

"This inheritance revealed itself to me, get lost Feng Hao! I may be meek but this is my bottom line."

"The elders of the tribe reward initiative, as long as I don't kill you, if I take this inheritance they will not make me give it back to you."

"Because you believe yourself to be my match? You might have better talent but we've both seen that I know how to wield gu worms far better then you."

"Did you happen to eat courage gu? What is making you act so bold? A measly wisdom path gu master can't compare to my water path gu insects, who cares if you can deduce well with the gu given by the clan, will it help you fight me?"

"I do not need to have strength to win against you, your own incompetence will be your downfall!"

"You are seeking death!"

Both of the young gu masters knew that any word spoken beyond here would be a word wasted, as such Feng Hao took the initiative and activated one of his two water path gu worms, water slide, to accelerate and arrive in front of Yu Liang. Yu Liang, having cunningly started his deductions while talking, saw him coming from a mile away and evaded the maneuver, even counterattacking with the rank one star thought gu and the rank one materialize thought gu, creating a star field at his previous spot.

Feng Hao couldn't stop himself from rushing into the star field and used his second gu worm, water skin gu, to shield himself. Sadly, he was very wrong in his measurement of the amount of star thought Yu Liang had managed to gather and materialize and as such took heavy injuries. As Yu Liang had said, Feng Hao's own incompetence, and not Yu Liang's skills, were dragging him down in this fight.

Observing from above, Chang Fan's will was pleased. While his talent and comprehension were high, he was afraid that Yu Liang would have low battle talent and as such would be forced to play the sitting duck in the future, only deducing and not doing anything else like a certain eastern sea wisdom gu immortal. Fortunately, Yu Liang seemed to have a good battle sense, and was also surprisingly good at using most effectively the mortal killer move that could be formed from his two gus. Killer moves where what one calls the combination of different gu worms to achieve a certain effect, such as how egg gu and rot gu might make rotting egg killer move.

After a few exchanges, it was clear that Yu Liang was winning. He had used more primeval energy in the first exchange, but because of this, every time Feng Hao got hit by one of Yu Liang's attacks he used far too much primeval essence to defend himself, in fear of a repeat of their first exchange.

This was making Chang Fan reconsider. A talent, however high of an aptitude, with such an abysmal combat sense, no talent in any particular logistic field and with such a rash nature would be hardly useful for his and Yu Liang's future. It would be better if he could die here and harden Yu Liang's still meek and soft heart.

Both youngsters were now very tired. Both of them had gone out in the night and were not used to battle yet. Northern plains may be the place of heroes, but Dong Fang tribe had always been a tribe of schemers, not fighters, their wealth coming from their Huang Jin descent and the support other Huang Jin tribes could give them. At the crucial moment, Chang Fan's will invaded Feng Hao's mind and caused him to be critically hit by Yu Liang's attack without shielding himself. His torso was pierced by tens of stars and he fell down. Yu Liang, who was expecting him to use water skin gu to shield himself, was shocked.

"What devilry did you use? My mind was not my own anymore and my defense was deactivated!"

"I did nothing, don't blame your incompetence on me, you must have tried to use a killer move and it backfired. Let me heal you now."

But when Yu Liang tried to heal Feng Hao, the latter suddenly attacked him. Yu Liang, fearing for his life, retaliated with a single star thought, which pierced Feng Hao's heart and finished him.

"Why did you suddenly attack me? What could have pushed you to scorn me this much?"

His question left unanswered, Yu Liang abandonned the exploration and returned home.

What he did not know was that Feng Hao's last attack was a gamble from Chang Fan, either Yu Liang reacted fast enough and put down Feng Hao, or he would be potentially grievously wounded, with the both of them laid there to die if not for Chang Fan's potential help.

This night, Yu Liang was plagued with dreams of a dying Feng Hao, of his previous life on earth, and of the future demon venerable, Gue Yue Fang Yuan.

chapter two is here, of all the things I wrote in my life, dialogues and action are my weak points so I was happy with what I did here, even if I don't do justice to the original novel.

You'll see Yu Liang evolving quite fast mentally in the next chapter, because he understands that he has to change or else he will be submerged and will be unable to advance.

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