Dave was a serial killer who killed for thrills. When he was caught, he thought this would be the end of him. But as destiny would have it, he was transmigrated into the world of magic and swords. In a world of no rules and regulations, where strong rules the weak, a serial killer like him has no place. Killing is so normal in this world, that the thrill he yearned for, isn't there. He soon finds himself creating chaos worldwide to get a thrill from somewhere. While doing so, he starts becoming something inhumane.. Something demonic. ——————————————— This book is also being hosted on Royal Road and scribble hub.
Drac when opened his eyes, he felt trapped. Surrounding him was a membrane of sorts, resembling a cocoon. Filled with some sort of liquid from the waist down. He was able to breathe, and his senses were working just fine. What he couldnt understand was how he ended up here.
He touched the membrane, only to realize that his nails were longer than what he could remember. Using this as an opportunity, he pushed his fingers through the membrane, puncturing it. With ease, he was able to cut through the membrane, coming into the light.
Adjusting his eyes, he saw that he was in a snowy tundra. The yellow-red color fluid from his cocoon had poured out into the white snow, smelling kind of fishy. It looked like abandoned animal fat. And then there were the bodies of all sizes of Vampas littered before him.
What the fuck happened here?
His head was aching, and he was having a hard time remembering what happened after he injected himself with the cube.
According to Nosferatu's research, all the Vampas were attracted to Master Crystal. He didnt know what would happen if one of the Vampas were allowed to have it, and didnt try. But Nosferatu was able to contain the power and the charm of the Master Crystal by converting it into liquid and storing it in a cube where its power could not be felt by any Vampas.
The Ultimate Plan of Nosferatu was to inject the Master Crystal into his heart, hence gaining the ability to absorb Soul Power. But the thing was, all of this was just theory on paper. The old man had no idea what would happen if he were to inject that thing into his heart.
Drac only decided to inject it, as he was dying. He figured, that if the blood orb had the ability to heal wounds, maybe injecting Master Crystal might get him out of his conundrum. And thank god, he was right.
I am glad that I was able to survive. He thought, At the same time I am pissed off as well. That bitch Victoria, at least could have tried to save me.
He spat on the ground in her name.
He then pushed himself out and stood up straight. The first thing that he noticed was, he felt taller. He looked down, to realize that gone was his brown skin, he was now pale now. The wounds from the previous night had also vanished, healed as if they were never there. His clothes had vanished, and he was standing naked there. But somehow, he was not feeling any cold.
His muscles which he had built till now, were just gone. He had somehow become more lean, totally fucking up his body shape. Infuriating the whole situation was, but not so more than prickling sun ray, that seemed to be out to get him. The gentle rays of the sun that used to soothe him before now felt unbearable.
I need to analyze what has happened to my body. Find some clothes, and then track down that bitch. I need to get my satchel back.
Staggering with every step he took, he started moving forward. The sheer number of Vampas bodies that he came across made him question what the hell happened there, but he had no time to think. He was hungry at the moment, it felt that nothing had gone in his stomach for weeks. And he was famished.
This is so infuriating. I should have never let those two women come along with me. I should have tortured them, got the information that I needed, and just dumped their bodies aside. I should have never mingled with them.
It was then he stopped for a second because he realized that he had never used the word infuriating in his internal monologue before. Another difference was that he wanted to strangle someone, desperately. But he never had such a tendency before.
Great. Wrath, really? Is that my sin? Making him groan inwardly.
According to research by Nosferatu, the people who absorb Blood Orbs tend to get one of the seven deadly sins heightened.
The first albino woman tried to him, as she was lazy. The sin heightened in her was of Sloth. Sara has the sin of Lust, Tara has the sin of Wrath, Yasmine has the sin of Pride and last but not least he figured that Kaisel probably has the sin of Greed.
Nosferatu was never able to find out why one of the seven deadly sins gets heightened in the users of Blood Orbs. As far as the effect of Master Crystal was concerned, he had no idea that the crystal would do something like this.
It feels weird though.. Feeling wrath. He could feel a fire inside of him, that just wanted to burn everything around him. And there was no extinguishing this fire.
While walking, another thing that he noticed was the depth of the snow. If he remembers it correctly, there was not a lot of snow that night that he injected the cube. But now, he could feel that he was walking in at least 10 inches of thick snow.
I have been out for a long time. He could feel that his body had changed, but to what expect he didnt know. The cocoon, the bodily fluid… Using common sense, my body surely had gone through a lot. But what exactly did happen?
Then curiously he remembered another detail, the dead corpses of Vampas all around him. How did they die?
Another thing to be curious about was the energy consumption. Where did his body get the energy to fundamentally change his body? And who even dictated what kind of changes should occur in him.
Thinking about energy, he sensed his mana to realize the amount of mana that he used to possess had considerably diminished. Upon further probing, Drac came to an abrupt stop. All of his circles were now gone…
When Drac stumbled into the small village that they originally came to, he was greeted quiet and slightly destroyed town. There were some buildings whose walls were either broken into or broken out of. But some remained intact.
While walking around the ghost town he spotted many corpses, frozen in time, just like the day they perished. The cold had managed to keep the corpses intact, and not let the rot settle in. From the corpses that he had seen, it would have been safer to say that it would have been unbearable to walk through this place.
Drac immediately got to work. First, he went to see whether he could get some clothes. He tried to look around for some food, but couldnt find anything eatable. The search eventually brought him back to the inn where they stayed, where in his room were two sacks full of grains.
The snow had invaded the whole inn, from all the holes that the Vampas had made. While navigating through hallways littered with Sumor Soldiers, he eventually reached his room. The sacks that he was looking for were tucked in corners, still packed safely, and a thick layer of snow covered them.
Well, this sorts the food problem, he thought.
It was then that he noticed a broken piece of mirror, shining under the rays of the sun. He picked up and saw that his whole face had changed. He now had silky black short hair. His face was devoid of beard, his eyes were amber-red. The most noticeable difference was his ears. They were long and pointy and looked as if they were folded in themselves.
Well, I guess now no one would be able to recognize me, he thought while feeling his new ears.
It is then a sudden change in air occurred. Drac's senses started going haywire, he sensed something from the north of the village. Something, which was tempting him to come to him.
He lost control of his body, and without thinking anything he jumped from the third floor, landing on the soft snow beneath. Like a crazed dog after the slab of meat, he started running north. It was at the entrance of the village he saw a group of human making their way inside.
His hunger intensified, his pace increased, and he reached new heights in his speed that he had never achieved.
The group of humans were wearing armor and had weapons with them. Before, he would have thought twice before engaging such a group, but the sight of those being made him throw his rationality out of the window.
Without thinking he just jumped on the nearest soldier that he came across, and bit the poor's man neck.
The man screamed with pain, it tried to push him away, but couldnt. It was like Drac's teeth had really gotten deep and firmly held the flesh. He could taste the blood of a fellow human in his mouth, but he didnt care. There was this some sort of energy that he was sucking out of the man, that made him the best pleasure that he had experienced.
It was a very strong kick to his head that flew him away a few feet, that made him snap to his senses. After landing he immediately stood up and had a good look at the people before him.
There was a group of five before him, six if one counts the bleeding dead man. All of them were wearing heavy woolen clothes and were bearing a very familiar insignia of the Sumor Family.
"What the fuck is that thing?" one of them yelled while pointing her sword at him.
"It is a devil's spawn," someone yelled, "Whatever it is.. That thing is strong and fast. Didnt you see, it took only a few seconds to kill poor Umbri," someone else added.
Drac didnt recognize the soldiers, and the good thing was that they didnt recognize him. But now that he had killed one of their members, these guys are surely not going to let him go.
He knew that he was stronger and faster than before. And from what he could sense, two of them were mana-wielders but were not that strong. If he wants then he takes them on.
When he decided to take these guys, a sadistic smile took over his face, sending the chills down the soldier's spine.
The thought of killing them in cold blood, and biting their neck to get delicious energy sent new vigor to his body. For the first time in his life, he was about to kill some people not for the thrills, or to protect himself. For the first time, he was about to kill someone to quell the insatiable hunger in him…