
Birth of Demonic Mage

Adui Hampshire, a normal mage and an alchemist from Laverdale who lived a pretty normal and depressing life. He had no social life, and work was everything to him. But when he is offered a job, that ultimately leads to some unknown treasure of the past, his curiosity gets better of him and he get entangles with people that he is no match for. These people rob him of everything that he holds dear in his life. Although left alive, Adui dies from inside. He starts transforming into this thing, a thing that could be described by one word. DEMONIC.

YashVardhan_OG · Fantasy
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62 Chs


Ben was surprised to see Adui sitting idly on his bed, staring at the empty wall like a retard. His room was messy, there was an open trunk on his bed which was still empty, while his bed was filled with unfolded clothes. Seeing the messy room and him in a trance, Ben didn't understand what was happening there.

A moment ago he was yelling at him, telling him that he had a lot of work to do and had to leave as soon as he could. He was especially adamant about the fact that he could not waste any moment of his time. That is the reason he agreed to make tea for both of them.

"What the hell happened to you? Why haven't you finished packing yet?" He asked while walking closer to Adui. Hearing him speak, got the man out of a stupor, "Oh… I am sorry got lost in the thought for a moment"

"What thought might that be?" he asked in a little angry tone. He was supposed to be the guest of the house and yet here he was making tea for both of them, while the host on the other hand was sitting idly. He was furious. "You were enthusiastic and full of energy a moment ago, and now here you are with your gloomy aura sitting there like a retard."

"Well, Ben… I was just thinking…" Adui said, "Why.. Why the hell am I doing this… Preparing so hard for a job, that… I don't even want anymore."

"You don't want to work for that woman anymore?"

"Yes… I have committed the prime years of my life to that woman, and how she repays me? By giving me this ridiculous job. And then, when I started packing my trunk, I saw that my trunk… it was covered in a layer of dust." Adui said in a rather sad tone, "I have not used it in a long time… That got me thinking about my whole life." 

A frown appeared on Ben's face The fuck? The constant abuse from that bitch didn't make him rethink his life. But some dust worked wonders on him? Why are all these Mages, such weirdos?

"You must be thinking I am a weirdo," Adui said noticing the frown on his face.

"Nah… You are not a weirdo. You are just… different."

"Let me tell you why this dust was upsetting me," Adui said, "When I was a kid, my father and I used to talk about going on adventures. We used to dream about roaming the world and seeing everything that it has to offer… But then he died in that shipwreck. That day not only did I lose my father, but also my leg… That was a very low point time for me…" he then pushed himself up and walked up to the window of his bed.

While looking outside, he sighed. "But then I got awakened and found out that I am a Mage. It was then I promised myself that I would roam the world around for my father's dream's sake. But then I got the job as an alchemist working for that bitch and since then I have been stuck in this town."

"What does that have to do with the dust on your trunk?"

"That dust reminded me of what I have become. I didn't use the trunk for a decade… To hell with the world, I haven't visited the capital of our country for fucks sake. I have worked very hard for the past years thinking that I was carving my way toward my dream. But I was wrong…" he then turned around and faced him.

"Maybe Gizelle is right. I have only ascended two times in the past decade. I am a failure…" Adui then came back to his bed. He looked sad and could have used some comfort right about then.

While on the other hand, Ben looked at him weirdly. He could not understand what this man was moping for.

As a man in his fifties, Ben had 6 children who didn't want anything to do with him. He had been married four times and his latest marriage ended when his wife traded him for a young man. He doesn't have a lot of money and is destined to die alone. His life was depressing and sad. But Adui on the other hand had everything that he ever wanted, and this fucker doesn't even realizes the worth of the jewels he had been sitting on all this time.

As a friend, he wanted to help Adui. So he did what most friends would do in the situation. He walked up to him and raised his chin. With eyes full of love he stared at him and he passed him a sly smile. It is then he raised his hand and slapped him as hard as he could…


"What the fuck Ben?" Adui said while pushing himself up. Ben then shrugged nonchalantly. "That is what you get when you say stupid things like that."

"Stupid things? I was crying my heart out to you. And you slapped me."

"Mother fucker, listen to me." Ben said, "You are sulking over nothing. You are in your twenties. You are a Mage who would live a very long life. You may not have power and you have not accomplished your dreams… But you are still alive and kicking. AND YOU ARE YOUNG. If you haven't lived a good life till now, then go out and live it then. Who the fuck is stopping you?"

"It is not that easy you know." He replied and then sat down on his bed again.

"Adui, I have lived my life without planning out anything." Ben said, "Yeah, I am not in an idle situation right now, but I sure did live a good life. And if I could do it, you can as well. You are a Mage for fucks sake. I have seen you do shit that I could dream of doing. So what you are strong as the mages out there? Who the fuck cares? Go live life. And stop sulking. It is embarrassing."

The words worked their magic on Adui, as he started seeing his situation from his friend's perspective, he started to understand that all may seem lost at the moment, but in reality, he was still in control and could make something out of himself.

"You know what you are right. I am young. I am a Mage. So I won't be able to see the world out there. I will live my life. From now onwards, I will do what my guts tell me to do. I. Will. Follow. My. Guts. From. Now, Onwards." Adui declared.

"Good for you. So what are you gonna do now?"

"I will go and get that land for Kaisel," Adui said as he got up.

Ben got confused, "Who is Kaisel?"

"Doesn't matter, Ben what do you say about going on an adventure with me?"


"Yeah. You are unemployed and you know how to drive a cart. We can both go together."

"Sure. But I dont have money… You will be paying for my expenses."

"Done," Adui said with enthusiasm.