
Birth of a God With a System

Power is everything. In the face of absolute power, nothing matters. Status doesn't matter. Beauty doesn't matter. Watch How Sam conquers everyone and everything and becomes a new God who reigns over the other Gods. He has absolute strength and a System on his side what stops him from doing what he wanted? Money? He was born in it. Women? he likes all sorts of deres, especially yanderes, and tsunderes Power? Just watch how overpowered he becomes. God? He will become one soon enough. [Author Note: New Author! New Novel! Please support! I hope you have a fun time reading! Thank you!] The cover does not belong to me, if the real owner what me to remove it, please say so!

VampireWarewolf · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Beast Hunting

After breakfast.

Sam left his home and went straight in the direction of the Dark forest where a bunch of people can be seen waiting for him to arrive, so they can start their Beast hunt.

There was only one major continent that has comparatively seven smaller continents surrounding it.

The main continent is as big as the five smaller continents combined.

The Main continent is where Royal Clan that the Wizard King belongs to occupies the Northern part of the Continent.

The western part of the continent was under the control of the Verninne Clan that Sam belonged to.

The Eastern part of the continent was ruled by the Nandras Clan.

The Southern part of the land was occupied by the Hero tribe.

While the Smaller Continents are ruled by the remaining Noble clans with each having a portion of land to rule over or staying as a subordinate clan to other Ruling Noble clans.

All the Supreme Clans and Hero tribes that ruled the Main Continent along with the Royal Clan had a good relationship with each other.

And each of these clans only occupied the explored regions of the Main continent.

The unexplored regions are nothing but dense forests that inhabits magical beasts ranging from the 1st circle to the 8th circle.

But these beasts above the 9th Circle are quite rare and hard to come upon because they are quite an intelligent species.

They don't like Mages that much.

There are even some rumors that the beast above 8th Circle can talk.

Beasts above the 8th Circle even came to aid in the great Demon-mage war, that was the first and last time that these beasts were seen.

In the Mage world, Mages can be categorized based on their battle power, the more powerful one is the more powerful and effective spells one can utilize.

The beginner Mage is ranked as the 1st Circle mage and so on up to the 12th Circle.

There are only a handful of people in 12th Circle, they're the true powerhouses of the mage world, The king and queen and Sam's grandfather being some of them.

The Peak 12th circle mages are said to be as strong as low-level Gods in terms of battle power.

The forest Sam visits is one part of the forest surrounding the western region.

This forest is full of beasts ranging from the 1st circle to the 5th circle.

Sam is a magic Swordsman in the 4th Circle.

He may not seem like it but he is considered to be a genius when comes to magic.

But many do not know that he is not just a genius but also an anomaly.

While mages can only use magic in battle, Sam can use swords and magic simultaneously in a fight, this was possible due to his heritage.

His mother is from the Hero tribe and His father is from the supreme Clan Verninne.

Hero tribes are also mages but at the same time not because hero tribes are born with the potential to improve body while losing their ability to comprehend magic faster.

Mages have faster comprehension of magic compared to heroes.

Mage lacks almost zero talent in physical weapons and body potential.

While heroes have little magic to no magic potential with extraordinary Body potential.

Heroes rely on physical strength over Magic.

What makes Hero Clan so strong is that every Hero is born with a unique skill that only they can use.

Sam's mother is from a prominent Hero clan called Tatsuya and their father is from a supreme Mage clan called Verninne which specialize in Large mana pool and has higher potential in magic comprehension compared to the average mages.

But this doesn't make him an anomaly.

Even if he has both bloodlines, one can't simply comprehend both potentials.

Even Sam's sisters can't utilize their body potential but Sam can.

Even if Sam is an anomaly, he still didn't get any unique skill from his mother's hero bloodline yet he got both the good parts of his respective bloodlines.

He had both magic potential and body potential.

Sam soon reached the entrance to the forest where two of his friends were waiting for him.

One is a boy and the other is a girl.

"you are late!". Said the boy with a grumpy expression as he looked at his watch.

The boy had silver hair and black eyes.

"I know". Sam couldn't help but chuckle seeing his cousin's grumpy voice.

"Why are you late?".asked the girl with a smile.

The girl had a pair of beautiful brown eyes and dark brown hair, her milky skin made her look stunning.

"I overslept". Sam looked so embarrassed.

"by the way, Elena I heard you reached peak 3rd Circle Rank, congratulations".Sam said with a smile.

Sam didn't know that Elena had a crush on him.

"Thanks... It's still nothing compared to you".

Elena said with a smile that made Sam's heart flutter.

"haha... you flatter me too much". Sam said with an embarrassed expression.

Sam doesn't know that Elena also likes him, Sam always thought that he is not boyfriend material.

"if you guys want to flirt, go somewhere secluded". Said the boy with an annoyed expression.

He didn't like it when they ignore him and start talking like newlyweds.

It always happened not just today.

Elena's face flushed with embarrassment as she turned her face sideways.

Sam scratched his face while smiling awkwardly.

As they entered the forest while maintaining vigilance, they didn't know that they were being followed by someone stronger than them.

Soon the three friends came in contact with several groups of 1st and 2nd Circle magic beasts.

The boy named Ryu Tatsuya who was also Sam's cousin from his mother's side held a broad sword, every time he swung his sword a beast would be beheaded.

Sam also held a sword that he got as a gift from his grandfather high as he slashed his sword left and right at supernatural speed even faster than Ryu.

"You are faster than me...". Ryu said with a complicated expression as he slashed a beast.

He was a little envious of the fact that Sam can use both magic and a sword while being faster than him who is a Genuine Hero.

Ryu specializes in speed over strength.

Sam may be an anomaly but he should not be able to match a genuine Hero who is also a Speed type in the contest of speed, right?

But Sam did it effortlessly.

Sam can strengthen his body with magic while using wind magic to increase his speed, also he naturally rivals Ryu in terms of speed without enhancement.

Coupled with his high Mana reserves Sam would be many times stronger than an average powerhouse of the same rank.

While these two were going crazy, Elena was using her magic spells to incinerate all the beasts with her range.

hours passed.

They got pretty tired so they decide to wrap things up and go home.

But Sam decided to stay a little bit longer and he still had Mana to spare, he wanted to increase his proficiency with magic as well.

While he was lost in the sense of getting stronger, he didn't see that someone had sneaked up behind him, he didn't even bother to conceal his presence.

But the mysterious person did not do anything and stood still as if waiting for Sam to finish wherever he was doing.

He should be confident in his strength.

Only milliseconds passed before Sam sensed someone standing behind him.

He turned and saw that the person had a black mask and he was wearing a hoodie fully covering his head.

A frown appeared on his face as he sensed that this mysterious man is way stronger than him and that his presence is different from that of a Mage or a Hero.

"Who are you?...what do you want?". Sam wasn't stupid, he know that guy is not friendly.

The situation itself felt quite fishy.

Sam's breathing became hard as he tightened his grip on his sword, he was already quite tired from the beast hunting.

The situation looked dire.

"You do know who my grandfather is, right?". Sam's face becomes serious as he realized his presence is different from mages, his... presence is that of a Vampire.

He saw no escape, so he tried to take advantage of his grandfather's influence, who is quite famous in the mage world as he is a mid-12th Circle mage.

He cannot defeat him.

Vampires are quite superior in terms of physical strength, they also have a bloodline ability to boast of.

They are dangerous.

The Mysterious person did not answer and took out a black dagger that let out a stinging feeling from his back and disappeared from the place he was standing.

Sam knew what was coming.

Sam tried to act fast but how can he move against someone faster than him?

'argh... '.

Sam found himself stabbed in the chest, his face lost its color, and his mouth leaked blood.

He fell to the ground.

His breathing pained him.

His body felt heavy.

The pain felt unbearable, and he wanted to scream but he didn't.

"It's nothing personal,", Said the mysterious man before he disappeared from the place he was standing.

Sam heard what that person said.

'is this the end? '. Sam asked himself.

He can feel his strength leave his body.

"come on... ".

Sam gritted his teeth as he put all of his remaining strength into his legs to stand up.

Even if there is a small chance to save himself, he would take it.

But his efforts bore fruitless.

To make things worse his body felt paralyzed and he is having a hard time keeping his consciousness.

Sam didn't know that the dagger the Vampire assassin used was coated with poison.

His eyes became watery as he thought of his sisters, parents, and grandparents.

He remembered his crush's face.

' I didn't even get to confess my love to Elena, what luck I have... '.

'I have no one to blame but me'.

'if only I was stronger... '

'what did I ever do to deserve such fate? '

'I didn't even get to live my life to the fullest

'I won't allow him to walk freely, I will have my revenge'

His face adopted hatred that he never felt before.

'I will kill him'.

'even death can't prevent me from killing him'.

His eyes gleamed with a mysterious yet familiar power that he didn't even know he had.

But it only lasted for several seconds.

His purple eyes lost their luster as Sam felt his eyes become heavy.

He felt his life force draining at an alarming rate.


He is dead.
