
Bionic Virus

In a World full of Bionic(Biomechanical) Animals humanity is not helpless they have bionics themself that allows them to use superhuman abilities observe and follow the adventures of 15-year-old Aaron and learn how this world functions

CJ_Likes_To_Write · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

Ever Changing World III

And That's also the reason why I'm getting picked on from the top students. Being a special person who gets attention because of being a rare person with one of the rare and strongest attributes and still being average still makes me look like a failure and that's the reason why people call me the "Rarest Weakling ".

The Reason why Ivy still hangs out with me is that she doesn't care about other people opinions. We may grew up together but I think that she should stay away from me for her own reputation. People spread rumors or trash talk her but no one says it to her face she may be an annoying golden Chipmunk but this Chipmunk can fight and She is Strong. But that makes my life not better People also pick on me for this saying stuff like "Letting The Girl Fight for you" or " Rare indeed this much incompetence is rare indeed"

But Snap back to reality...

The two boys are approaching us , Ivy is still laid back and looks like she doesn't care. Meanwhile, I'm here thinking of a way to escape I'm too lazy to fight. "Hey, Rare Weakling having fun with your Chick" says the boy with the Blue short and spiky hair named Spike. "Is the Idiotic Couple enjoying their lovey-dovey time" I let out a loud annoyed sigh this happens every other day some Nobels or Top students try to beat us up because of our "special" relationship they say we are going against their system or something because of the survival of the fittest or some different primitive morals or thinking it's really getting on my nerves.

"Hey did you fall asleep, rarely Stupid weakling" he asks in an arrogant and impatient tone and grabs me by my shirt. "I'm tired of this HEY Pipsqueak can you give me a Hand" "Hah can't do anything without your Girlfriend" says the other boy with long blue hair i think his name was Leo. "Do you know what Pipsqueak I think I'm going to handle this myself self". You are probably thinking hey didn't you say they are stronger than you but do you know what I don't care anymore they just Pi## me Off. "hmm! if you say so you moron I'm just waiting for you to get beaten up! So don't go begging for my help" responds Ivy "Hahaha! So you want to beat us by your self you really are a rare Moron!" says spike "you really want to beat me Leo and the Great Spike "hah! You think you guys are so great but you are just Bullys" "What did you say punk!?" says Spike "Give this Rare Weakling A Good Punch"

Leo bionic hands signs start to glow he holds my black shirt and....

What happened?

This is the World I live in a World Full of Cyborg People or rather bionic People a World ruled by Power and this is my story...

This is the last part of Ever-Changing-World The Story and Action will now really start

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