In a world where a Demon Scout from Hell rose to conquer the northern city of Smite. 5 Heroes rise to get the mystical artifact that can lay waste to the demon scout. Olivia, our Protagonist, has been in a hard place, shutting people out, after her older brother died, The Late Great Kenny White, in an attempt to be just like her Older Brother steps up to the task of being a Hero and stopping the Biological Clock from reacting 0.
"The legendary Hero Sunsday here in the Midlands?" A guy at a bar said as he downed a drink, "No one comes to the midlands, everyone's always interested in the capital."
"He's apparently hunting the vessel or the key?" The bar owner, an overweight pudgy man who waddled when he walked with his scruffy beard, interjected, "Man, that's just some nonsense; no one would hide anything here; they'd hide it in a city, not just a collection of medium-sized villages."
There was a thinner guy, he wasn't as strong as everyone else, but he was smart, and his hair was shoulder-length. A girl with a long sword, a male mage, a male archer and a guy with an axe, who was massive, 6'7, 290lbs, all sat around a table, "He's hunting the vessel?" The guy with the axe said, "But why now?"
"I don't know but I know Sunsday will stop at nothing to get it." They downed their beer and paid their check as they walked out, "Alright, say goodbye to your guys and friends; we won't be back for a long time."
The female swordsman started to walk off in the direction of her home; she was moderately tall, around 5'10, with dark long hair, a rucksack, and black eyes; she looked gloomy and depressed.
She opened the door to her home, where she cooked in the kitchen. They looked at her with disgust in their eyes, "You don't have to do this!" Her father wasn't trying to convince her, he demanded her.
"I arranged a nice man for you to marry, a nobleman, and you want to go off and play make-believe!" He yelled.
Her mother interjected, "There's still time to go back, Olivia; you don't have to go." The girl in question spoke, "I want to be more than just a nobleman's toy, just to be fucked and forced to raise his children whilst he went off and did the same to others."
Her father sneered, "Go then, and you will not have a home; you disgust me." She walked out and didn't even look back, and as she did, there were two guys, twins, standing outside with smirks tugging at their lips.
"Well if it isn't the emo, wannabe hero that wishes she was a boy." They laughed as they poked fun at her. She gripped the handle of her sword at her hip, wanting to kill them, but she simply just kept walking, "When I get the chance, I'll kill them."
She started walking back to the meeting point, and their horse waited; it was only her. She walked by her horse and watched as a girl in a blue dress ran to her. She was 9 with blonde flowing hair, "Olivia, when will you be back?" Olivia smiled, "I don't know, Patty, but I will be back in time for your 10th birthday."
Patty smiled, hearing the news, and spoke, "I hope to see you soon." She smiled as the rest of her group returned.