
Biography of a Dead Man

It is currently the Year 2185 in Summer Earth Time. Humanity came a long way now and they could be said to have finished colonizing three planets now; namely Mars, Mercury and Venus. In a library on Earth, a young man can be seen to be browsing through the books. "I need to find a book to make my history report about. This is the only place I found that has books from the 21st Century as most of them has been lost since the Universal Knowledge Transfer event 124 years ago." As the young man looked around he saw many books with interesting titles. "'Mountain of Madness'? It doesn't look like a historically accurate book." "'Pandemic Isolation'? Hmm... Maybe I would have taken this if others hadn't thought of this already, making historical reports about the global pandemic of 2020 is a common thing. I wanna be unique." "Hmmm? Wait... What's this?" He caught a glimpse of a book and saw an interesting title. It was a simple title but it seemed to scream out that it contains more than what meets the eye. "'Biography of a Dead Man'? About someone who died? I haven't heard of this book..." There's nothing on the cover page except the title and the eerie blurry image of a woman drenched in rain in front of a tombstone. The book cover was handmade along with the book itself. It seemed like someone personally wrote this book, which is rare and odd as few people wrote using pen and paper during those times. He then opened the book and saw the title written with the author's name below. "Johannes Kingfisher? Haven't heard of him." Then he went to the next page and saw that there's something written there, but it was torn and some of the texts are incomplete. "'This book contains my experiences and whether you believe or not is up to you'? What's up with this? Is this a fantasy novel or what?" He became curious and read the Prologue of the book. =============================== A/N: Goofy cover, I know. Because I made it xD. I have no money to commission for a book cover and definitely don't want an AI generated book cover, so here is the book cover I made xD. Anyways I hope you have a good read.

VerzVerx · Sci-fi
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Chapter 2: AbSuRd Reality (2)

Sounds of crickets hymn resounded, symbolizing a quiet and peaceful night.

Atop the roof of one house in the neighborhood, three kids can be seen sleeping with bags of chips and cans of rootbeer and coke littered around them.

As a cold breeze blew by, one of them groggily awoke and sat up. He then looked around him seemingly confused before looking at his hands and muttering under his breath.

"Where am I?"

As I looked around me in confusion, I tried to remember what I recently did. I clearly remember that I decided to sleep after a game of Valorant because my dad told me I would sleep outside. And then after that I went to Irish—

"Wait a minute... That's not what I did- why? Wait- ughk!"

I suddenly felt excruciating pain in my head as memories of the past returned to me like it was recent memories, which they technically are considering my current situation if I'm correct in my assumption.

"...that I travelled to the past."

"*yawn* Can you be quiet, Drix... I can't sle... ep... well..."

I looked beside me and it was my friend Chris. He rustled and curled up in his sleep. It seems like he was still sleeping and was just sleep talking.

As for the reason why we are here in the roof in the first place, we have to attribute it to the whimsical minds of kids.

When I was a kid, I mean today, we suddenly had the idea of stargazing and camping at the same time. So Chris had this idea of us going to the forest near the river, but Irish being the coward, he backed out.

While they were arguing about that, I pitched the idea of sleeping on the roof of our house. We were neighbors and our house are near each other, with my house and Irish's house next to each other while Chris' house is in front of our house.

With me pitching this idea to them, both of them immediately agreed and we immediately decided that we'll do it tonight on Irish's house.

Remembering this memory and returning in this specific event, I can't help but gain a melancholic smile on my face that turned gloomy as I thought about what happened in the future.

After three years will be the COVID-19 pandemic... Right before COVID happened, we kind of changed houses and left this place. I became a depressed person and my family became gloomy due to what dad did during COVID.

As for these two beside me, Chris became a good student and even joined the school student council. While Irish joined a gang and often became involved in gang fights and drugs. It was such a contrast to their personalities in childhood.

Thinking about this, I subconsciously chuckled out loud at such a contrast with tears in my eyes. How lucky of me to go back and fix my regrets.

"Would you fucking shut the fuck up, Drix!"

As soon as I heard this voice, I felt a punch in my stomach making me choke on my laughter.

"Hahaha, sorry Chris. I'd shut up now."

"Whatever, just sleep."

I smiled inwardly when I saw him turn his back on me and sleep. I also remembered from that punch that, it seems like it has only been a month since I started training with Kuya Jason and I still have to go there tomorrow.

Thinking about my circumstances when I was a child, I smirked and told myself inwardly as I closed my eyes.

"I won't waste this second chance."

Soon, my consciousness grew blurry and I soon fell to sleep, not noticing the constant low sounded beeping.

[||>>>initiating... compatibility testing...>>>||]

[||>>>... loading Quantum information... ERROR... system panel mode off... >>>||]

[||>>>unlocking gene locks... ERRORERRORERROR>>> initiating backup systems>>>||]

" . . . "

[||>>> ACA—86bca6—g6ei6b46/G13CKNCB6/>>>||]

" . . . "

Soon the morning sun rose up from the eastern end of the skies. As the light rays hit the eyes of the three boys, on of them squinted his eyes as he looked around him. This boy was Chris.

He then stood up and shook Drix awake, who rubbed his eyes and looked at him in disbelief.

"Why are you gawking at me?" Chris looked at him with a deadpan expression.

As soon as he heard this, Drix calmed himself down and shook his head before saying, "Nah, I just thought its unbelievable for you to be the first one to wake up lazy ass."

Hearing his reply, Chris laughed and playfully punched his arm.

"What are you saying? Between Irish and I, isn't he the fattest one? HAHAHAHA!"

Drix laughed along with him with genuine joy, but the reason being different.

"Let's go wake Irish up now. Wanna go eat at my uncle's place?"

But before Drix could wake Irish up, Chris held him back. He then looked at Chris's face and saw him extremely serious. Drix then looked at him with a confused face as if asking what he meant.

"This is an opportunity given by the gods. We must give him tattoos."

Drix's eyes widened as he realized what he meant by now. Then as if remembering something, he shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Go draw whatever on his face. I'll go down and drink something I'm quite thirsty."

"Alright, hahahaha! You will see my masterpiece later."

Drix just shook his head with a smile before folding his blanket. He then took his pillow and blanket with him and went down with the stairs before going to the kitchen.

Soon, he heard screams and shouts coming from the roof.

"... YO... B..TCH...FU...YO...!"

"HE...P!!! A..!!!"

Drix smiled before laughing. He was indeed back in the past.

He then took a glass cup and took a water pitcher from the fridge. He held the glass in his left hand and the pitcher on his right as he poured water in the glass... but suddenly, the pitcher slipped off his hand due to being wet and a little heavy for his current body.

"Oh shi—!"

In his panic, he also let go of the glass cup. His eyes wide, he closed his eyes and waited with bated breath for the sound of glass shattering... but the anticipated sound didn't come. Making him try to open his eyes but to his surprise, he can't!


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