


Calla Lockheart

/"I brought you 2 tubs of Ice cream/" Candy said and I wiped my tears

/"Thanks/" I said

/"You look like crap/" Candy sighed and I nodded. She turned off the TV and I turned to her disbelief

/"What the hell are you thinking?/" She hissed


/"You're crying the whole movie which is stupid because you're watching The Proposal , it's suppose to be a romantic comedy not a sad story/" Candy said and sighed

/"Turn it on/" I said wiping my tears again

/"This is stupid Calla , you're the one who dumped Archer and now you're the one who cry crazily/"

/"Shut up/" I took the ice cream from her and opened it. I scooped it and ate it

/"It's been a week since you broke up with him, now tell me why? Why exactly did you break up?/"

/"I don't want to talk about it.. Do I look like shit?/" I asked turning my head to her and she nodded