
Billionaires: The President's Bride

The heroine Mu Wanwan lives in an ordinary city, and the three male protagonists Bai Jiyu, Chu Lingfeng and Mu Miaotian are the young heads of three families respectively. By chance, Mu Wanwan met them and quickly fell in love.As time went by, the three people's feelings for Mu Wanwan became deeper and deeper. They tried their best to treat her well and embarked on a romantic and interesting pursuit. However, fate played a cruel joke on them. Their respective families encountered unprecedented difficulties, forcing them to leave Mu Wanwan to deal with the family crisis. A year later, all three of them had solved their problems and returned to the city. They discovered that there was a new suitor around Mu Wanwan, which made them feel an unprecedented sense of crisis. So they started a fierce battle, each trying their best, hoping to win Ye Yao's heart again.In this fight, Mu Wanwan gradually understood her own intentions. She realized that true love should not be about fighting, but about mutual understanding and support. In the end, she chose the person who truly understood her and walked hand in hand with him towards a happy future.

Beeber167 · Urban
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214 Chs

Chapter 6The Nature of the Wolf

After living in the human world for a long time, the white wolf with a high IQ gradually understands the difference between men and women, just like the male wolf and the female wolf in their forest. However, the male wolf will only recognize one female wolf in his life, and the female wolf will only recognize one female wolf in his life. The wolf can only follow the male wolf throughout its life, and other intruders are considered taboo! This deep-rooted persistence will not change regardless of Bai Lang's IQ!


 Mu Wanwan originally didn't want Bai Lang to go with Zhang Wei. After all, Zhang Wei was gay, so she didn't want Bai Lang's sexual orientation to be misled. But as soon as the words of rejection came to her lips, Zhang Wei behind her Wei immediately and eagerly agreed——


 "Okay, I'll take you there!" Zhang Wei, who is 176 meters tall, is not short, but walking next to the tall and handsome white wolf, he was suddenly compared to him by a large margin, which seriously reflected the appearance of an ordinary civilian and The huge difference between the noble young master!

 Seeing that the two of them had reached a consensus, Mu Wanwan was too embarrassed to say anything. She could only stand next to Bai Lang and whisper in a low voice: "Be careful."

 But in fact, her worries are unnecessary. Even if Zhang Wei covets Bai Lang's beauty, he can't push Bai Lang down. After all, Xiao Bai's strength... is amazing!

 Bai Lang was always very cooperative and obedient to Mu Wanwan's words. He responded obediently: "Yes, Wanwan." Then he bent down and kissed Mu Wanwan's delicate cheek with his thin lips. He lingered for a while. Shirdi moved away, and the sexy and mellow voice did not forget to remind them: "You have to wait for me to come back."


 Don't sneak away behind his back. He knew that there was a time when Wanwan wanted to send him away, so he was very scared and uneasy. He didn't want to leave Wanwan's side, and he must never leave her!!!

 So he became very obedient and gradually mastered the method to please Wanwan so that he would be qualified to stay by Wanwan's side. As for this stupid male, he must disappear!


 "Okay, okay, let's go!" Mu Wanwan rolled her eyes and pushed Bai Lang to follow Zhang Wei angrily. She was just going to the bathroom. Why is this little Bai so nervous? He has to stick to her all day long. Around you!


 Mu Wanwan watched Bai Lang follow Zhang Wei and gradually walked away. She didn't pay much attention to it. After thinking about it, she turned and walked to the beverage machine not far away to buy a bottle of Coke.


 Unfortunately, Mu Wanwan never expected that that day would be the last day she saw Zhang Wei——

 On the way to the toilet, Bai Lang suddenly couldn't talk anymore. His gloomy eyes stared coldly at Zhang Wei beside him, and his thin pink lips raised a beautiful arc. Zhang Wei's face turned red when he saw him. His sexy and mellow expression The voice said coolly: "Follow me!"


 Zhang Wei thought this was Bai Lang's cue to invite him, so he nodded stupidly and followed Bai Lang away!!!


In a dark alley outside the fashion building, Bai Lang tied Zhang Wei's tie the deepest and then slowly stopped his elegant pace. He turned around and stared at Zhang Wei intently, one gold and one blue pupil in the darkness. Still bright and beautiful, but with a vicious bloodthirsty inside, he walked up to Zhang Wei leisurely, grabbed the hand that had just touched Mu Wanwan, and said cruelly with a slight hook on his thin lips: "You used This hand touching Wanwan's is an eyesore!!!"


 As soon as Bai Lang's sinister voice finished speaking, he suddenly and without warning twisted Zhang Wei's right hand cruelly and cruelly. The sound of breaking bones was particularly harsh in the dark alley!!!


 "Ahhhh!!!" Zhang Wei had no time to react to what was going on. His right arm was twisted and broken by the white wolf. The pain climbed up his twisted face, and he was in so much pain that he couldn't even speak. , looking at the extremely handsome white wolf in front of him was like looking at a monster, horrifying! He shook his broken right hand and turned around to run out, but he didn't expect that after just two steps, he would be kicked hard by the white wolf on the waist. He fell to the wet and dirty ground and tried to struggle. He stood up but was trampled to death by Bai Lang's slender legs!


 "Wanwan is mine, why do you, a lowly male, touch her?! Not only will I break your hand, but I will also break your head!!!" Bai Lang's unusually handsome face burst out. A cruel cold light and bloodthirsty eyes glared at Zhang Wei who was stepped on by him. The force under his feet was even stronger, and the sound of broken bones could be faintly heard!


 A white wolf is still a white wolf. Even though he now understands human nature and learns knowledge, it is still difficult to change his cruel and violent animal nature that he has been fighting with wild beasts in the forest for the past eighteen years!


 Once the hidden animal nature breaks out, it will be terrifying! Especially when facing his enemies!


 "Ahhhh!!! Let me go...please let me go!" Zhang Wei, who was stepped on the wet ground by the white wolf, screamed in pain and begged for mercy. He had no idea what was going on!


 Bai Lang stretched out his tongue sexily and licked his chapped lips. He had been hiding his animal nature for a long time and now he was a little excited. He gracefully withdrew his foot from Zhang Wei's back and said, "Okay, if you can Run out alive I will let you go."



 Wolves enjoy the process of chasing their enemies, it is something that makes their blood boil!


 As soon as Zhang Wei was freed, he immediately got up from the ground and ran out like crazy, as if there was an evil spirit chasing him behind him. His vision became increasingly blurred due to the unbearable pain, and he kept shouting: "Help... ...Help, kill someone...kill someone..."


 Zhang Wei tried his best and ran out of the dark alley alive, but he was frightened by the white wolf, and his vision was blurred by the pain in his body. He kept running around in fear as if he had lost control, but he was so helpless. He rushed out of the busy road, and three cars ran over his body. He died on the spot!!!


 A beautiful young man with deep, handsome features and a noble temperament walked out of the dark alley. He witnessed all this coldly, and his thin lips uttered two ruthless words: "Stupid."

 Then, as if nothing was wrong, Bai Lang raised a bright and harmless smile and walked quickly back to find Mu Wanwan. Under the bright sunshine, his deep facial features were perfectly sublimated. His handsomeness was rare in the world. It attracted the attention and amazement of many passers-by along the way!


 No one could have imagined that such a handsome, noble, and sunny young man could have such a cruel and dark side!