
Billionaires: The President's Bride

The heroine Mu Wanwan lives in an ordinary city, and the three male protagonists Bai Jiyu, Chu Lingfeng and Mu Miaotian are the young heads of three families respectively. By chance, Mu Wanwan met them and quickly fell in love.As time went by, the three people's feelings for Mu Wanwan became deeper and deeper. They tried their best to treat her well and embarked on a romantic and interesting pursuit. However, fate played a cruel joke on them. Their respective families encountered unprecedented difficulties, forcing them to leave Mu Wanwan to deal with the family crisis. A year later, all three of them had solved their problems and returned to the city. They discovered that there was a new suitor around Mu Wanwan, which made them feel an unprecedented sense of crisis. So they started a fierce battle, each trying their best, hoping to win Ye Yao's heart again.In this fight, Mu Wanwan gradually understood her own intentions. She realized that true love should not be about fighting, but about mutual understanding and support. In the end, she chose the person who truly understood her and walked hand in hand with him towards a happy future.

Beeber167 · Urban
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214 Chs

Chapter 211 Chu Lingfeng 2

 Although she likes the days with Chu Lingfeng very much... But she couldn't take the risk, and she didn't want to.



Why··· Chu Lingfeng blurted out his debut without thinking about it, and finally hurriedly covered up a trace of panic that flashed on his handsome face.



 Maybe it's because he inherited the excellent genes of Hei Fan and Bai Ji.,Although Lala looks soft and weak.,But the wisdom is very high.,A very smart girl.,Once he shows a flaw on his face.,Can't escape Lala's eyes··



 So, you have to be extra careful.



 He didn't want to leave the island yet, and he couldn't find a reason to go back yet.



 Chu Lingfeng, you are not an ordinary person, I know, your identity is not ordinary, and I am not an ordinary person, my identity is also special, so I can't mess with people with complicated backgrounds outside, let alone people who bring me trouble, and you Chu Lingfeng, you may become the person who causes me trouble, this island is not suitable for people who are too complicated... For the first time, Lara's beautiful face showed a serious expression, but she quickly regained her gentle and beautiful smile. Of course, as long as you don't recover your memories for a day, you can stay on this island for as long as you like.



 As long as Chu Lingfeng didn't recover his memory, she believed that his mind would be pure, of course, she also absolutely trusted Chu Lingfeng's character, he was a good person, she thought so...



 But she also has her own things that she must protect, the location of this island cannot be known to outsiders, this is the only place where she and her parents live together, and she doesn't want to be trampled on by complicated people outside.



 Chu Lingfeng lowered his head and was silent for a while before slowly replying to Lala's words: ·hmm·I know··



 Do you have to leave to recover your memory, leave here, leave Lala's life, and even force yourself to forget all this, go back to the "Red Family" to face your sins, and... Wanwan·



 It's heavy, it's not the heaviness he wants, if he's never experienced what it's called 'easy', or maybe he wouldn't have been so greedy.



 In the days of amnesia, it was the easiest day of his life, forgetting the "red family", forgetting his name, forgetting all the sins and responsibilities, even forgetting the person he loved the most but the most painful, he was like a blank sheet of paper, he was able to live very freely and chicly, and he was free from the shackles of all colors.



 At that time, he even had the idea of staying by Lala's side and living on this island with her for the rest of his life.



 But now that he had regained his memory, it was ridiculous, was he going back to his old life, when he had been baptized in freedom, he really didn't want to be chained again?





 The temperature on the island at night is relatively low, the wind is relatively strong, and Lala does not come out to wander around at night, which is also a time to feel free to 'talk'.



 On the silent beach, there were layers of waves, and the turquoise water rippled and shimmered in the faint moonlight, as if it was covered with silver flakes, mysterious and beautiful, which made Chu Lingfeng look a little fascinated-



 Aren't we going back? Since Chu Lingfeng regained his memory, Chitong already knew it, because he had been with whom Chu Lingfeng had been around, and Chu Lingfeng's every move, he knew everything.



 Including Chu Lingfeng's mood now that he doesn't want to leave, he also knows·



 It's just that they really don't leave here, don't they go back to the 'Red Family', Miss Wanwan doesn't matter anymore? In the master's heart, and Miss Lala can't let go·



 I'll go back, it's just not now. Chu Ling, who was sitting on the soft and fine sand beach, did not look back and answered the words of the Chi tong behind him, the sea breeze blew his red hair more messy, more wanton.



 He'll go back, after all, he can't lie to Lala for the rest of his life, after all, he can't leave the "Red Family" behind·



 As for Wanwan, he knows better than anyone else that their love has passed by, no one can save it, it can't go back to the past, they loved too early, but they didn't love deeply enough...



 Love can't wait, that time, that person, he and Wanwan have already missed, no more, this time, he is here, lost...





 There is a clear swimming pool next to the villa and a neat row of bungalows next to the pool.



 On this day, Mu Wanwan woke up very early, nestled in Bai Yuyu's warm arms, she lazily stretched out her finger and poked his strong chest, and said endlessly: Bai Lang, I want to get married.



 In fact, from the moment Mu Wanwan woke up, Bai Yuyu also woke up, but she kept her eyes closed and let her 'poke' herself, but she almost choked on Mu Wanwan's first sentence.



 Knot, get married, is Wanwan willing to marry him, this question, he doesn't dare to think about it·



 I'm almost 28 years old, and I'm going to become an old aunt if I don't get married. Mu Wanwan's thin fingertips poked Bai Yuyu's chest unforgivingly, and said viciously: Why don't you speak, are you unwilling to marry me now? If you dare to answer yes, I'll let you not lift it for the rest of your life.



 ⊙_⊙ The title of the eldest sister is really not covered, and the momentum is strong enough.



 Bai Jianyu, who was stunned, quickly came back to his senses, his handsome face was stunned, and he hurriedly denied: Of course not... Then he hugged Mu Wanwan tightly into his arms, and the beautiful voice couldn't hide the joy in it. You know how much I want to marry you, how much I want to marry you, I can't wait to be able to have a wedding with you right now, I can't wait to lock you away with me forever...



 How could he not want to marry Wanwan, he dreamed of Wanwan becoming his wife·



 It's women who like to listen to men's sweet words, and Mu Wanwan, a vulgar woman, is no exception, and she knows that it is not the sweet words that Bai Jianyu uses to coax herself, because Bai Jianyu is not a man who knows how to speak sweet words at all, this is his true words, the words in his heart, and the so-called sweet words are much more crooked than the so-called sweet words.



 That's pretty much it... Mu Wanwan raised her little head with satisfaction, her bright starry eyes smiled and looked at the handsome Bai Yuyu with a happy face, and threw a small grenade unguardedly: But Bai Lang, you haven't proposed to me yet...



 This uninteresting man, shouldn't he think he could marry her in a sentence or two?



 It's really not an exaggeration to say that Bai Yuyu has heard the word 'marriage proposal' for so many years, and his brows are tightly wrinkled together. Marriage··



 What is a marriage proposal, isn't it just a matter of registering with the Civil Affairs Bureau when two people get married, and then hold a prosperous wedding?



 Looking at Bai Yuyu's handsome face with a tangled and distressed look, Mu Wanwan knew that he didn't understand what it meant to 'propose', she smiled brightly and said: "Bai Lang, when you understand what a marriage proposal is, after proposing to me again, I am satisfied and happy, and I will marry you·· After speaking, the smile on Mu Wanwan's face became brighter and brighter, but the voice made Bai Jianyu feel cold... If I'm not satisfied, unhappy, don't expect me to marry you...