
Billionaires: The President's Bride

The heroine Mu Wanwan lives in an ordinary city, and the three male protagonists Bai Jiyu, Chu Lingfeng and Mu Miaotian are the young heads of three families respectively. By chance, Mu Wanwan met them and quickly fell in love.As time went by, the three people's feelings for Mu Wanwan became deeper and deeper. They tried their best to treat her well and embarked on a romantic and interesting pursuit. However, fate played a cruel joke on them. Their respective families encountered unprecedented difficulties, forcing them to leave Mu Wanwan to deal with the family crisis. A year later, all three of them had solved their problems and returned to the city. They discovered that there was a new suitor around Mu Wanwan, which made them feel an unprecedented sense of crisis. So they started a fierce battle, each trying their best, hoping to win Ye Yao's heart again.In this fight, Mu Wanwan gradually understood her own intentions. She realized that true love should not be about fighting, but about mutual understanding and support. In the end, she chose the person who truly understood her and walked hand in hand with him towards a happy future.

Beeber167 · Urban
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214 Chs

Chapter 210 Chu Lingfeng

 Chu Lingfeng was born in the Chi family of the "Tricolor Lie Family" and his twin brother of the same age as him 'Chu Yanfeng' was born in the Chi family that eats people and does not spit out bones.



 The elder brother Chu Lingfeng is physically stronger, but not as smart as his younger brother, while the younger brother Chu Yanfeng is more intelligent, but his body is naturally weak, and he is destined to be a sick seedling.



 Since he was a child, Chu Lingfeng was a man who grew up in the sword mountain and in the sea of fire, and when he was young, in order to protect his weak younger brother 'Chu Yanfeng', Chu Lingfeng could only keep forcing himself to become stronger, because he knew that if he couldn't meet the requirements of the 'Chi family', then he and 'Chu Yanfeng' would be abandoned and eliminated by the 'Chi family'.



 The Red Family doesn't need useless waste, only the strong can survive in the Red Family, and the weak will be discarded, this is their family, and it's so cold that it has no human touch at all.



 At that time, Chu Lingfeng and 'Chu Yanfeng' didn't know what light was, and the only people they could trust in the darkest bottom were each other, and at that time, they naively thought that as long as they grew up, and had enough strength, they would be able to get out of the control of the 'Red Family', but-



 Later, when Chu Lingfeng, who was only four years old at the time, stabbed to death the pet dog he had been raising and loved without blinking, the people of the "Red Family" were relieved.



 This kid is ruthless enough to be born to do this business.



 As time passed, there was more and more blood on Chu Lingfeng's hands, and the expression on the handsome boy's face became less and less, and his thoughts became more and more distorted, dark, and he faintly longed for the light In the gathering of the "Tricolor Family" that day, he saw the Bai family and the masters of the Black family, Hei Fan and Bai Ji·



 I also saw the little BB that the two of them were holding in their hands, different from him and 'Chu Yanfeng', these two children were born in the excited anticipation of the "Tricolor Family", and they were also the crystallization of the true love of the master of the Bai family and the master of the Black family.



 In the end, these two children who inherited the best genes of their two families were born, so that the elders of the "Tricolor Column Family" were all surprised and shocked, because the strength of these two children was too great, and the "Tricolor Column Family" could only acquiesce to the husband and wife relationship between Hei Fan and Bai Ji in the end.



 That day was the first time Chu Lingfeng saw Hei Fan and Bai Ji, and it was also the last time he saw the two of them, and their smiles at his two children at that time have always been deeply engraved in Chu Lingfeng's heart.



 That's a really happy smile, that's a kind smile that a true parent should have, that's a gentle smile from the bottom of his heart, that's the only light he sees.



 Later, a big event happened to the "Tricolor Family"·Hei Fan and Bai Ji got rid of the "Tricolor Family",Escaped with the two newborn little BBs.,The whole family was so shocked that they went out.,Later, I don't know what the reason.,The two little BBs were finally brought back by the patriarchs.,But Hei Fan and Bai Ji never came back to the "Tricolor Family"·



 Just when Chu Lingfeng was six years old, he had actually seen Bai Jianyu and Mu Miaotian a long time ago, at that time, they were just a one-year-old little BB, but the two little BBs were very fond of 'punching and kicking', very lively, that is, on that day, the people above the "Red Family" secretly took these two little BBs out, and then soon after, the news of the disappearance of the young master of the Hei family and the young master of the Bai family came out.



 Chu Lingfeng knew that all this was done by the 'Red Family', but he just watched from the sidelines, anyway, this is the law of the jungle, isn't it, the blame can only be blamed on those two children who are too young, and they don't even have the ability to protect themselves.



 It's a pity that even if he took away the heirs of the black and white families, the "Red Family" was never satisfied, and finally put his ruthless hands on the two little heirs of his own family.



 The strong Chu Lingfeng and the weak 'Chu Yanfeng' In the end, of course, the "Chi Family" chose the strong Chu Lingfeng and sacrificed the weak 'Chu Yanfeng', and the origin of everything was also opened in the conspiracy of the "Red Family"·





 The cool sea breeze blows on the sunny island with flowers in all seasons, with a light salty taste, and it is exceptionally fresh·



 The sharp pain in his head made Chu Lingfeng wake up suddenly, his red eyes were faintly bloodshot, he looked around at the beautiful but unfamiliar environment around him, under the bright sun, it took a while to come back to his senses, his handsome face lingered with a faint gloom.



 Why do you want to think about it, it's better for him to forget it...



 This may be the sin of the 'Red Family', whether it is the Black Family, or the Bai Family, whether it is 'Chu Yanfeng', or Bai Jianyu, or Mu Miaotian, maybe it is his debt·



· What's wrong, do you have a headache again? Looking at Chu Lingfeng Lala, who had a dark face, she brought a glass of vegetable juice very intimately, handed it to him, and smiled softly: Drink it, it's helpful to you.



··· After looking at Lala who was smiling for a while, Chu Lingfeng stretched out his hand and took the vegetable juice she handed over, and said in a low voice: Thank you, Lala.



 Either way, he was very grateful to Lara, if it wasn't for her, he would have died a long time ago, if it weren't for him, she wouldn't have been ordered by Hei Fan and Bai Ji to stay on this island.



 If Lara knew that many things were actually caused by him indirectly, whether it was her parents or her brothers, how would Lara feel when she found out?



 Listening to Chu Lingfeng's 'thank you' again and again during this time, Lala just smiled beautifully, her slender jade hand lightly touched Chu Lingfeng's forehead, massaged his headache head, and smiled softly: "Don't thank me, I feel so happy to have someone to chat with me, but... Lara paused and continued: "Chu Lingfeng, if you regain your memory one day, then please leave this island, leave my life...