
Billionaires: The President's Bride

The heroine Mu Wanwan lives in an ordinary city, and the three male protagonists Bai Jiyu, Chu Lingfeng and Mu Miaotian are the young heads of three families respectively. By chance, Mu Wanwan met them and quickly fell in love.As time went by, the three people's feelings for Mu Wanwan became deeper and deeper. They tried their best to treat her well and embarked on a romantic and interesting pursuit. However, fate played a cruel joke on them. Their respective families encountered unprecedented difficulties, forcing them to leave Mu Wanwan to deal with the family crisis. A year later, all three of them had solved their problems and returned to the city. They discovered that there was a new suitor around Mu Wanwan, which made them feel an unprecedented sense of crisis. So they started a fierce battle, each trying their best, hoping to win Ye Yao's heart again.In this fight, Mu Wanwan gradually understood her own intentions. She realized that true love should not be about fighting, but about mutual understanding and support. In the end, she chose the person who truly understood her and walked hand in hand with him towards a happy future.

Beeber167 · Urban
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214 Chs

Chapter 154: I'm Sorry

 "... Are you supposed to be ... Wait!" Hades, who hurriedly dodged away, wanted to stop Mu Wanwan, but before she could stop Mu Wanwan from firing, she had already pulled down the buckle plate-



 The deafening explosion filled the sky, and the gorgeous castle of Athens had gradually begun to tilt at this time, half of the castle was already showing signs of collapse, and billowing dust was raised around it!



 At this time, more than a dozen black steel-colored helicopters flew in the sky annihilated by thick black smoke, and several battle tanks opened at the front door of the castle garden!!



 The heavyweight battle tank was rolling up billowing yellow dust, and protected by several tanks was a black elongated Lincoln, which was approaching at full speed at a leap forward-



 With a sharp brake, Bai Jianyu hurriedly opened the car door and ran out of the car, looking at the castle in front of him that was leaning and about to collapse, as if it was about to be blown to pieces in the next moment, with a terrifying explosion, Bai Jianyu's handsome face turned pale in an instant, and there was a transparent dead silence in the sun.



 The layers of glass in the 'Papapa' castle were completely blasted, until the third floor, Mu Wanwan and Hades, were blasted out by the impact of the explosion, and the two fell from the third layer rapidly, fortunately, there was a soft lawn below, not to break the bones, but it was enough to make Mu Wanwan unconscious-



 Followed by several loud explosions, a burst of fire rushed out wildly, ** spicy and hot. Half of the elegant castle has completely collapsed and shattered, leaving only the other half, crumbling and smoky, and the scene is even more realistic and terrifying than the special effects in the movie!



 Mu Wanwan blew up half of the castle!!



 "Wanwan !!" Bai Yuyu, who watched Mu Wanwan fall from the third floor, had red eyes, and ran frantically in the direction of the soft lawn, and saw Mu Wanwan who was covered in blood and fell into a coma, he knelt heavily on the ground, and his handsome face showed deep fear for the first time, he was afraid, afraid that Wanwan would die, afraid that Wanwan would leave him!!!



 Damn! He won't let go of this group of people, he wants all of them to live rather than die! No, he still wants to find out the mastermind behind the scenes to avenge Wanwan! The woman who dared to hurt him, even the people he was reluctant to hurt, they dared to ... He'll make them regret it!!


 Mu Wanwan, who fell into a coma, was covered with bright red and dazzling blood, some glass shards had pierced into her tender skin, her bloody face wrinkled in pain, and her red mouth unconsciously escaped a moan of pain, as if it was very uncomfortable and very hard! Bai Yuyu was so distressed that he was about to go crazy, and the fear of losing Mu Wanwan was about to take away his breath, but he could only watch her being tormented by pain, and she couldn't do anything, not even to share the pain on her body!



 Damn it!! he would rather be the one who was injured and bleeding than see Wanwan injured, let alone see her covered in blood...



 Bai Jiaoyu's slender hands trembled slightly and carefully hugged the scarred Mu Wanwan gently, the gentle movements were afraid would hurt Mu Wanwan in the slightest, and the fingertips gently wiped away the dirty blood on her face, the snow-white skin was almost transparent under the sun, without a trace of lifeless blood, like a fragile porcelain doll, Bai Yuyu's low and hoarse voice almost begged gently: "Wanwan, good." Just be patient, just be patient, and soon it won't hurt..."



 It was he who was too careless, he almost killed Wanwan, he almost lost Wanwan, if he had arrived earlier, and if he hadn't imprisoned Wanwan in the castle, she wouldn't have been hurt... I'm sorry... I'm sorry...



 Bai Guanyu hugged Mu Wanwan's hands in distress and trembled, the smell of blood was full between the sensitive snorts, and the white teeth bit the lower lip fiercely, as if venting, Bai Yuyu's thin lower lip was dripping with bright red blood, and a beast-like hurt and painful whisper escaped between his lips and teeth, and the back of his hand was violently protruding from the veins and tendons as if he was trying his best to suppress the surging emotions in his heart!



 "Charles!" Bai Yuyu's hoarse voice cried in a low voice!



 Hearing Bai Jianyu's anxious call, Xia Er, who had been following Bai Jianyu all along, calmly glanced at Mu Wanwan, who was covered in blood, and said professionally in a doctor's tone: "Boss, please rest assured." She didn't hurt the vital point, but she was stabbed by multiple fragments on her body, and the blood flow was a little high, and the main injuries were her right arm and abdomen. But don't get in the way, with my ability, I can restore her body to its original state!"



 He won't let Mu Wanwan's body have a little wound scar, at least a brave and powerful woman like Mu Wanwan, he seems to understand a little bit about why the boss is so obsessed with Mu Wanwan now!



 What a nice woman!



 Bai Jianyu carefully picked up Mu Wanwan, who was covered in blood, blood stained his hands, Bai Jianyu's eyes narrowed, his heart hurt like a knife, his two-color eyes looked at Xia Er darkly, and his voice was full of menace and ordered: "You must heal Wanwan well, she is very afraid of pain, I don't want to see her in pain after Wanwan wakes up!"



 He believed in Charles's medical ability, but he was afraid that Wanwan would feel pain, and he was usually a little woman who was afraid of pain, but now he was ... Wanwan must be in pain right now!



 "The castle has been destroyed, you should immediately take Wanwan to the nearest hospital here to operate on her! Remember, I don't want to see the existence of a little scar on Wanwan's body!" Bai Yuyu commanded solemnly and cautiously before reluctantly handing over Mu Wanwan in his arms to Charles!



 He knew that Wanwan was not the kind of woman who cared too much about beauty and ugliness, but he didn't want Wanwan to see the scars on his body and recall this terrible thing!



 Charles immediately took over Mu Wanwan, who was injured and unconscious, and asked suspiciously at any time, "I understand, boss." Aren't you just going along?"