
Billionaires Little Sin

Who knew that fixing a tyre would fix your status of being single? ________ "It is so sudden, why do you want to help me? " "It will be new year soon. And I mustn't attend Christmas without showing up with someone. Let's just say, I am giving myself a new year gift." "And the gift is me ?" "Yes." Folawes family has just gotten into debt after her mother was scammed off the huge amount given to her by a client. The client is demanding for the money in three days or they go to jail and she knew there was no way they could rush around and get the money. Except a miracle happens. The miracle in tailored Armani, Mo Ambrose. A cold, poker face Korean-British low key billionaire comes to her rescue. He was just supposed to give a speech at her university when she coincidentally meets the man. Who would have thought that he would come to find her the following day with a proposal. One she could not refuse. It was not supposed to last that long. The facade ought to have ended soon but this man seem to always have excuses that made her stay. Folawe isn't the relationship type but Mo Ambrose was not ready to let go. Not now. Not ever.

AnimeOtaku11 · Urban
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123 Chs

Ask about the bride price and bridal items.

"Amazing. Folawe send the idiots picture to him so we can know."

"Okay. Thank you brotehr in law."

"Anytime. You don't have to worry about brother. He doesn't even bother talking to girls. Who will even want to talk to him except you. Look at his poker face." Jason complains.

Ambrose reaches out his hand and hangs up while glaring at the phone. "Jason is stupid and talks too much." His brother would never let go of an opportunity to gossip about people or talk about him.

Folawe nudges his stomach and wriggles her brows at him. Was he stared that Jason will mistakenly say things that might drift them apart? She already a lot about him if not all about him, there was nothing more she could hear that would make her want to stay away. Even the fact that he is possessed by another soul living inside him didnt dare her off. What could probably scare her off?