
Billionaires Don't Love

He visited the bar for the third time that day. He was really desperate to see her again. After setting his eyes on her that first day, he knew he wanted her, he want to have a feel of her. Maybe it was lust, he didn’t know, but he knew it was her. Jack Antonio was not your regular billionaire. After getting his heart broken by his ex-girlfriend few days to his twenty-fifth birthday, he swore never to have anything to do with any woman again, except it’s for momentarily pleasure. He encounters Karen during one of his visits to the bar, and that one glance sticks forever in his memory. Karen is a twenty four year old ex-journalist turn blogger. After losing her job, she ventures into full time blogging, but things do not go according to plan as she is still struggling and needs one big story to kick her to fame so when Jack starts hanging around her, she pretends to be his girlfriend. After all, it would be better for her growing blog. “Billionaires don’t fall in love, especially not me.” he stated closely and she wept. “But I love you.” she wept, trying to go closer to him. “And I don’t fucking care.” He screamed at her, already irritated by her presence. “I’m pregnant.” She finally stated and the room went silent. What happens when her ex-boyfriend comes back to town? Things are about to get messy when he makes known his intention of getting her back. Would the billionaire fall in love or would he stay true to himself? And oh, her ex returns as a billionaire, but Billionaires don’t love. Or do they?

Shades_4 · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapter 01 - Young and rich

He walked into the bar and stood a few feet from the door, his eyes scanning around the bar. He was dressed in black shirts with the sleeves rolled to the elbows and black suit trousers and a very expensive-looking wristwatch on his left wrist, complimenting his rich looks.

"This way to the VIP section sir" the guard at the door welcomed him, trying to lead him to his regular section. He was a regular VIP customer and every time he came, he went directly upstairs.

"Don't worry, I'll grab a quick drink at the bar" he waved the guy aside, still scanning the bar.

Soft gasps escaped the lips of people who were in the bar. It was barely six pm and was definitely not the time to find Jack Antonio in a bar.

Jack Antonio was top five richest guys in California. He owned a few businesses scattered around the city and country. His father was a tourist and a big lover of gems so he collected gems, gold, and any other precious stone he could find during his travels. It was after his retirement that he decided to set up a jewelry store and museum to display his arts and precious stones. He himself owned two hotels, one in California and the other in New York. He also owned a construction company that was the biggest in the city. He was a fucking self-made multi-millionaire.

"A shot of Blanco tequila" he ordered as he settled on the seat in front of the bar counter. He let his eyes wander around the bar, it was a bit empty, except for a few people who had come to meet up or grab drinks.

"Here" the bartender placed the shot in front of him and flashed him a smile. He picked the shot and downed it all in one gulp, letting the drink burn down his throat. He typed into his phone, and few seconds later, he was on his way out.

He walked out of the bar towards his black Mercedes AMG CLS 53 that was parked outside. He had 30 minutes before his big meeting.

He drove off and arrived twenty five minutes at the huge headquarters of the company he was to close a deal with.

Stepping into the headquarters of Brook Automobiles, he readjusted his suit and walked swiftly to the reception desk.

"Meeting with Neil Brook." she stated, facing the beautiful secretary who looked up from the computer.

"Use that elevator that way, the boardroom is on the third floor. Mr. Brook is expecting you" she stated politely, typing into the computer.

He nodded, and taking her instructions, he made his way to the boardroom. Brook Automobiles was one of the biggest companies in the country. It was founded by Mr. Owen Brook thirty two years ago.

Neil took over the operations of the company seven years ago when his father was forced into retirement due to health issues and so far, he had done a great job in maintaining the company's record. Standing outside the boardroom, Jack wiped away the little sweats that formed on his forehead, he was really nervous. This would be his biggest deal ever if it goes through.

"Welcome Jack, take a seat." the chief operating officer of Brook Automobiles, Lane offered as Jack opened the door and stepped into the room. He was slightly overwhelmed by the number of faces that turned to him as he stepped in. He was a big CEO, but he had anxiety issues, especially after what happened years ago.

They both walked out of the boardroom after the meeting that lasted for over two hours. Brook and the management team were pleased with his proposal and so he got the contract.

"Thank you, Mr. Brook." He thanked for the umpteenth time.

"You deserve it. You're good." Neil encouraged, patting him. Neil Brook was a thirty-four-year-old man. He was a business administrator and consultant and owned his private firm before he took over the running of his dad's company. He got married four years ago and has a little son.

"We should celebrate. a drink at the bar, you up?" Neil questioned and he nodded. It wouldn't be bad to grab a drink. He needed to clear his head. Together, they walked outside the office building to the garage and into their cars. Neil kicked his engine to life and drove out, Jack following behind.

They got to "Inn Bar," the same bar Jack had come to few hours ago. The bar was the biggest in California. It had a clubhouse and casino in it. The identity of the owners was not known to the public, but rumors had it that it was operated by a mafia.

They went in and it was busy as ever. Colored fluorescent lights illuminated the inside, making it a bit difficult to see the faces of people inside. Slow sensual music blasted through the speakers as the stripper continued to put the men through sexual misery.

They pushed through people and different seductive stares of whores trying to get their attention and soon, they were at the top. He took one last glance behind him and he caught her image.

Seated on the high bar stool was one of the prettiest woman he had ever set his eyes on. She was dressed in a short gown that stopped mid-thigh and hugged her body perfectly, her hair was blown straight and fell to her shoulders. From his position, he couldn't clearly see her face but he knew she was the one, the same lady he had come looking for earlier.