
billionaire surrogate

Jenifer_1 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

forcefully marriage

No one had seen Veer, but everyone knew that Veer used to get whatever he liked. Everyone was afraid of Veer and those who had seen Veer used to live 100 kilometers away. While Veer's murderous personality was enough to injure any girl, his anger could really injure a girl.

Veer's second brother's name was Vansh Oberoi. Vansh Oberoi was a well-known business man of India who had many hotels, only big business men could afford his 5 star hotel. Vansh Oberoi and Varun Oberoi were both brothers but Varun was only 1 year younger than Vansh. Vansh was only 25 years old and Varun was 24 years old. Both are business partners.

Both Varun and Vishal were twin brothers, their appearance was definitely different but their age was same. Vishal's world was completely different from business because of his acting industries. Vishal was the king of acting industries. Girls used to yearn for a glimpse of him, but among them the most handsome was only Veer, Veer's facial cutting and his beautiful eyes were no less than a handsome man.

On the other hand,..✓✓

Vansh was checking every room looking for someone, but he could not see the person he was looking for. When Vansh saw a staff leaving, he said, "Have you seen Master Krish somewhere?" Hearing this, the staff bowed their heads and said, Sir, I had just seen the younger master going to your room. Hearing this, Vansh nodded yes and went towards his room.

Vansh came to his room and said, where are you Krish, come out soon and see, don't disturb me.

When Vansh moved towards the wardrobe, a cute voice came from behind the Couch. "Daddy first you give the chocolate then Krish will come out. Hearing this Vansh went behind the couch and seeing Krish hiding behind he took Krish in his lap and said with a slight smile,... Krish has been caught now, What will you do now Chris?

Krish immediately said innocently to Vansh, "Daddy, you can't even do that much for me,, you can't even get Krish chocolates." Hearing this, Vansh said scoldingly,… From where did you learn to blackmail this emotion. Hearing this, Kris frowned and said, "Daddy, I want chocolate." Vansh said scoldingly,...stop behaving like these girls,be like a man and focus on your studies. Saying this, Vansh immediately made Krish down and took him outside holding his hand.

Krrish was only three years old, Vansh had brought Krrish to Oberoi's Villa three years ago, no one knew where Vansh had brought Krrish from and who was his mom. The day Vansh brought Krish in his arms in this house, it was his own wedding, but when everyone saw Krish in Vansh's arms, they were both surprised and angry. The marriage broke up but even today Vansh could not believe that Krish's mother had left Krish in the hospital and ran away.

Krish was loved by everyone in the Oberoi's villa, except the Oberoi's relatives and Vansh's uncle and aunt. He used to hear about his mom often in Kris's ears. Krris always blamed his mom. Chris was raised by Raveena ji and Ravi ji.

Shree lifted her veil and looked straight at Vishal, Shree could not believe that he had seen Vishal.

Shree was suddenly lost somewhere. Vishal came to Mr. and said smilingly,… Sister-in-law, you are really very beautiful,, I had you seen in the photo but you are so beautiful in real. Hearing praise from Mr. Vishal Oberoi, she said with a smile,… You are Vishal Oberoi, the king of acting industries. Hearing this, Vishal said with a smile,..then it means you are also my fan, isn't it?

Hearing this, Shree said smilingly,...and I am your biggest fan,, you are great sir. Hearing this, Vishal said with a smile,… Really, if brother does not marry you, then I would definitely marry you. This Mr. also said while being happy, I wish it could happen like this.

Saying this Shree said in his mind,..O Narmada maiya please make my husband like Vishal ji so that he can help us to fulfill our dream anyway we have given our means acting industry By meeting King and making him his sister-in-law.

Varun and Raveena ji came to Shree and said, Shree son Veer is waiting for you outside, Veer has to go to his villa because of an important meeting, you see and go.

Hearing this, Shree nodded yes and started going out with some girls. Shree said to herself while putting her veil back,..., I am looking good somewhere,, she should not run away after seeing me,, no no Mr. Madam,, your husband will be shocked to see you.

Thinking all this, Mr. came to the car and all those girls left from there, Mr. sat inside the car and started seeing the view of the whole car from inside the veil. Shree was going to stare at the whole car with big eyes. Veer, who was sitting next to Shree, was looking out of the window.

Veer reached his villa with Shree and himself went inside his villa after asking Shree to get out. Veer sat on the couch of the hall and lit his cigarette and said while tightening the cigarette, you know why I have brought you this. Shri asked after hearing this, why have you brought it. Veer gave a dangerous smile. As if something was definitely going on in Veer's mind, which might have caused Shri's destruction. Veer smiling sarcastically looking through his dangerous eyes said in his poetic voice,..

(wherever you go,

I am there

No matter how far you run

I am that guard in front of you,

that you will never forget,

I am that cage of the moon,

that darkens the sun,

I am the one whose face I am.

Veer was going to sit tight for a cigarette,, Veer was just looking at Mr. Even though Shri's face was covered with a veil, but still she was looking amazingly beautiful, her slim figure was emerging in that lahenga

Veer looked at Mr. carefully and said, Mr. Tripathi, you don't think that you and Shree was getting scared just seeing Veer. This tall man could kill anyone with his scary eyes.

Veer said,… I have brought you here because everyone was there and I have brought you here because both of us are here. Mr. said without understanding,... you clearly tell what you want to say.

Veer got up from the Couch and said,...that we both will stay together but will not be together,,I had a deal to marry you,,deal is over,marriage is over.

Shree was standing speechless looking at Veer from inside her veil, as soon as the inflow of strong winds increased, suddenly Shree's veil was removed.

Veer's intoxicating eyes could not take his eyes off Shree's face, Veer had seen so many beautiful girls but hardly ever like Shree.

Shree's black deep big eyes, in which there was a flood of tears. As if Veer's head was now filled with an obsession, he had to achieve Shree at any cost, he had to rectify what he had just spoiled. .

Wake up sister-in-law, how long will you sleep,, sister-in-law get up too.

As soon as someone's voice was heard in Shri's ears, she woke up at once and sitting up said... what happened, how did I come here. Hearing this, Vishal said with surprise, Sister-in-law, you were tired and fell asleep on the couch .

Shree heard this and looked at Vishal with wide eyes and said,… Means what Chuhad had said was a dream. Vishal was surprised to hear this but along with that he was also laughing.

When Shree looked around, Raveena ji was staring at Shree standing in front of him. Shri looked at Raveena ji and said in his mind,… I was looking so lovely in my dreams, looking at her it seems as if she has turned into a demon and is looking for me as her prey.

Raveena ji looked at Mr. and said while controlling her anger,….my son is waiting for you upstairs and you are sleeping here, well you have never got such a nice couch before or this Say that she will never sit on the couch.

Shri was surprised to hear this but her anger was being controlled. While pacifying Raveena ji, Vishal said,.. off oh mom, now let sister-in-law know too.

Mr. looked at Raveena ji and then said with a big smile,…..mother-in-law, you do not unnecessarily bother me so much, it is a simple matter, we were sleepy, we rolled over.

Raveena ji said, what did you say, what kind of language are you using.

Hearing this, Shree stood up and looking into the eyes of Raveena ji said,... Mother-in-law belongs to her, we are definitely from the village but we are not proud,, Narmada Maiya has given us both beauty and intelligence.

Raveena ji was totally surprised to hear such a letter from Shree.

As soon as Shri started walking while handling her heavy lehenga, her foot went on her lehenga and she immediately fell down with Raveena ji in front of her.

Raveena ji holding her waist said,.... hey you broke my back,, get up quickly from me. Shree said to himself,... one this full lehenga with long veil on top,, which girl will be left.

Mr. Raveena got up from the top and asked Vishal, where is my room, going upstairs, the 3rd room on the left is yours. Hearing this, Shree ran away from there and went towards stairs and Raveena ji just kept looking at Shree angrily.

Raveena ji did not like this relationship from the beginning, her mind was to bring the daughter-in-law of her class but it is a disaster Said and the biggest thing was that Veer had said yes to this relationship.

Raveena ji didn't even agree to this relationship but still said in front of Dada ji that she was going to move. Dadaji was the head of Oberoi's family.

Here Shree came to the door and said in my mind,... Hey Narmada, please don't make that rat a real rat,,anyway whatever dream you see, it is opposite, then it means that our monster will also be opposite,,and mine Means,,love will be romantic,, in dream how handomeIs he ,,just try to fulfill my dream what more do you want.

Shri opened the gate and came inside and saw that Veer was sitting on the couch in front playing his phone, as if there was no expression on his face.

Shri tried to know from every side,, what is going on in the mind of her husband like this chuhad.

Veer was on the phone. Veer said while playing the phone,..there is no need to use much brain,,you will never be able to understand me. Saying this Veer looked at Shree whose veil was already up.

Veer had never thought that his wife would be so beautiful, Mr. Really, it was a gift given by God, which was full of beauty inside.

Veer looked at Shri and said,..first condition you will not talk to me and second condition you will stay away from me and outside only we both will show like a husband wife don't expect anything more from me,,and one thing you If you are in my marriage, you will not even meet any other boy.

Shree was surprised to hear this, she was silent because he wanted to know that when Veer did not want to have a relationship then why did he get married.

Shri asked in a calm voice,..when you didn't want to be with me then why did you get married to me ??.

Veer looked at Shree with his deep eyes and said,... Because my family members used to force me for my marriage time and again, that's why I had already chosen you for my marriage.

My family members didn't hire you, I hired you,, you are from the village so you will be calm that's why I hired you.

Veer got up from the couch while looking at his phone and started walking towards the bed. Seeing this, Mr. angrily picked up the knife lying in front of him and said in front of Veer, you have not seen what peace is then, You ruined my life.

Veer was surprised from inside because when he had asked his P.A about the girl, then his P.A had told that that girl is like a very calm cow,,, but here the girl turned out like a bull.