
Billionaire Seduction; A Twist of Fate

Elysia Moore reluctantly enters into a marriage of convenience with Ronald Weber, fulfilling her grandfather's last wish. Yet, they are strangers, never having met, as Ronald has been abroad throughout their union. Determined to start anew after two years, Elysia prepares for divorce, unaware that Ronald is returning. As Elysia faces her chaotic path, Laura Wilson schemes to win Ronald's heart. But destiny has other plans when, Elysia and Ronald share an unexpected encounter, leading to a passionate night together. Months later, Elysia discovers she is pregnant, just as Ronald becomes her boss, oblivious to their intertwined destinies. Will Elysia and Ronald's shared past bind them together or will Laura’s schemes tear them apart? What secrets lay buried in their history, waiting to resurface? And what will become of the unborn child, a silent witness to their complicated love story? Join Elysia and Ronald on a journey where love, fate, and deception collide in ways they never imagined.

meshioyehannah · Urban
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11 Chs

Chapter Seven

Elysia's POV

Two years later

I collapse onto the worn leather chair in my grandfather's office, exhaustion seeping into my bones. The familiar scent of old books and tobacco envelops me, a bittersweet reminder of the man who built this company from the ground up.

" Ms Elysia?" my assistant, Jake, pokes his head through the door. "The board members are waiting in the conference room."

I groan, rubbing my temples. "Again? Didn't we just have a meeting yesterday?"

Jake shrugs, sympathy etched on his face. "They're anxious about the new expansion plans."

"Aren't we all," I mutter, pushing myself up. "Tell them I'll be there in five."

As Jake leaves, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Dark circles under my eyes, hair hastily pulled back - I look every bit the overworked CEO I've become.

Is this what I wanted when I took over Grandpa's company? The thought flits through my mind, but I push it away. There's no time for doubts now.

I stride into the conference room, plastering on a confident smile. "Gentlemen, ladies, shall we begin?"

The room falls silent, all eyes on me. I can feel their scrutiny, and their doubts about my ability to lead.

"Ms. Weber, or moore. I don't know which is-," Mr. Jennings, the oldest board member, began but I raised a hand, cutting him halfway.

'Whichever you decide to call me', I snapped, an upturned smile plastered on my face.

He cleared his throat and let out a nervous groan. " Ok, Mrs. Webber, " I flinched involuntarily as he continued, "We've been reviewing your expansion proposal and we have... concerns."

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. "I'm sure you do, Mr. Jennings. Care to elaborate?"

"It's too risky," he says, his tone patronizing. "Your grandfather built this company on solid, conservative investments. This plan of yours... it's too ambitious."

The words sting, but I don't let it show. "And yet, it's exactly what we need to revive this company. We can't keep living in the past, gentlemen. We need to adapt or die."

"But at what cost?" another board member chimes in. "We could lose everything."

I lean forward, my voice low and intense. "Or we could become the industry leader we were always meant to be. The choice is yours.'

The room erupts into heated discussions. I stand there, my heart racing, anxiety biting at my insides. My eyes darted to the door, the urge to escape mounting.

Just then, the door bursts open, and Jake rushes in, face pale. "Elysia, you need to see this."

I turn to him, a frown creasing my forehead. "What is it, Jake?"

He holds up his phone, the screen flashing with news alerts. "There's been a breach. Our security system... it's been hacked."

The room falls silent, the gravity of his words sinking in. I feel the ground shift beneath my feet, the weight of the situation crashing down on me.

"How bad is it?" I ask my voice barely a whisper.

Jake's eyes meet mine, filled with fear. "Bad. Very bad."

I swallow hard, forcing myself to stay calm. "Alright, everyone. Meeting adjourned. We need to handle this immediately."


I stare at the calendar, my heart sinking as I realize it's been two years. Two years of silence, two years of uncertainty, two years of... nothing. The date mocks me, a stark reminder of how long I and Roland have been married.

"Any news?" Sam, my best friend, asks as he breezes into the kitchen.

I shake my head, my throat tight. "Nothing. It's like he vanished into thin air."

As awkward as it may sound, we've been living together for the past two years! my idea. I couldn't bear to live alone and have my voice bounce off the walls like a yoyo. 

Sarah sighs, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Have you tried hiring a private investigator?"

"What's the point?" I snap, immediately regretting my tone. "Sorry, it's just... how can they find someone who doesn't seem to exist? His family members aren't saying anything. Alex knows nothing."

"Girl, What do you mean?" Sam's brow furrows in confusion.

I laugh, a bitter sound that surprises even me. "No pictures, Sam. No social media presence. Hell, I can't even remember what he looks like anymore. It's like... like he was never real."

"That's impossible," Sarah argues, but I can hear the doubt in her voice.

"Is it?" I challenge myself, turning to face him. "Tell me, what do you know about Roland?"

Sam opens his mouth, then closes it again. His eyes dart around the room as if searching for a memory that isn't there.

"See?" I say, my voice barely above a whisper. "It's not just me."

The silence that follows is deafening. I can feel the weight of Sam's gaze, heavy with concern and something else... fear?

"What are you going to do?" he finally asks.

I take a deep breath, squaring my shoulders. "I don't know. But I can't keep living like this. I need answers, Sam.'

'Uh uh', Sam began pushing me towards the stairs, 'I'm not gonna let you stay home all day and act like little Miss Detective all by yourself. Go dress up, we're going out'.

I groaned. 'Chill, I have work to do', I tried fighting but Sam kept pushing- obviously stronger than I was.

'You'll have a new job at the party- network', he says, and I couldn't help but giggle, the events that occurred earlier today buried in the back of my head.


The room buzzed with laughter and clinking glasses. I stood by the bar, swirling my drink, trying to blend into the background. It was my first social event in months, and I was already regretting it.

'Isn't that Elysia Moore', I heard someone whisper behind me and my throat tightened.

"I think you mean Elysia Weber, aka, the forgotten wife?" a voice snickered behind me. I stiffened, my grip tightening around the glass.

"Yes, poor thing. Married for two years and he hasn't been around since the wedding. I can't imagine myself being alone for two years with no action. I heard she is some kind of sugar mummy- pays some young boys to bump," another voice chimed in. I thought she chortled like an orgasmic pig.

I turned, my face burning. "Excuse me?"

"Oh, didn't see you there," the first woman said, her smile dripping with insincerity. "We were just talking about how… absent your husband has been."

"He's busy," I snapped, my voice sharper than intended. "Work, you know."

"Of course," she said, her eyes gleaming with mock sympathy. "Must be hard, being alone all the time."

The others titter in response, their eyes gleaming with a cruel sort of fascination. I grit my teeth, my grip on the delicate flute tightening until I'm afraid it might shatter.

I felt a surge of anger. "I'm not alone. I have my own life."

"Sure, sure," the second woman said, waving her hand dismissively. "But it's not the same, is it?

'My apologies, dear," the first woman says, her voice oozing condescension. "We didn't mean to upset you. It's just...well, it's been so long, and we were all wondering what happened to your dear husband."

"If I knew, I wouldn't be standing here," I snapped, the words laced with bitterness. "Now if you'll excuse me, I think I've had enough of your 'concern' for one evening."

I couldn't take it anymore. I slammed my glass down and stormed out, my heart pounding. The cool night air hit my face as I stepped outside, but it did little to calm me. 

Why did I even come here? I thought, my mind racing. Why did I let them get to me? Where was Sam anyway?

I walked down the street, my heels clicking against the pavement. I felt a mix of anger and embarrassment. How could he leave me like this? How could he let me become a joke?

I walked towards the red Rolls Royce that had brought me there and slammed the door immediately. My body came in contact with the leather seats.

' Take me home, now!'

'What about Miss Sam?', the driver asked, a confused expression lacing his face.

'I said now'.

I pulled out my phone, sailing a familiar number.

'Jake, get me a detective- the best money can find. I want him in my office first thing tomorrow morning.