
Billionaire Seduction; A Twist of Fate

Elysia Moore reluctantly enters into a marriage of convenience with Ronald Weber, fulfilling her grandfather's last wish. Yet, they are strangers, never having met, as Ronald has been abroad throughout their union. Determined to start anew after two years, Elysia prepares for divorce, unaware that Ronald is returning. As Elysia faces her chaotic path, Laura Wilson schemes to win Ronald's heart. But destiny has other plans when, Elysia and Ronald share an unexpected encounter, leading to a passionate night together. Months later, Elysia discovers she is pregnant, just as Ronald becomes her boss, oblivious to their intertwined destinies. Will Elysia and Ronald's shared past bind them together or will Laura’s schemes tear them apart? What secrets lay buried in their history, waiting to resurface? And what will become of the unborn child, a silent witness to their complicated love story? Join Elysia and Ronald on a journey where love, fate, and deception collide in ways they never imagined.

meshioyehannah · Urban
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11 Chs

Chapter Five

Elysia's POV

My heart was like a baseball lodged in my throat, making it difficult for me to breathe as I walked into the funeral parlor.

The last time I had entered this room, there had been two flowered caskets, laid side by side- two caskets that held both my parents, flanked around by family members and my grandfather. 

Now, he too was lying in the room, surrounded by family members; people who couldn't wait for him to be thrown in the ground so that they could lay claim to everything he had. I fought the urge to turn around and run. My knees vibrated as I walked between the pews to my seat in front. 

'Damn girl!, you're a grown woman', I reminded myself. Death is a part of life, one I have to face up to. But all I wanted to do was run and not look back.

'Elysia', I turned to see Sam in a black velvet suit, a cat walking towards me, his brows contorted in a frown. 

'Hi Sam', my mouth quivered. At last! A familiar face, a friendly face. I gripped his hands and fought to steady myself.

'Are you ok?' he whispered, concern etched on the corners of his face. I let out a slight smile and replied with a vigorous nod.

'Yeah, yeah, I'm good. We'd better sit down, I motioned to a seat.

We sat and I scanned the room for another familiar face- and an unfamiliar one. Maybe I'll finally get to see who my groom is. Alex Fisher sat in a corner, a blank expression stretched on his face., making him look unapproachable.

'Dearly beloved', a hush fell on the room as the priest officiating the service boomed, clearing his throat. I looked dry-eyed till the service was over. 

'You Know', I muttered to Sam,' it was quite easy to accept my parent's death cause I never really knew them. But this… I don't think I'll be able to accept it. Not now, not ever. He turned my face to look at him, my eyes glistening.

'Nobody is asking you to accept it- at least not yet', he soothed, 'everything will be fine, I promise'.

An hour later we were in the cemetery. The whole procession went on in a blur and before long, he was being lowered into the ground- 10 feet under. Tears ran down my cheeks and I didn't bother to clean them.

'I need to go now, Elysia,' I heard Sam say but didn't turn to look at him, 'duty calls. I'll call you as soon as I can mon Cherie. He hugged me from the side whilst I looked on at nothing in particular, my thoughts ricocheting on the walls.

I can't remember when the priest finished, I can't remember when everybody left. I just stood there looking at the dark earth that was once my grandfather. I wanted some kind of succor, any kind, but I realized that I was finally alone in this world.

I finally picked myself up and started the long drive home. I knew there would be people in the house; relatives, well-wishers- but I didn't want to see any of them. I wanted to ball myself under my duvet and cry till my eyes hurt.

The air was heavy with tension as I arrived at my grandpa's. There were a few cars in the driveway- some of which I could recognize like my cousin Sarah's- others I couldn't. I had dreaded this moment, knowing that some of my family members had already gathered, eager to pass judgment on me. As I stepped through the door, my cousin, Sarah appeared at the door like a whirlwind.

"Well, well, if it isn't the granddaughter of the year," Sarah sneered, her words dripping with sarcasm. "I'm surprised you even bothered to show up, considering how little you've done for Grandpa over the years."

A few of the guests turned to stare at us, courtesy of Sarah's outburst.

I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment and anger. "I've been busy with work and my own life," I tried to explain, but Sarah cut me off.

"Busy? That's your excuse? Grandpa was alone and suffering, and you couldn't even be bothered to visit him more than a handful of times. Some granddaughter you turned out to be.'

I heard a few of my relatives murmuring. "Can you believe she had the nerve to show up?" her Aunt Margaret hissed to Uncle Robert.

"Disgraceful," he replied. "After how she treated poor Dad in his final years."

I opened my mouth to respond, but my Aunt Margaret stepped in, wagging her finger disapprovingly. "You know, Elysia, your grandpa was so disappointed in you. He always hoped you would step up and help take care of him, but you let him down."

The words stung, and I felt tears prick the corners of my eyes. " What are you all saying? I was trying to manage Grandpa's businesses and mine. I was here with Grandpa as much as I could, If I did let him down, I never meant to, "I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "I tried my best to be there for him."

"Your best?" Aunt Margaret scoffed. "Well, it wasn't good enough. You should be ashamed of yourself."

Anna could feel the weight of their judgmental stares, and I wished I could just disappear. Once more than ever, I wished Sam was here Grandpa. I signed. This was not how I had imagined Grandpa's funeral would be; blame throwing here and there but I also knew that I had to stand my ground. 

'With that being said, we're here to take over everything,' Sarah sneered, 'If you can't be trusted to take care of Grandpa while he was alive how are you gonna take care of what he has left for all of us?' he eyes lit up as she said ' all of us'.

So this is what all this ruckus is all about? A struggle for whatever grandpa left behind?

I opened my mouth to speak but Alex beat me to it. He cleared his throat, drawing attention to his lanky figure, dressed in a crisp white suit. "If I could have everyone's attention, please. I'm Mr. Fisher, Mr. Moore's attorney. I have some matters to discuss regarding the will."

The room fell silent as the family gathered around. Alex pulled out a document and began to read.

'Finally', Sarah snickered, 'some good news,' she snickered, dragging her obese body to the front.

'I know this isn't the place to bring up something like this, especially since the deceased is still fresh in the ground, but then again, the excitement can be felt from miles away. Here with me is the will, to be read in the presence of all. It reads and I quote "I, Abraham Moore, being of sound mind, hereby bequeath all my assets and property to my granddaughter, Elysia Moore."

Gasps and exclamations of shock filled the room. Aunt Margaret's face turned an angry shade of red and I almost choked on my spit.

"This can't be right!" she sputtered. "She was always so... so unfilial! She barely visited him and was hardly ever around. You both connived to forge this! How much did she promise you? How much did you sell your morals for?" she wagged a finger at Alex

Alex held up a hand. "I assure you, everything is in order. Mr. Moore was quite clear in his wishes. He also left a letter explaining his decision."

He turned to me, who stood frozen in disbelief. "He said, and I quote, 'Elysia was more than my granddaughter. She's worth more than ten sons. She took care of all my estates and businesses while I was ill because she knew how much I wanted to see that business grow. She granted me my last wish even though she wasn't happy about it. I'm proud of you Elysia. Love, Grandpa"

Tears welled up in my eyes as I mouthed a thank you to Alex.

With glistening eyes, I turned to look at the few faces I could. ' Party's over everyone! Get out of my house.

'Out of your house? It's our house as well as -'. Aunt Margaret began.

'I said get out!'.