
Billionaire Prince

Ella is psyched to come to a new city to chase her dreams. She does not know the horrors that awaits her in the city. Ella is new to the city and would do anything to find a job. She spends months going for interviews without getting one until she meets a stranger on the sidewalk. Joey is in awe of this beautiful woman but he soon finds out that he can help her. He offers her a job and tries to ignore her existence. The two of them fight the attraction until they can not anymore. After swearing that he is not her type, will she find out that he is her fairytale love or will the two go their separate ways.

Stefan_Bernard · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
128 Chs


Gunner sighed almost half to himself as the events of their date began to play across his mind, he had really screwed up big time. What was all that talk about wanting to try and then that? He felt ashamed of himself but what even caught him a lot more off guard was the fact that she understood.

He had been hoping that she was no going to but to his surprise, she actually did understand which was a tad worrisome until she told him that she knew that he may need time.

He really cared about her but a part of himself could not reconcile to himself that he was trying to replace Liz. Maybe he just was not ready to move on yet and he had to come to terms with that.