
Chapter 37

I thought you said, we are here to have fun”Becky says.

“ Yes, we are here to have fun, here looks fun too” Pauline says.

“ Why didn’t you tell me that we are here to see Mr? Why did you fool me?” Becky says in anger.

“ I am sorry dear, I did not tell you but I know that if I told you would that’s come with me” Pauline says.

“ I am sorry but I need to go back home” Becky says and Mike stood up and rushes  to her and stop her.

“ I am sorry Pauline and fooled you but I am sorry, I want to see you. Please just give me a chance to speak to you” Mike says.

“ Tell me, why should I give you a chance sir, I know that your fiancé Jessica must be hurt right now, you are chasing another woman even at the party last night you can even respect her because she was in the party but you didn’t do that you still come after” Becky says.

“ That is because I was trying to speak to you but you are not giving me the chance” Mike says.

“ What make you think that I will give you a chance to speak, I told you that I do not want to speak to you so let go off me” Becky says and Becky left and Pauline gets angry.

“ Oh gosh! How can convince this stupid girl to give Mike a chance, I do not want to loose the five million Mike promise me, I will have to go speak to that silly girl” Pauline says and she walks closer to Mike.

“ Calm down, I will speak to her, she is very upset because I fooled her” Pauline says and Mike stood angry.

“ You better do” Mike says and Pauline rushes to Becky and she stop her and she yells at her and Becky stared at in anger.

“ What have gotten over you?yes I fooled you to come here so what? Are you a child? I brought you here so you can speak to someone that love and that respect woman but all you can do it’s want to go back by embarrassing us”Pauline says in anger and Becky smiled and she clap her hands.

“ Wow, nice acting.”Becky says and Pauline gets more angry.

“ Do you just call what I said acting?” Pauline as and she told her hand.

“ Yes, it was just an acting to me. Do you think yelling at me will change my mind or tell who are you to tell me what to do, you have no right to dictate for me as I have no right to dictate for you, I do not want to speak to him and that is finale” Becky says and Pauline gets angry and think about five millions Mike promise her and she think of what to do and she calm down a bit and throw away her jealousy.

“ I am sorry, I yelled at her when I was speaking to you” Pauline says.

“ Be sorry for yourself Pauline, I am not interested in your apologies but you fooled. Why will you that? Tell me did Mike promise you money? Because I know that only money can make you fool people this way” Becky says.

“ I know that you are greedy Pauline and you can do anything because of money money except killing someone because I know you will not want have anyone blood in your hand” Becky says and Pauline stare at her.

“ Tell me how did he promise to give you if you make me his or mate if he have me for night because I know that he has a fiancé already and no way he will leave his rich fiancé and come for someone poor like me, so tell you want your cousin to have a one stand with a guy and you will be the one to have the money right” Becky says.

“ It’s not a night stand Becky, he wants a relationship with you” Pauline says and they both stare at each other.

“ Tell me what will happen to his fiancé, have you thought about only rich marry rich, how many rich have you see. marry  poor but you are so blinded by money and so greedy” Becky says.

“ Come Becky! Crop the carpet you are saying even though it’s a night stand you can also make money out of it so that you will not work as maid anymore” Pauline. 

“ Really! I am the one saying crap right. I can see you need money why don’t you have the one night stand with him and the make the money” Becky says.

“ If I could, I would have long a go because I won’t be wasting my time speaking to you but he does not want me he wants only you” Pauline says.

“ You can use your trick on him to have him for yourself”Becky says and she left her and Pauline gets angry.

“ Why is Becky so stubborn, I think I will need to apply more energy to break my wings so she can come so low to do what I want” Pauline says and Mike walks closer to her.

“ I can see that your trick did not work on her” Mike says.

“ Hum...well...” Pauline says and Mike left her while she was still speaking.

“ Oh gosh! I have never been embarrassed like this Becky, you will pay for this embrassement” Pauline says and she left in anger.

Becky walks in the road side and Leo was also driving towards that side and he saw her walk in the road side and he stop his car and he get down from the car and calls her by her name and Becky looks back and saw Leo and he walks closer to her.

“I thought you said you were going to to your mum’s place with Pauline. What happened and why are you walking alone ok the road side? Where is Pauline?” Leo ask and Becky still anger about how Pauline fooled and she spoke out of anger.

“ Pauline fooled me” she says and she realized that she spoke out of anger and she open her mouth and she raise her up they eye met and Leo also in surprise.

“ What did you mean that Pauline fooled you? Tell me where did she took you too?” Leo ask.

“ What I just said it was out of anger so don’t get me wrong ......”Becky says and she regret what said and she think in her mind that she should have said it out because Pauline is still her cousin.

“ Pauline fooled right but I know you are going to try to cover her up because is her cousin but have you ever think this, does she always cover you up when you do bad, does she love as a cousin sister as she claim, can she defend you outside there, I think you blinded by her fake love but you are not seeing what her true color is, I do not want say anything because  I do not want come between or be the reason of toe cousin’s fight” Leo says.

“ You spoke as if you know something about Pauline” Becky says.

“ Always watch your back when you are with Pauline, she is the kind that always stab people at the back and smiles with you in the front” Leo says.

“ What do you mean?”  Becky ask.

“ Forget about it, can I drop you home?” Leo ask.

“ Yes, you can” Becky says and they both enter the car.

Tom got back home angry and he remembered what Isabella says and  he called Becky’s name and no response and he remembered that she said she was going her mum’s house to pay her mum a visite  and he checked his watch and it’s already 8p.m and he wonders, why she is not yet back, he checked and he tried to call her on phone but she is not picking up because she put her phone in her mini bag and Tom gets worried and he tried it again but still not picking up and he gets scared maybe something bad had happened to her.

Leo dropped Becky home and she was about to get down from his car and Leo holds her hand and they their eyes meet and Leo continue staring at her and Becky look down.

“ I just wanted to ask about what I told you last night about my feelings “ Leo says.

“ It’s late already and Mr Tom must be back and I need to go microwave his food and serve him, we will speak tomorrow” Becky says and was about to get down and Leo holds her hand again.

“ Can I least have your phone number so I can call you on phone whenever I want to speak to you” Leo says and he gave Becky his iPhone 13 pro max to press her phon number in it and Becky collected his phone and she press her phone number and Leo stare at her.

“ Good night” Leo says and Becky get down from the car.

Becky enters the house and she saw Tom home already and she get sad that how will she explain to Mike why she came back late, Tom stood facing her back and Becky greets him.

“ Good evening sir” she says and Tom turned back looking angry and Becky walks slowly and she walks closer to him facing her head down.

“ Where are you coming this late?, I got back home for over one hour and I can’t find you. I called your phone so many times but you did not pick up” Tom says and Becky quickly remove her cell phone from her mini bag and she so many Miss calls on her cell phone and she feel sorry.

“ I am sorry sir, I know that I have no excuses but please forgive my mistake and I promise it will not happen again the mistake won’t repeat itself again” she says looking down.

“ It’s fine but when ever you want to come home late you should let me know” Tom says and Becky raise her head up slowly.

“ Thank you sir. I will serve  your food now” Becky says and was about to go to the kitchen and Tom stop her.

“ You should not worry, I am not hungry” Tom says and Becky think maybe Tom is still angry with her because she came back home late and she think that she might start to have misunderstandings with him and he might want fire her and she went on her knees to beg and Tom get shock when he saw her in her knees.

“ Sir! I know that you are still angry with and I know you have any right to be angry but please, I promise I will not came back this late again, it’s a promise” Becky says as she fell guilty and Tom tell her stand and she stood up.

“ I told you I am not angry with anymore” Tom says.

“ But you do not feel like eaten my good today” Becky says and atom smiles.

“ That is not the reason why I am not eating the food you cook, I just have a lot in my mind right now and I need to think about” Tom says and he walks upstairs and Becky watch him walks upstairs and she wonders what could be the matter.

“ Why is he looking so sad?” She ask herself and she walks to her room, she enters and her phone rings and it’s incoming call from Pauline, she stared at the screen of her phone and she dropped her phone and she remembered what Leo said about Pauline.

“ Leo spoke as if he know Pauline already and he said I should be careful about her, I think I will not need to trust Pauline anymore even Leo that know few days ago know her true color and I think he know more about her things I do not know I think even Tom too does not trust her, Pauline can’t be trusted but that is not how my thoughts is she ask is to trust each other and to watch ourselves back because we are cousin like true sisters but it s Pauline is stabbing me at the back already and I think she is hiding a lot from me, why is she forcing me with Mike” Becky says speaking to herself.

“ I have so many questions but I do not have answered to it, I think I need to speak with mum about this” Becky says speaking to herself.

Pauline looks restless and she remembered what Leo said to her about in front of Becky and she gets scared maybe Becky will be thinking about that.

“ No, she is such a big fool she might not think anything about it” Pauline says speaking to her in the room holding a cup of coffee and Becky’s mum saw her restless and she enter the room.

“ Pauline! Why are looking a kind of restless?” She ask and Pauline stared at Becky’s mum and she think only her can get she and Becky back together.

“ Only she can talk to Becky so she will start to speak to me back seems she is very angry I can’t afford to loos five million just because Becky” Pauline says in her mind and Becky’s mum tap her.

“ I am speaking to you seems you are lost in thought already and you worried about something” she says.

“ Yes aunt! I am so worried about Becky” Pauline says.

 What happened to Becky?” She ask.

“ Becky and I had a misunderstanding and she refused to pick my call, I just need you to help me speak to her please aunt” Pauline says and she pretends to be sad.

“ What has cause misunderstanding?” She ask.

“ We both went out to have fun and a guy wanted to speak to her but she refuse to speak with the guy and we both had a little argument about it” Pauline says.

“ Are you sure that what happened because I know will never get angry at little things maybe you have offended her in many other ways that you do not know” she says.

“ Maybe but if so I expected to tell me about “ Pauline says.

“ We are family and what are family for” Pauline says and she stood and fold her hand.

“ I will call her on phone now and speak to her about what happened” she says and she picks her phone to call Becky and Pauline gets scared that Becky will tell about what happened to her aunt  but she think about twisting it  if her aunt ask about what happened.

Becky came from the bathroom and her phone rings and she thought it was Pauline and she did not go close to the phone where she left in the bed and later she think of checking her phone screen and she saw it was her mum calling.

“ Oh, gosh mum must be upset with me that I have not call her for a while now” Becky says.