
Chapter 21

Tom decided to call Leo over the phone, Leo picked up his call.

“ Hey Tom! Wow I am surprised you called me today, what is the matter ?” Leo ask.

“ Why are not at the mask party organized by Mike is it because you both are having issues because of Becky, you both should fix your problems today we have been friends since childhood and you both should not creat scene because of a woman” Tom says and Loe gets shocked.

“ Wait a minute! Do you mean Mike organize a mask party but he did not invite me” Leo says and Tom gets shocked.

“ So, you mean he did not invite you but he invited me and Becky to the party “ Tom says and Leo smiles.

“ Now, understand you should not worry yourself, I will be there soon” Leo says and he ends the call.

“ Mike thinks he is smart now, west h what I will do, I will giving a surprise “ Leo’s says and he smiles and he called Jessica over the phone.

Jessica’s phone rang and she looks at the screen of her phone and she sees it’s Leo and she quickly picked the call.

“ Hey Leo! Tell me how are you doing?” Jessica ask.

“ I am fine, tell me are already at Mike’s mask party because I am around your area, I was thinking if I could pick up since I am already on way to his house” Leo says and he smiles as Jessica gets shocked.

“ A mask party! But Mike did not tell me about this party, I have been trying is phone number but he has been ignoring my calls” Jessica says.

“ Oh! I guess I will be on my way to his house now,I thought you knew about it “ Leo says.

“ Do not you can go, I will join soon” Jessica says and he ends the call, she gets navet and she rushes  to her room to Fred dressed.

Leo smiles and he walks to his room and he change to another outfit, he walks out of his house and he enter his car.

“ The party will gets more interesting when he will see Jessica the game has just began” Leo says and he smiles.

“ Mike did not invite Leo so, now I understand, he organized the party just be closed to Becky” Tom says and he walks in and he saw Mike speaking to Becky and Paulin.

Paulin blushing seeing a lot of Billionaire in the party.

“ Can we go to a private place so we can talk?Mike says and Paulin pinch Becky signal to say yes, Tom walks to them and he said he wants to speak to Becky and Mike gets angry.

“ I want have a word with Becky, Do you have a problem with that ?” Mike says smiling.

“ Well sir, Mr Tom is my boss so I will see him first and when I am done I will come to you “ Becky says and Mike gets.

“ I can keep you company sir” Paulin says.

“ Yes sir, she can keep you company till I am back” Becky says and she goes with Tom.

Pauli smiles staring at Mike and Mike  left her in anger.

“ Why does he look angry,” Paulin says and she saw the waiter serving drinks to people and she takes one.

Leo drives to Mike’s house and he park his car and went down from the car, he walks to the doorstep and he wore his mask milling.