
Chapter 19

Becky and Pauline walks to the car and Becky opens the back four of the car and Tom stop her.

“ You can come to the front seat “ Tom says and Becky  gets shy and Paulin push her to the front seat.

“ Yes, you should sit in the front, I will sit at the back “Paulin says and she enter the back sit.

Becky enter the front seat, Tom drives to the store.

Mike prepares for the the party, the event planer decorating the house and Mine watch them, he admire the decoration.

“ Today is my chance to get close to Becky, I can’t wait to tell her what I feel for her” Mike says speaking to himself.

“ I will prove to Leo that I am a master in this game”Mike says speaking to himself.

Tom drives to the store and Paulin and Becky went down of the car followed by Tom, they all enter the store and Paulin saw a pink dress and she rushes to checked it.

“ Oh mine, this dress is beautiful, I think I will try it on “ Paulin says and Becky stop her  and she walks towards her.

“ Can you just behave yourself, you enters a store not even a greeting and you jump in” Becky says.

“ Oh my bad, I forgot my manners again” Paulin says and Tom walks towards them.

“ You both should checked out some outfit “ Tom says and Paulin walks back to the pink dress and Tom saw a yellow dress and he pull it out and he walks back to Becky.

“ I think this will look good on you “ Tom says and he gave Becky.

“ Wow, it’s nice thank you, I was confuse seeing a lot of outfit here do not know witch one to choses,I will try it on” Becky says and he walks to the change room, Paulin followed her.

“ I think this outfit will look good on me” Paulin says and she saw the outfit Becky chose.

“ Let me have a look” Paulin says and she snatch the dress from Becky.

“ Oh mine this dress looks so beautiful and I am sure it will look fit on you “ Paulin says.

“ Well Tom chose it for me “ Becky says.

“ Really! Tom has good eyes and he knows what will look good on you, I think he has his eyes on you” Paulin says.

“ What do you mean please do not go there Tom will never go for poor girl like me” Becky says.

“ The way stares at you I can see he has his eyes on you but you can’t noticed because your brain is to dull “ Paulin says.

“ Please just stop it “ Becky says and Paulin smiles.

“ You should try the dress on” Paulin says and they both try their dress on.

“ Oh mine, you look so fit in this dress, tell me how do I look “ Paulin ask staring at herself in the mirror.

“ You look so perfect” Becky says smiling and she she stared at herself in the mirror.

“ See the chose for myself “ Paulin says showing Becky.

“ The shoe is to night, I have not even choses for myself “ Becky says.

“ I will choose for this is nine inches so I will chose a nine inches for you also “ Paulin says and she was about going out of the room and Becky hold her hand.

“ I do not want a nine inches shoes, I won’t be able to walk in it “ Becky says.

“ Come on Becky don’t be a local girl, you have to lol classic so I will choose a nine inches shoes for you “ Paulin says and was about to go and Becky stop her.

“ No Paulin, I do not want a nine inches shoes, you can choose a six inches for me, I will be fine with that “ Becky says.

“ You are so local girl but I will choose it for you.” Paulin says and she walks to the store and a goose shoes for Becky, she walks back to Becky and she put them on.

“ Wow, I look fit now and you also look good we should get going now before Tom will say we are late” Becky says and they both walks out, Tom radié his up mad he saw Becky in the yellow dress he chose for and he could not get his eyes of her .