
The truth about 369

Olivia Taylor could sense that Renard Quinn knew many of the inside details.

But in the hospital, Renard Quinn kept dodging around her, unwilling to tell her anything, so Olivia gave up.

After all, if Renard Quinn didn't want to tell her, there must be his own reasons.

Olivia simply couldn't rest in the room. The jumbled thoughts in her mind would consume her.

With the help of Auntie Dina, Olivia had changed into fresh clothes.

It must be said, Dr. Doug Mitchell did a fantastic job at stitching Olivia up, she had not spilled any fresh blood while moving around.

Auntie Dina looked at Olivia's arm worriedly, asking, "Miss Taylor, does it hurt?"

It absolutely did hurt, but Olivia could endure it.

She had suffered through far too many agonies already.

"I'm fine, Auntie Dina, I don't feel anything because of the anesthetics."

Surprisingly enough, it was Olivia who was comforting Auntie Dina.