
chapter 5

Five years later

A woman dressed in black expensive tailored suit, and a red ponytail, obviously dyed, slim waist, flawless white skin, and a tiny red lips that would make anyone want to kiss it stepped into the Smith's company with 6 bodyguards behind her, and another lady by the side holding books, with a glance one can tell that she's the lady's PA

Alina(Olivia's) Pov

Walking into the Smith's company brought back memories, buh I'm not here for that. I'm back for one thing and that's revenge but im gonna start slow. It's no fun to ruin things instantly.

Good morning miss Ivanov, the receptionist greeted.

Please this way ma'am,

wow.. she's so pretty. someone commented

I heard no one has ever seen her face..

I feel Soo excited seeing her, she looks like a model, I wish I can take a photo.

I wish she and boss gets together, they'll be a perfect couple

Alina scoffed on hearing the last comment

Walking into the conference room she sat down and patiently waited for Richard.

Miss you have a meeting with Your Uncle in the next one hour, her PA Natalie told her.

Ugghh, she groaned, don't tell me he's trying to set up another blind date in disguise max

Well I can't say for sure, buh he's just doing it cause he loves you.

Just fix something else then, I won't be going, tell him that am busy.

The door opened and the person she's been expecting walked in,

Hot, that's what she thought instantly, buh remembering Cynthia instantly killed every feeling before they could resurface.

Richard's POV

Sir, Amara the receptionist called.

Miss Ivanov is waiting in the conference room

Hope everything was prepared accordingly?

Yessir. Good, Well let's go see if my supposed rival is worth my time or if it's another mommy's pet, I thought while laughing inwardly.

This meeting is to decide on the company branch the are building in my city, well it's just a farce to actually see this heir of their's.

Walking into the conference room, I was stunned,

I saw a face I didn't expect, Olivia, she looks so different and yet beautiful.

I immediately felt my little man twitch.

Smiling, I walked forward.

Well, who do we have here,

Did you finally regret running away and come back to be my mistress Olivia, well actually it's too late now, unless you plead with me.

How dare you talk to Miss Ivanov like that, the PA by her side immediately retorted, with unconcealed disgust,

Smirking, well hello Richard. My name is Alina Ivanov and I'll advice you treat me with respect.

I'm sure you don't want bloodshed on your company, especially with so many civilians around.

H.h.how is this possible

surprised? Alina asked.

Well don't be, now let's get down to business.

Throwing papers towards his direction as he sat down, she said not minding what he thinks.

That's where am building my company and newsflash, I don't need your permission to build it.

I must admit, I'm a little shocked to meet you miss Ivanov, but you cannot talk carelessly to me In my City.

The peace path signed years ago, clearly states , no interference In business of the other party In their cities.

Well I'm gonna leave you to choose while I'm gone.

Walking Closer to Richard, she bent closer and whispered, I'm here for revenge sweetheart.

let's go lia, she called her Pa instantly and just before leaving she remembers something.

Oh by the way, greet Red(Cynthia's spy name), tell her I'm back, she grinned feeling satisfied with the look on his face and left