
Billionaire Contract Bride (The Bet)

“So I would get married through a contract? I… I thought marriage was love” “No Dad it is for your own selfish gain, not for me” I screamed “She's rich don't worry my dear” For Katie Humphrey, everything is perfect. That is, until Lenexa Alexander enters the picture. Lenexa is an enigmatic, ruthless, possessive, cold-blooded billionaire who is always working and has no friends, yet for some reason, Lenexa can't help but think about Katie. Even a billionaire like Lenexa draws attention to Katie, which she isn't used to. As Lenexa becomes more and more protective of her, she becomes scared and unsure of herself. These two young women's emotions intensified until they both approached their breaking points. At that point, they must decide what they can and cannot live without as they try to come to grips with their feelings. Find out …

Dalene_Austeen · LGBT+
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10 Chs

Chapter 3

POV Katie

Even though I miss Jeremy, my mother will always be my listing buddy, since we discussed various topics for hours while she prepared.

My mom was eating pancakes on the other side of the table from me, and I was just about to add more syrup when my dad entered the room.

As he began to eat his pancakes without syrup, my father said, "I see you both have a good relationship with each other, right?" He grinned widely.

I continued to eat, since I didn't feel like answering him or conversing with him. It's disgusting that my dad eats pancakes without syrup.

My dad added, grinning at me, "So Hun, I asked you to come around regarding a very sensitive and important issue. You see, this issue can make us millionaires in a year, but that's assuming the person involved is smart enough. But I'm sure my beautiful daughter is so smart".

Knowing full well that anything I say now is meaningless since this man I call a father won't hear me or pay attention to me, I choose not to respond to him.

Mother asked with confusion on her face, "Oh, so, make me understand."

"Okay, so yesterday I went to a meeting to get some money, you know, since I was a little short on cash, but during that, I gambled with my daughter and I lost. I feel so bad, but I have thought about it, and I think it's best for all of us," my dad said, looking at my mom's expression.

"Dad, I have said this before, and I will say it again Mom, tell Dad I am not staying with her. I didn't ask you to use me while you gamble" I remarked as I continued eating because I cannot forgo food in this world.

My mother was mute, and I believe that she was attempting to digest everything that was happening.

He looked directly at me and stated, "Katie, you have to go, and you will be leaving in 4 hours."

"Carter, you have gambled with everything we have, but not your daughter. Why on earth would you do such a thing when she is your child? Carter, I am leaving with my daughter tomorrow, and nothing you say will stop me. Baby, when you finish eating, pack a few of your things because we are leaving this heartless being" Mom yelled, already fuming with rage.

Nothing else was said. On my way to the kitchen, I was packing the dishes when I overheard my father speaking quietly and painfully for the first time in my life.

"Do you think I want this life for us? I know it's all my fault, do you think I am happy that my wife is providing for the family? You all just sit down and say anything without knowing what's going on in my life. Katie packs your things, you are leaving and that's final" .we were all quiet as we watched Dad leave for the Basement.

"Mom, I can't go. I would rather not stay with a stranger that I don't know she's going to treat me like I am not worth living. You know that Mom I can't stay with anybody, please Mom help me" I said on the verge of tears.

" Can I have the dishes?" Mom took the dishes from me and carried them to the kitchen, then returned them to me.

Look at me, darling. I understand how you feel. You know what we're about to do. "Go in there. Pack everything you need. We'll be out in a few. Be quick." Mom accompanied me to my room and started.

My mother gently rubbed my back and said, "Baby, you have to let go of now and pack your things."

I grabbed one of my suitcases and started packing my things. I was moving so quickly and shoving everything into the box that I missed the knock on the door.

As soon as I carried my suitcase into the living room, I noticed Dad chatting with the woman from the casino and two other guys standing by her sides. Both of them paused and turned to face me.

"I see you were already ready for me; let's go nice working you Carter, take the luggage, and let's move to the car." She said this to the men by her sides.

My mother emerged at that time, and I do not doubt that she was unaware of their presence.

Before she turned to gaze at them, my mom asked, "Baby, are you done packing?" "We have to leave; they'll be here any minute."

As tears streamed freely from my eyes, I whispered, "Mom, tell them I'm not going with them or this stranger."

She gently asked her father, "Ooh, I see, Mr. Humphrey, so you had plans of sending her away; you want to play with my intelligence," but we could all sense the malice in her eyes as she fixed them on me.

My father shook like a leaf being blown by the wind and replied, "No, I didn't know they had any sort of escape plan; I wouldn't allow them."

My mother snarled indignantly, "You're not taking my daughter away; we sit down here and talk about this; you wouldn't want me to involve the police in this," and she continued to fume.

" OK! Since I own the cops and Mr. Humphrey already signed an agreement. I don't have time to converse, go ahead and involve the police". She answered, staring while sitting with her legs crossed.

I yelled while still sobbing, "I'm not leaving with you, Mom. You can't let this happen. I don't want to go with her."

My dad drew nearer to me and added, "Katie, just a year, and you'll be back home, I promise you."

"Don't you dare touch me, you are not my father. A father would never use his daughter to gamble. Mom, please do something, tell her that I am not going with them."

She only murmured, "Take her to the car," as she got up and left the home for her car, carrying me like I weighed nothing. I continued to thrash, punch, shout, and weep, but my parents simply followed them silently without saying anything.

Mom could only utter the words "I love you, baby" as my father bowed his head in shame. I was then pushed into the car with the woman, who locked the door before the driver got i

n and began driving while I continued to bang on the window and yell.