

  Xavier pulled away from me, panting heavily.

  "Bed," he mumbled.

  I squealed in surprise when he hoisted me up in his arms suddenly and began trudging through the house at a rapid pace. Finally, after what seemed like forever, he found the bedroom and slowly lowered me to my feet, capturing my lips yet again in a passionate kiss. One of his hands gently cradled my neck and he pulled away to feast on it while his other hand toyed with the zipper of my dress.

  I dug my fingers into his back, crying in pleasure as he sucked and nibbled on the groove of my neck.

  He broke the kiss, heavily breathing on my face as he turned me around, taking hold of the zipper. Slowly, as if he had all the time in the world, he slid the zipper down.

  "Oh, Hailey. Are you sure about this?" He asked, placing open-mouthed down my exposed back and I moaned in agreement.

  "Fuck." He whispered, pushing the dress off me until it fell to my feet.