

  After my lady maid was done dressing me up, I refused to go out for breakfast. My mind kept reminding me about the incident with Brenda the previous day and how I would regret it if I skipped my meals again but the thought of sitting at the same table with Xavier to have a meal rooted me in a spot.

  How could I even face him after our little performance?

  "Mrs. Lowell?" I heard my lady maid call me and I looked at her. "Mr. Lowell is not home and neither are the two Lowell elders." She informed me.

  My relief was visible as I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. Even though I was curious about where they all went so early in the morning without even having their breakfasts, I was glad there would be no battle that morning. I switched on my phone and read the numerous messages Duncan dropped for me about grandma Margaret's burial and I sighed.