

  My heart continued to hammer itself wildly. I stood up from where I sat on the bed and moved to where he stood without breaking eye contact with him.

  Even though I had never been afraid of him, I knew that the man would think I had deceived him because it was exactly what I would have thought also if reversed were the case.

  "Xavier, let me explain," I tried once again.

  "Isn't that why I am standing right here? For you to explain what the hell is going on to me?" At that moment, a weird expression crossed his face that I couldn't fathom its meaning. "You just need to start doing that right now."

  I swallowed hard. "The thing is… Actually, I didn't lie to you. Grandma Margaret was indeed my only relative," I began.

  I knew I was doing a poor job at my explanation but I didn't know what else to do or say again to prove that I hadn't lied to him.