
Chapter 69: Weird Lady

" Mr Gavriel brought a weird lady home some hours later after he left with his best friend, I had been waiting for him for hours, in case he came back home and needed me to prepare dinner for him, I was shocked to see him with a lady, I could not believe that he was the type of man who would always come back home with a lady, after all it is his home, so it is none of my business, I went ahead to ask me what he needed for dinner and he said he was not not interested in dinner and I should get lost, hmm what did you expect me to do? I just made way, I tried to sleep, but no the sleep was no where to be found because I was so hungry, I had been waiting for him to return so I could eat from the one I prepared for him, so I had to go downstairs to prepare something to eat at least noodle and while I was in the kitchen, the lady he brought back home entered the kitchen then I hid because her movements was suspicious, I overheard her saying the bad things she wanted to happen to Mr Gavriel and then she poured a substance into the drink she wanted to offer him.......she wanted to blame him for a fake pregnancy just to hold him down " Tina explained what she saw in the kitchen earlier that night, it still looked like a dream in her eyes but truth be told it was not a dream rather it was actually reality.

Nicole who was busy with cutting Tina's damage hair and trying to make a perfect style of it had also been listening to everything Tina was saying, though she was not interested in that part of the story.

All she wanted to hear was what Mr Gavriel did to her after the help she rendered but she had to play along so she would not look suspicious and so that Tina would not think that she was up to something.

" I think I am in love with this, so tell me what happened, did she give it to him to drink? What did you do? Tell me because I am so anxious " Nicole said as a beam of smile fill up her face and Tina turned to face her.

" Nicole...what do you mean by you are in love with it, so you wanted that plan the lady plotted to work, I did not teach you this as a friend..but at first, when I saw what was going on, I wanted to let it go after all, it was not my business, I wondered how he was so blind enough to bring an enemy into his home, the truth is that I was happy that he was going to get a piece of an enemy cake, but my heart felt so bad, it did not want me to stay calm, it wanted me to fight for him, to stand by him and even if I did not help, when anything goes wrong, I will also be help accountable " Tina said with a frown on her face.