
Chapter 44: Pained

Ivy drove straight to Gavriel's house, then she packed her car beside her brother's car in front of the mansion, everywhere was bright as a result of the street lights.

From her car, she saw a young lady who looked so angry walked out of the house and stopped as she looked at Ivy's car for moment then sighed as she continued walking down to the gate.

Ivy thought as much because she knew her brother's capabilities, he loved flirting with women and brought them to his home to finish up the work.

She had tried her best to tell him that flirting with women was not life and that he should a woman if he was not ready to have another lover, at least the woman would be able to take care of his sexual fantasies and needs but no, he does not want that, he calls women who satisfy men needs 'mistress' and he does want someone to be above him rather he would be above them.

Ivy put on her shoes which she had removed as a result of the pain and stress of the traffic then she picked up her hand bag and hopped out of the car.

She quietly opened the entrance door so as to avoid noise and then she walked in.

Ivy headed straight to the sitting room as she sat on the couch, she kept her hand bag aside and removed her shoes as she massaged her feet then she wanted to call the butler but at that moment she remembered that Gavriel sent them all to her father's house and it weakened her.

' now who is going to get dinner ready for me because going to cook for myself is going to definitely be a bad idea, I might sleep off while the food is on the fire ' Ivy thought as she sanked into the couch.

' I think I have an idea, instead of cooking it would be much better if I prepared a cereal, exactly oats is the best and easy to prepare ' Ivy said to herself as she snapped her first and middle finger together which made a loud sound then she got up from the couch and headed towards the kitchen.

As Ivy scrolled towards the kitchen, she heard someone saying something and crying, it was a lady's voice then she slowed down her pace as she stood behind the door so she could hear what the lady was saying and who she was talking to.

"......but no you did not notice all of these, all you worked so hard to do was to point out my mistakes " the lady said as she wept in a manner that showed that she could not take it anymore.

Ivy was dumbfounded, she had a lot of questions like what was the relationship between her brother and the lady who was crying and why was her brother not saying anything.

" You know what I can not take this anymore, I can't, it is so unbearable, when you insulted my parents, should I tell you... those people you insulted saying they did not train me to have manners, they died a long time ago " The lady said as she sniffed her nose.