
Chapter 424: Make him yearn for you

"I know you hate me so much now but please try to understand me and I promise to change for a better person if that is what you want" Gavriel said to her as he clasped his hand on his chest.

Tina frowned "do not change because of me, do it for your self, be a better person for your self, do not do it for me" she said, he needed to do it for him self so he could also be nice to other people.

Gavriel nodded his head, as he looked down "I know you can not be close to me any more like you used to be but please do not hate me so much, I am trying my best to be a better person but I just can not do it_ I do not know why, I have got no idea why it is like that" he explained calmly.

"Tina, please are you going to resume back at the office? I really need you" he asked.

Tina played with the rim of her shirt holding it tight and fumbling it "I can not abandon my work, but I am not sure you so you do not have to be certain about it. I have not made my choice yet and I am not sure that I would" she said as she took a deep breath.

Gavriel's hand subconsciously went to his chest clasping it tight, he nodded his head "Alright, I am sorry and I need you back please think about it" Gavriel added and she turned her face away from him looking out of the window.

"you seem to hate me from the deepest part of your heart and you have every right to do it, because I have done many unspeakable things to you and I would not stop until you forgive me what I have done" he said as he rested his head on the head rest.

He knew that she did not hate him but she wanted to make him suffer what he had done to her, she was his only hope right now.

Raising his hand up, he stared at his wrist watch, the plane was about to land and that was probably the last time he was going to see her this weekend.

Lorenzo has promised him that he would make sure she resumed he work at the office, so he was rest assured that she was not going back to his house but then she had Nicole, she could not also go back to Nicole because she is currently staying with Raymond.

There was only one place she could go and that was her house before she began to work for him.

He hoped that as he tried to set thing right that he set them right in a right way and not hurting any one else. 

Then the captains voice was heard, he knew instantly that they were going to land very soon.

"Good afternoon passengers. This is your captain speaking. First I would like to welcome everyone on Right wing Flight 8C4. We are currently cruising at an altitude of 33,000 feet at an airspeed of 400 miles per hour. The time is 3:25 pm. The weather looks good and with the tailwind on our side we are expecting to land in New York approximately fifteen minutes ahead of schedule. The weather in New York is clear and sunny, with a high of 25 degrees for this afternoon. If the weather cooperates we should get a great view of the city as we descend. The cabin crew will be coming around in about ten minutes time to offer you a light snack and beverage, and the inflight movie will begin shortly after that. I will talk to you again before we reach our destination. Until then, sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of the flight." With that his voice went off and was not heard again.

Within some minutes, the cabin crew began to serve them light snack just as the captain had said.

A lady from the cabin crew got to their said and handed over the snacks to Gavriel, sitting upright he took it from her and placed on the desk in front of him.

"what about her? is she not having any thing?" The lady asked.

Gavriel turned to his side and stared at her, she was still looking out of the window, she must really despise the fact that he was sitting close to her.

"excuse me" he said drawing the lady's attention.

"she is really stressed out can you hand over her snacks to me, I will give it to her" he suggested and the lady agreed to it.

She gave him her snack, he stretched his hand and took the tray from her and keeping it on top of her table.

"I also have some thing to ask" Gavriel said immediately the lady was about to walk out, she looked nice and he was sure that she was going to listen to him.

"Sir, is there some thing you want me to do for you?" She asked him and he blinked his eyes.

He nodded his head as he swallowed a lump of saliva "I wanted to know if there is any way I can switch seats, if there is a vacant seat, I can just go and sit there or I can make an exchange with some one" he explained.

Tina's eyes widened when she heard him talk to the cabin crew lady about exchanging of seat but then she never expected that he noticed she was like that because of him, may be he did not want to make her feel more uncomfortable.

But then, she kept on wondering if he was really serious about his apology, the Gavriel she knew would never apologize to some one so much but then he kept on apologizing to her_ she wondered if he had truly come to realize that he really hurt and it would be extremely hard to get a hold of her again.

After all, she was his secretary.

"yes that is possible but as of now, there are no vacant chairs and the only way out is if another person wants to change seats." The lady explained, just then the lady saw a hand up at the back "I will be back, let me attend to the man at the back" she said nicely and walked away.

"sir, your hand was up, I would like to know what you want" she asked.

"it's is nothing serious, I would like to exchange seats, I do not know if any is available" he explained.

The lady smiled "you both seem lucky, a man at the front wants to exchange seats and he was talking to me about it, you can come with me" she said.

Julianne helped Lorenzo take off his seat belt, though she made sure that it was not tight because of the pain he was currently going through.

"Are you sure about this?" She asked him and he nodded his head, giving a smirk.

"yes I have to do this, I will exchange seats with Tina's boss, so I can get to talk to her" Lorenzo said and she wondered how he knew that it was Tina's boss the crew lady was talking about.

"I saw you standing beside their seat and then you were looking around, so I assumed you were looking for a vacant seat" Lorenzo explained and the crew lady nodded her head along with Julianne.

"but what is Tina's boss doing on this plane?" She asked quietly.

"Julia, it is a long story but I have to exchange seats now" he said as he stood up from his chest.

He patted his chest for a while and both him self and the crew lady walked towards Gavriel's seats along with him stalling behind her.

"You can now exchange seats" the lady said to Gavriel and immediately he turned around to look.

Seeing Lorenzo by the lady's side did not brighten up his face but he had no choice, he had messed up and Lorenzo had to clean up the mess him self.

But then not only did he clean up the mess, he is now the only person Tina talks to freely, he had no choice.

He swallowed a lump of saliva as he nodded his head, he grasped his snacks and drink as he stared at Tina knowing that it was probably the last time was going to see her there, he took a deep breath and stood up.

"I hope you enjoy staying here, the lady is calm" the crew lady said and Lorenzo nodded.. "indeed, she is" he confirmed as he  sat in Gavriel's chair.

He knew that Tina herd his voice but she was pretending and did not turn around, she was probably angry with him about how things turned out but he had no choice.

When he looked back, he saw that Gavriel had taken his seat so he sighed and rested his head on the head rest.

"Tina, I know you feel me here" he said and she adjusted immediately turning to have a look at him..

"Lorenzo, what is going on? how the fuck was I sitting with my boss and what the heck happened? What is going on?" Tina said as she kept on asking him series of questions.

"Tina, you need to calm down okay, that is why I am here to explain to you" he said.

"Please leave nothing out, I want to know about what happened, and how I got to seat with my boss, was this urgent flight.... What was this urgent return all about? I want to know" she said.

"This started when I went out that night for a business matter, Gavriel got to see me and you know what you needed to have seen him that day, I had no other choice but to accept the proposal of getting you back to the states..... Gavriel is really sorry and I have never seen him beg like this, he always had what ever he wanted but this time around he was begging for it, he pleaded with me to let you get you back so I could not decline him not because I do not care about you but because I really want you guys to make up, Gavriel has never yearned for any one the ways he yearns for you.... with the little you have told me about what the situation is all I want you to do is to forgive him and give him a chance" Lorenzo adviced her.

"but how? How am I supposed to do that? He always apologize like this and at the end he hurts me even more, I can not take it any more and you, you are talking about Gavriel, what about your self? You do not care about your self? About me been with you and not him, I am just sick ad tired of all of these shits that are happening.... I did not sign up for this, all I wanted was a good job that pays well and I got it but I have no single peace of mind, do you not care about me? I thought you love me" Tina said profusely.

"Tina, I will always be here for you when ever you want me, I will never leave you not because of him but Gavriel loves you more than I do, I can see it in his eyes, when he told me about it please try to understand him, some thing must have happened to him that is making him feel like that, you need to take away that thought from his mind and the moment you do that, trust me he will never mistreat you again or any one, just try to understand him ask him why he is behaving like that, try to ask him about his past because I am very sure he will tell you" he explained to her.

The most hurting thing that had ever happened to him was him asking the woman he loved to forgive another man, but in this case he saw it like he was preventing the worse from happening.

He had nothing less that five years to leave and that was only an assumption, he could not love a woman at this time and then he does, it will wreck the woman so much that she might not survive it then his children will be fatherless and they will be referred to as bastards.

He did not want that type of life for them, it was better that he did not create them at all than to bear the pain.

"Now that you are back, he would not allow you to work as a house assistant any more but do not stay in his house, once you get off from this plane, go straight to his house and get your stuffs even though he does not tell you, make it clear to him that you will no longer work at his house, I do not have any idea on how you are going to do it but make sure you do not do those chores any more, get to work from your home, if you want I can get you a better apartment so you can be more comfortable, make him yearn for you not you yearning for him, a woman always has the power to control a man the way she wants not the other way round okay" Lorenzo explained to her vividly and she understood it all.

First, she needed to see Nicole and Raymond.

"Okay, I understand it all_ but if you want to get me a house, please do not waste a lot of money on it, make it some thing simple and nice, it is not good to spend money unnecessarily" she said to him because one way or the other she was sure that he would go and get a mansion for her.

"you do not have to worry about it, any thing I get for you is not a waste of money, it worths it just like you worth it so I will get you the best I can" Lorenzo said smiling to her.

Tina knew she had no say so she had to accept it at all cost "if you insist then I can do nothing about it" she said as she gulped down the whole coffee.

"I promise you will love it and them my regards to you best friend, hopefully I might get to meet her..." He said '.. before any thing happens to me, I will make sure to meet those people who cherish you' he said inwardly.

"yes you will, you will definitely enjoy her company because she is every thing on one body, I am so happy to have her in my life because it is not easy to get true friends"