
Chapter 423: I am sorry

"as usual he asked me to take out the child but I took out the child again. I got pregnant for some one else that was when my madam sent me to him, so I decided to use the opportunity to frame him up for it but then Tina ruined it all, days after that I experienced a miscarriage and the doctor said my womb was to weak to hold a fetus and that if I do not eradicate my womb..... my chances of living was 2 percent and that was it" Alexandra explained to Jisaan, it was the first time she had ever explained her self to any one and she hoped that this one worths it.

"I am so sorry about that, but in order to do this we need to get Tina out of the picture" she turned and stared at him immediately he said that, wondering what he meant.

Was he willing to help her, has her story touched him or was he looking for a validated reason why to help.

"Does this mean that we would work together?" She asked him curiously.

He chuckled as he dusted some thing which was lingering on his shirt.

"Yes, I love how you take things and the pressure instilled in you to get things done, it is the best I have seen so far" Jisaan said.

She smiled "thank you s much for this" he happiness knew no bounds, she had not expect that he was going to take her just like that but it was simpler than she thought.

".. Tina is no longer in the picture, he sent her away after the meeting and since then she has not returned to him, he is going back to New York with out her" Alexandra said to him.

"Perfect, I also do not want Tina ruining any of our plans from now on. if only he had sent her away before hand, I would have have wrecked him, my plan would have been successful that fateful day but she always showed out of nowhere and always saved him but I am still wondering why he sent her away, well to start with it he never liked her from the beginning" Jisaan said quietly as he laughed. "he is so crazy that he keeps on sending away the lady who will always save him from the greatest defeat of his life, we just have to keep them apart" he added.

"Exactly, in a case like this- I do not presume that Tina is going to return and even if she does because of her job which she can not just abandon, she would not return to his house, we need to strike fast" Alexandra said but it sounded pretty like she was urging him.

Jisaan cocked his head as he stared at the lady in front of him, he wondered what her main motive was, he was sure that she had a main motive.

But since he is yet to find out he is going to make use of her to wreck Gavriel, she must have really been insane to come to his house to talk him in to a deal she must have thought about so much, he was not a fool to let his guard down.

"You seem to know much, Alexandra" he said and she immediately looked up at him.

She smiled as she wrapped her arms around her chest relaxing on the couch "you know, when you desire some thing, you have to know every thing about it, I never wanted to make that filthy man suffer today, it did not start today so I got the opportunity to know about every thing that was going on" she explained to him.

He could possibly understand her point of view, she wanted some thing and she worked to get her information and since she was trying out smart, he had no other choice but to flow with her and make use of her as well.

"That is true.... Alexandra, we will work together..." He said and she smiled immediately, he stood up from the couch as he began to pace around ".....BUT based on my conditions" he added.

"Sure" she responded with out hesitation.

He gave a wide smile, it seemed like she looked smart but to an extent she does not think before responding, she could have at least thought for a while "you should at least reasoned what my conditions were, you know?" He asked her.

"Well, I do not really care about what your conditions are as long as I get the opportunity to work you, I can accept all conditions" she responded.

She was not the type of person who would get scared because they were given conditions of what to do and what not to do after all she had spent almost all her life living up to people's rules and conditions.

She chuckled and he smiled.

"Firstly, you must not take any decisions your self.

Secondly, I will be your boss in this game, all you have to do is merely carry out the tasks.

Thirdly, you must let me know every thing you are working on, which means I can not be left in the dark." He listed out to her.

After a while she nodded her head "I can not risk any of that Mr Jisaan, you have my word" she responded.

"if I ever get to find out that you work behind my back, I think you should ask around about who I am and what I do to people who mess with me then you will know your fate" he added.

Alexandra stood up and walked towards him as she board a smile all over her face.... deceitful.

"I have not met any one as worse as Gavriel, I have successfully worked for him till when his secretary made a fool of me,I have endured all his shits and I am still here. It means I can stand any one" she said as she slightly bowed her head.

"you seemed proud of your self" Jisaan said, all he knew was that working with this lady was sure going to work out and he was going to make sure of that, she was smart.

"It takes a whole lot to be proud, right now I am an empty woman. A woman with no hopes and no womb, I am more useless than an insane person, I have nothing to live up to and I do not mind loosing my life to this, all I ever wanted was to survive this cruel world.... there was no job offers, becoming a stripper and working for brothels helped me with what I want, I survived from that means until Gavriel choose to destroy the one little life I was trying so hard to pick the pieces of. No one would ever let him go if they were in my shoes and I do not care about how people see me" she explained calmly, she was never like this.. she always wanted a peaceful life.

"Mr Jisaan, I just want you to know that any one who gets on contact with Mr Gavriel never remain the same, that person will totally change from who they used to be because they have been hurt so bad and I can point out that they are all coming for him, he will have no where to run to" she added as she pressed her lips together into a slight frown.

Veins throbbed in Jisaan's neck, he clearly understood what she meant, he was also a victim who came across Gavriel.

He knew he was a perfect example because he was never like this, he just could not bare to keep on holding on to the hurt he was feeling, this woman in front of him was clearly right when she said that any one who comes across him changes in ways that they never expected as well just so that they can prove who wrong they have been treated in their own way.

"We would not regret working as a team I promise, it will worth it" she said giving the realest smile she could ever have bored.

"I hope so as well, sit let us talk" Jisaan said as he strode back to the couch and sat down.

"Alright" Alexandra responded as she sat down as well.

"I am sure that you already have some thing up your sleeve" he said as he cocked his head towards her.

She smiled "some thing big that will hit him hard" she responded.

"So what do you want from me then?" Jisaan asked her.

He was a fast thinker, if she already had some thing up on her sleeve then what do she want from him then, he felt sorry for her after she told him her story but that did not mean that he trusted her. He trusted no one.

He looked at her as she smirked "money and power" she responded as Jisaan's eyes widened.

"You want what?" He asked her again.

"Once I strike, I go not have the resources to get in, so I need money and power to do that" she responded.

"Now, tell me what you are up to like I said you must not keep any thing from me" he said.

"Yes I would not dare to do that but you have to promise me that you will give me what I desire" she asked of him nicely.

Jisaan took a deep breath as he glared at the lady in front of him, he must have underestimated her.

The money and power was not a problem, as long as it went to wrecking Gavriel he would invest all he has just doing it. 

"Then that is a deal" he said smiling.


Tina shrugs as he adjusts her self, slowly she opened her eyes.

Seeing the blanket which was over her, she wondered who would cover her up, she turned her and stared at Gavriel who was sleeping peacefully.

No other person would cover her with a blanket if not him..

"I do not have any idea what you are planning to do but I would not allow you get to me easily.... in as much as I do not want to do it but I have no other choice, I need to see how far you can go to get me back" she said quietly.

She sighed as she wondered when the plane was going to land, she was sure that she had slept for three hours straight.

She could not take her eyes of Gavriel, she wondered if he had really lacked sleep because the dark circles under his eyes was so clear. 

Steadily she release her hand from the blanket, she could feel her hand shievered as she took it closer to his face, finally she rested her hand on his face caressing softly.

She clearly remembered the last time when she did this, it did not end so well, but she could not stop her self even when she tried to.

Steadily she moved her hand to his hair, he had not cut it yet so it was over growing past his shoulders, he was never like this "does he really mean what he say? Is he really sorry? Lorenzo has been nice to me all this while and I need to know why I am here and what this journey all about" she said to her self.

As soon as she wanted to withdraw her hand from his head, she saw his eyes opened and immediately she felt her hand glued to his hair, their eyes met but this time she was not scared.

But she felt her heart beat faster making her shut her eyes as she tried to normalize her breathing.

Slowly she removed her hand from his head "I am sorry, some thing was stuck on your hair so I tried to get it off" she lied because she had no other choice, she did not want his to know how gullible she was. 

"You do not have to apologize" Gavriel said as he scratched his beards.

He knew that she was lying and her feelings for him still lingered around within her.

"You do not have to act nice to me you know..... I already know what type of man you are so it makes no difference" she sad calmly as she removed the blanket which was still on her.

"This! Thank you but you also do not have to do this because it would not change any thing" she said as she placed the blanket on him and rested her head on the head rest.

She took a deep breathe while she wondered when the flight will be over, she could not remember how many hours it took them when they were coming because she had slept almost through the flight.

It just seemed like she had to wait until when ever the plane decides to land.

She could see Gavriel stare at her from the corner of her eyes and it made her less uncomfortable to her greatest surprise.

She had lived with him for almost three months so she knew him so well, he was just trying to win her over again and then he might kill her next.

That was not what she sighed up for and that was not her fate, she placed her hand over her lips as she yawned and slowly shut her eyes hoping to drift off to the wonder land, sleeping peacefully until when ever. 

She felt a hand which covered hers, and she quickly opened her eyes as she looked at the hand- it belonged to Gavriel.

"Why??" She asked.

He blinked his eyes as he took a deep breath, squeezing her hands " I know that I do not have any right to tell you this neither are you interested in hearing me out but.... I am really sorry, truly sorry, remembering all you had went through in my hands kept on tormenting me and I could not bear it, I have been lacking sleep lately and then I have a bigger problem but that would not stop me from apologizing to you, I will keep on apologizing until you forgive me, I will do any thing you want me to do as long as you forgive me, I am truly sorry if you also feel that I took you away from Lorenzo, it was not my intention but I was not happy seeing both of you together knowing that he took care of you so well in just a week, I mean it was some thing I could do as well but I did the opposite and it hurt me more" he said not minding how vurnurable he looked.

He just needed to clear his mind and that was going to happen if and if only he spoke his mind to her.

"I know you hate me so much now"